Andy Thomas and Lawrence Gardner
Caz | 28.08.2009 09:59 | Analysis | Globalisation | Health | World
Andy Thomas and Lawrence Gardner work together, and Andy Thomas passes on curious messages at particular moments.
Andy Thomas and Laurence Gardner.
Andy Thomas writes a book 'Swirling Harvest' which has a foreward written by Lawrence Gardner.
Also, it seems Andy Thomas consults Laurence Gardner about crop circles:
Andy Thomas, in his book Swirled Harvest, (1) describes a mysterious white powder that was deposited in a newly laid crop circle in Sompting, West Sussex on 23 June, 2002. Preliminary analysis of the white powder revealed that its main constituents were a very finely grained form of silica as well as lime. Sir Laurence Gardner, when consulted, was of the opinion that this powder was 'white powder gold', known to ancient alchemists for its mysterious life-enhancing properties.
Andy Thomas and Lawrence Gardner are therefore connected.
Lawrence Gardner has very interesting connections.
According to the editorial reviews on regarding his book 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail': Laurence Gardner is 'Fellow if the Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland'.
'About the Author: he is 'Fellow of the Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland'. Formally appointed to the Noble Order of the Guard of St.Germain (founded in 1692 by King James VII of Scots and ratified by King Louis XIV of France), he is distinguished as le Chevalier de St Germain'.
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland , patron the Queen.
Laurence Gardner is also said to be the Presidential Attache of the European Council of Princes:
The Dragon Court is directly linked to the European Council of Princes - the political body of the European Grail families, who participated in the formation of the New World Order think-tank “The Bilderberg Group”. Sir Laurence Gardner is both Chancellor of the Dragon Court and Presidential Attache to the Council of Princes. By their own admission, the Council of Princes was supported by the CIA in their fight against global communism. However, the Princes did not fight communism in order to restore democracy, but in order to reclaim their birthright as natural rulers within a feudal system that caused so much suffering to the Russian people prior to their revolution of 1917.
Prince Michael of Albany is said to be the President of the European Council of Princes:
The present Stuart heir to the British throne is Prince Michael of Albany who resides out of the public eye in Edinburgh, but who is nevertheless the Scottish representative of a little known organisation called the European Council of Princes.
Although according to this he resides in Belguim:
Photo here of Laurence Gardner with Prince Michael of Albany and Bishops of the Celtic Church
Lawrence Gardner here at Skull and Bones:
Earlier in 2000, Yale's Skull and Bones secret society featured Sir Laurence Gardner as a guest speaker.
Gardner's historical writings have recently been approved and sanctioned by the British Royal Family's invitation for him to join the House of Windsor's Society of Antiquaries, the oldest antiquarian society in the world that was constituted by King George III. Or maybe it is Gardner's extensive knowledge of Witchcraft that caught the eye of the "Royal Windsor Coven", as De Vere refers to them in his essays - "During the late 70's and early 80's a series of privately published papers was circulated with material that originated from the Royal Windsor Coven, with damning criticism of so-called initiatory witchcraft, and emphatically asserted that the only genuine valid form of witchcraft was passed down through the blood". No doubt the rise of right-wing Conservativism in the 1980's was matched by an equal rise in Occultism and Witchcraft.
Now, that may not be much in itself, but Andy Thomas (for whose book Lawrence Gardner writes a foreward, and whom Andy Thomas consults) has a habit of passing messages to people, which basically has the effect of silencing them.
From the 911forum with respect to the unexpected death of Paul Vigay.
'Andy Thomas reported that Paul had had a bust-up with his girlfriend/partner that fateful night. Appears to have been a history of manic depression which understandably family don't want to talk about that right now. Not the first bust-up either. No way of verifying this but important to understand that there appears to have been some history here.'
Of course not, they don't want you to go 'verifying'.
And now Andy Thomas is passing on more messages.
He has helpfully contacted Norman Baker...who has sent a helpful message to Andy Thomas, to be widely distributed, which says nothing at all.
From the 911forum: (parenthesis mine)
Helpful letter sent by Lib Dem MP for Lewes, Norman Baker, to Andy Thomas as a reply to his questions about proposed compulsary swine flu vaccination. Norman has given permission for this to be widely distributed.
Dear Andy,
Thank you for taking the time to contact my office with regards to mandatory vaccinations in light of the Swine Flu pandemic. I had my caseworker speak to the House of Commons specialist, Dr Gavin Colthart, about this and I can now respond to the questions you raised.
Dr Colthart stated explicitly that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has no power to overrule sovereign laws and enforce a mandatory vaccination programme for any country. He added that part of the WHO’s success has been the fact that it is merely an advisory body and, while pressure can be exerted in the form of disapproval from other countries, if one country decides not to implement its recommendations, there is nothing to force a country to conform with the views [I thought this was about power and soverign laws,not views] that the WHO holds.
With regards to the government implementing compulsory vaccinations, Dr Colthart stated that this may be possible. [I guess they are thinking about it then].However, the Human Rights Act and further protections under the Universal Direction of Human Rights would probably prevent such a policy being successfully pursued. What is more likely, although still very unlikely, is that the government could, potentially, impose restrictions on the movement of those who refused vaccination, such as preventing them from attending schools or public events.
The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 outlines the government’s ability to create emergency powers and “allows for the making of temporary special legislation (emergency regulations) to help deal with the most serious of emergencies”. The Act does have far reaching powers. However, they would be subject to Parliamentary approval, and I can assure you that I, for one, would oppose proposals which aimed to, in all words, make vaccinations compulsory. I suspect that my Lib Dem colleagues would also share this view. [do they? he should know, and if he does not know, then he should not speculate, this is speculation].
If such a law passed, initially, there would be no rights to resist it as it would be law. However, it would be my assumption that a case would be brought by an individual fairly swiftly to the courts on the basis of violations of human rights. Whether such a case would succeed is not something I could speculate on [here, however, he prefers not to speculate], although I would have thought that there would be some strong public support for the individual and I would think that the case would be fairly strong in regards to a violation of human rights.
I hope that this is helpful.
Yours sincerely
Norman Baker MP
OF COURSE they want this spread far and wide. It's an inconsequential distraction.
The two faces of Norman Foster:
In last week's PR Week, there was an article headlined 'MPs call for 'enforceable' lobbying code of ethics'. Five MPs have signed a parliamentary motion calling for tougher regulation of the lobbying industry, including the LibDem Transport Spokesman Norman Baker. The EDM states:
'That this House notes the strong public cynicism about the influence of corporate lobbyists on British politics; that individuals and organisations which engage in lobbying activities are able to do so effectively hidden from public scrutiny.'
Surprising then for a friend of mine to receive the attached letter from Norman Baker himself, offering a "small private dinner" with the frontbench Lib Dem transport team. He was told that "tickets for the dinner are extremely limited", and that the party's new transport policy paper would be discussed. This does not appear to be advertised widely, just hand-picked lobbyists from the transport sector. So much for transparency!
In the following Norman Foster is quoted as saying 'we are talking from the poor and giving to the rich'
Perhaps he could have had a word with his Lib Dem colleagues who were under party whip (as I understand it) to support the building of the hellish ARK Academy in Brent, sponsored by the rich. So, I don't think much of his Lib Dem colleagues, nor his speculation as to whether they share his views or not. Also, the corrupt Paul Marshall donates to the Liberal Democrats.
We have Norman Foster (of two faces) linked to Andy Thomas, linked to Lawrence Gardner, linked to the Council of Princes, linked to the CIA.
(Andy Thomas, 'Truther' at the Alternative View: )
The reality with respect to the 'swine flu' 'pandemic': (International Swine Flu Conference so important it is reported NOWHERE.) (World Health Organisation changes definition of 'pandemic' in 2003 to enable forced vaccinations) (Updated info. on the forced vaccinations story in the main stream media).
Andy Thomas writes a book 'Swirling Harvest' which has a foreward written by Lawrence Gardner.

