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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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RWE Fuck Off & Die! [Lignite/Brown Coal Protest] (Germany)

10-10-2013 16:19

Yesterday (Wed, 09.Oct.2013) energy giant RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk AG) used the bailiffs of the system to break down the protective appliances in the squatted HAMBACH FOREST - we suspect an eviction to be imminent!
This is a call out to everyone interested: Join the resistance in the Rhineland - you anarchists, eco-activists, wrong-doers, revolutionaries and everyone else, join the struggle - NOW!

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The Grandparents strike again

08-10-2013 10:54

OAPs occupy the Bristol RBS offices in protest at the banks ongoing investment in the fossil fuel industry.

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Fracking off Cuadrilla

06-10-2013 23:36

This seems to have gone unreported here. Might be of interest to some...

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Dissident Island Radio - the HEMP SPECIAL! - episode 127 - 4 Oct '13

05-10-2013 11:00

Have a listen to the latest Dissident Island Radio show - all about HEMP!

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Carbon Capital Speaker Tour: London leg

02-10-2013 11:39

Banks, hedge funds and pension funds based in Britain are bankrolling the extraction of fossil fuels all over the world. Many of these dirty energy projects are wrecking communities and fuelling climate change while doing nothing to increase energy access for local people. Join us to demand energy justice.

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Carbon Capital Speaker Tour

02-10-2013 11:34

Banks, hedge funds and pension funds based in Britain are bankrolling the extraction of fossil fuels all over the world. Many of these dirty energy projects are wrecking communities and fuelling climate change while doing nothing to increase energy access for local people. Join us to demand energy justice.

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September London Critical Mass Bike Ride - report n pics

28-09-2013 17:32

Regent Street full of bikes
A dry September Friday saw around 600 cyclists take to the London streets for the customary end of month ‘Critical Mass’ bicycle ride.

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BBC News is crap

27-09-2013 14:16

The BBC is completely failing in its responsibility to educate and inform the public, particularly when it comes to the vital issue of human induced climate change. Here is a concrete example.

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UG#663 - Geoengineering for Fun and Profit (One Technofix To Rule Them All?)

24-09-2013 15:35

150 episodes on from our first show on geoengineering, we return to the topic with a pair of recent speeches from academics. In our second hour, an hour long speech by Clive Hamilton, author of "Earthmasters - Playing God with the climate". To set the scene we begin with a recent talk on education by professor Stephen Gough.

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Extreme Rain & Climate Collapse

22-09-2013 05:58

Remember the UK floods, plus Germany and Eastern Europe? Now extreme rainfall events have hit Asia and the U.S. In Colorado, one year's worth of rain fell in 24 hours. Carolyn Baker reports from Boulder. Could these repeated hits take down the economy world-wide? Radio Ecoshock 130925

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Fracking, Coal and Planning: The Story Of Westfield

14-09-2013 17:35

Ed Davey the Sec of State for Energy and Climate Change has argued that with a robust regulatory and planning system there will not be environmental damage from Fracking. Here, this view is challenged, by using an example of environmental damage caused by opencast mining at the Westfield site in Fife. This example demonstrates how impotent the planning system is when systems of control break down

This press release from The Loose Anti Opencast Network, about what is currently happening in Scotland, where company bankruptcies have left up to 25 un-restored opencast mines, including Westfield, the subject of a recently published LAON report

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Trial of anti-road protestor Emily Johns

11-09-2013 20:33

Trial of anti-road protestor - and Combe Haven Defenders - Emily Johns, arrested during Operation Disclosure in April:

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Climate & Fukushima Round Up

11-09-2013 19:18

Where Are We Really? Radio Ecoshock returns. Analysis of climate by Paul Beckwith, U of Ottawa. Arnie Gundersen updates Fukushima leaks and radioactive plume in the Pacific. Radio Ecoshock 130911 1 hour.

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Threat to Balcombe Camp

09-09-2013 18:12

Balcombe Community Protection Camp has been given a letter by West Sussex Council demanding they to leave by 9am tomorrow morning or the council will start legal proceedings to get them removed. See photo. This is not a court order but there is no guarantee that the Police will not try something tomorrow. Please go down if you can esp legal observers/cameras

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LCC ‘Space for Cycling’ protest ride attracts 1000s – report & pic

02-09-2013 22:39

On the evening of a Commons debate on cycling, roads around Westminster were brought to standstill during the rush hour as 1000s of cyclists took part in a London Cycling Campaign protest ride.

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Aberthaw Power Station Tree Felling for Biomass?

02-09-2013 19:36

We were recently told about the stockpile of thousands of felled trees that Aberthaw are now using for the purpose of their Biomass attempt - but where are the trees from?

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August Critical Mass bike ride – report & pics

30-08-2013 22:53

the youngest masser?
With overcast but warm weather, tonight’s Critical Mass ride in London attracted around 600 at the start, with more joining along the route, including a samba band on rickshaws.

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Imminent Suicide of a Morbid Empire

30-08-2013 14:16

The arrangement put into place by the planet is childishly simple to understand: With the possible extinction of the species from environmental degradation delayed just enough to encircle all living generations between causes and consequences, the conflict theory of immediate extinction is being turned inside out: The threat of extinction no longer is like an item that goes to the highest bidder. It is more like doing a bidding for an item that is not for sale. When the only visible parts of such threats are the projections made to assert their conditions, they can hide under the umbrella of delayed extinction until it is too late: If the next generation already might inherit an uninhabitable planet, then why change the ways of this one? And yet, more efforts are being wasted to attempt to rule over the present than used to adapt to the future. In the Anarchic world capable to survive the shocks to be expected from a pillaged ecosystem, the accumulation of power is a suicidal act equivalent to the construction of megalomaniac architecture set to collapse under its own weight. This is the case with the American military-industrial complex, and the cause of the ongoing distraction in form of the warmongering against Syria. Only as a symptom of failure to adapt to the changed circumstances the looming imperialist aggression can be explained.

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28 Days Later: Please spread far and wide

29-08-2013 22:57

A Rolling Blockade of the Balcombe fracking site, 1st September – 28th September

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Obama Not Fighting Forest Fires.. No $.. Because Of Causing Fires Elsewhere

22-08-2013 14:59

Bush 1, Bush 2, and Obama have let the Western US burn with insufficient firefighting.
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