Also, it seems Andy Thomas consults Laurence Gardner about crop circles:

Andy Thomas, in his book Swirled Harvest, (1) describes a mysterious white powder that was deposited in a newly laid crop circle in Sompting, West Sussex on 23 June, 2002. Preliminary analysis of the white powder revealed that its main constituents were a very finely grained form of silica as well as lime. Sir Laurence Gardner, when consulted, was of the opinion that this powder was 'white powder gold', known to ancient alchemists for its mysterious life-enhancing properties.
Andy Thomas and Lawrence Gardner are therefore connected.
Lawrence Gardner has very interesting connections.
According to the editorial reviews on regarding his book 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail': Laurence Gardner is 'Fellow if the Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland'.

'About the Author: he is 'Fellow of the Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland'. Formally appointed to the Noble Order of the Guard of St.Germain (founded in 1692 by King James VII of Scots and ratified by King Louis XIV of France), he is distinguished as le Chevalier de St Germain'.
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland , patron the Queen.
Laurence Gardner is also said to be the Presidential Attache of the European Council of Princes:

The Dragon Court is directly linked to the European Council of Princes - the political body of the European Grail families, who participated in the formation of the New World Order think-tank “The Bilderberg Group”. Sir Laurence Gardner is both Chancellor of the Dragon Court and Presidential Attache to the Council of Princes. By their own admission, the Council of Princes was supported by the CIA in their fight against global communism. However, the Princes did not fight communism in order to restore democracy, but in order to reclaim their birthright as natural rulers within a feudal system that caused so much suffering to the Russian people prior to their revolution of 1917.
Prince Michael of Albany is said to be the President of the European Council of Princes:

The present Stuart heir to the British throne is Prince Michael of Albany who resides out of the public eye in Edinburgh, but who is nevertheless the Scottish representative of a little known organisation called the European Council of Princes.
Although according to this he resides in Belguim:

Photo here of Laurence Gardner with Prince Michael of Albany and Bishops of the Celtic Church
Lawrence Gardner here at Skull and Bones:

Earlier in 2000, Yale's Skull and Bones secret society featured Sir Laurence Gardner as a guest speaker.
Gardner's historical writings have recently been approved and sanctioned by the British Royal Family's invitation for him to join the House of Windsor's Society of Antiquaries, the oldest antiquarian society in the world that was constituted by King George III. Or maybe it is Gardner's extensive knowledge of Witchcraft that caught the eye of the "Royal Windsor Coven", as De Vere refers to them in his essays - "During the late 70's and early 80's a series of privately published papers was circulated with material that originated from the Royal Windsor Coven, with damning criticism of so-called initiatory witchcraft, and emphatically asserted that the only genuine valid form of witchcraft was passed down through the blood". No doubt the rise of right-wing Conservativism in the 1980's was matched by an equal rise in Occultism and Witchcraft.
Now, that may not be much in itself, but Andy Thomas (for whose book Lawrence Gardner writes a foreward, and whom Andy Thomas consults) has a habit of passing messages to people, which basically has the effect of silencing them.
From the 911forum with respect to the unexpected death of Paul Vigay.

'Andy Thomas reported that Paul had had a bust-up with his girlfriend/partner that fateful night. Appears to have been a history of manic depression which understandably family don't want to talk about that right now. Not the first bust-up either. No way of verifying this but important to understand that there appears to have been some history here.'
Of course not, they don't want you to go 'verifying'.
And now Andy Thomas is passing on more messages.
He has helpfully contacted Norman Baker...who has sent a helpful message to Andy Thomas, to be widely distributed, which says nothing at all.
From the 911forum: (parenthesis mine)

Helpful letter sent by Lib Dem MP for Lewes, Norman Baker, to Andy Thomas as a reply to his questions about proposed compulsary swine flu vaccination. Norman has given permission for this to be widely distributed.
Dear Andy,
Thank you for taking the time to contact my office with regards to mandatory vaccinations in light of the Swine Flu pandemic. I had my caseworker speak to the House of Commons specialist, Dr Gavin Colthart, about this and I can now respond to the questions you raised.
Dr Colthart stated explicitly that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has no power to overrule sovereign laws and enforce a mandatory vaccination programme for any country. He added that part of the WHO’s success has been the fact that it is merely an advisory body and, while pressure can be exerted in the form of disapproval from other countries, if one country decides not to implement its recommendations, there is nothing to force a country to conform with the views [I thought this was about power and soverign laws,not views] that the WHO holds.
With regards to the government implementing compulsory vaccinations, Dr Colthart stated that this may be possible. [I guess they are thinking about it then].However, the Human Rights Act and further protections under the Universal Direction of Human Rights would probably prevent such a policy being successfully pursued. What is more likely, although still very unlikely, is that the government could, potentially, impose restrictions on the movement of those who refused vaccination, such as preventing them from attending schools or public events.
The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 outlines the government’s ability to create emergency powers and “allows for the making of temporary special legislation (emergency regulations) to help deal with the most serious of emergencies”. The Act does have far reaching powers. However, they would be subject to Parliamentary approval, and I can assure you that I, for one, would oppose proposals which aimed to, in all words, make vaccinations compulsory. I suspect that my Lib Dem colleagues would also share this view. [do they? he should know, and if he does not know, then he should not speculate, this is speculation].
If such a law passed, initially, there would be no rights to resist it as it would be law. However, it would be my assumption that a case would be brought by an individual fairly swiftly to the courts on the basis of violations of human rights. Whether such a case would succeed is not something I could speculate on [here, however, he prefers not to speculate], although I would have thought that there would be some strong public support for the individual and I would think that the case would be fairly strong in regards to a violation of human rights.
I hope that this is helpful.
Yours sincerely
Norman Baker MP
OF COURSE they want this spread far and wide. It's an inconsequential distraction.
The two faces of Norman Foster:

In last week's PR Week, there was an article headlined 'MPs call for 'enforceable' lobbying code of ethics'. Five MPs have signed a parliamentary motion calling for tougher regulation of the lobbying industry, including the LibDem Transport Spokesman Norman Baker. The EDM states:
'That this House notes the strong public cynicism about the influence of corporate lobbyists on British politics; that individuals and organisations which engage in lobbying activities are able to do so effectively hidden from public scrutiny.'
Surprising then for a friend of mine to receive the attached letter from Norman Baker himself, offering a "small private dinner" with the frontbench Lib Dem transport team. He was told that "tickets for the dinner are extremely limited", and that the party's new transport policy paper would be discussed. This does not appear to be advertised widely, just hand-picked lobbyists from the transport sector. So much for transparency!
In the following Norman Foster is quoted as saying 'we are talking from the poor and giving to the rich'

Perhaps he could have had a word with his Lib Dem colleagues who were under party whip (as I understand it) to support the building of the hellish ARK Academy in Brent, sponsored by the rich. So, I don't think much of his Lib Dem colleagues, nor his speculation as to whether they share his views or not. Also, the corrupt Paul Marshall donates to the Liberal Democrats.
We have Norman Foster (of two faces) linked to Andy Thomas, linked to Lawrence Gardner, linked to the Council of Princes, linked to the CIA.
(Andy Thomas, 'Truther' at the Alternative View:

The reality with respect to the 'swine flu' 'pandemic':

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