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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Eco-warriors propose turning St Paul's Cathedral into Extinction Eco-Village

27-01-2012 23:35

With eviction at St Paul's protest camp apparently imminent some of the eco-warriors are proposing that the anti-capitalist protesters should take sanctuary inside the cathedral and transform it into the Extinction Eco-village to avoid being violently attacked by the police.

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Do you want to help stop the world’s most destructive project?

27-01-2012 17:15

UK Tar Sands Network is looking for a volunteer to join our small Oxford-based team. You would help us with a range of activities, including organising protests and campaign events, keeping our website and social media up to date, public education, outreach and network-building, and some day-to-day administrative tasks that help keep the show on the road.

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Eco-warriors are appealing against St Paul's protest camp eviction

27-01-2012 15:35

Occupy London and the eco-warriors are in the Court of Appeal RIGHT NOW applying for a stay of execution on the order to evict St Paul's protest camp and we have until 4pm to get an injunction otherwise the eviction can legally begin almost immediately.

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Occupy the High Court to support the St Paul's Cathedral protest camp

26-01-2012 12:15

Eco-warriors are calling on large numbers of people to occupy the High Court and apply to the judges in chambers for a stay of execution on the imminent eviction of the St Paul's protest camp.
Grounds for a retrial are the fact that some defendants were refused admission to the court to hear their own case, the land is not a public highway and does not belong to the City of London but was originally gifted to the Church of England, and the City of London is a criminal organisation which is not entitled to possession of the site.

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Stay of Execution Sought for St Paul's Protest Camp

25-01-2012 18:20

Urgent messages proposing that a stay of execution for the St Paul's protest camp should be sought tonight from the emergency High Court duty judge have been forwarded to some of the eco-warriors camped outside the Cathedral.
The High Court in the Strand in London has a procedure which is available to all defendants in court cases to seek emergency injunctions and stays of execution on court orders from 7 o'clock at night until 10 in the morning and all through the weekends.

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Please Help Stop the Eviction of St Paul's Protest Camp

25-01-2012 09:04

Desperate last minute efforts are being made to stop the IMMINENT EVICTION of the St Paul's protest camp as the eco-warriors are seeking an injunction on the grounds that the City of London Corporation LIED TO THE HIGH COURT about the ownership of the land.

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Coryton oil refinery to close

24-01-2012 19:36

People who followed the Coryton oil refinery blockade back in September 2010 will be interested to learn that Coryton's parent company has filed for bankruptcy meaning the refinery is set to be closed and hundreds of jobs are on the line.

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Road building in Shropshire

20-01-2012 17:35

Telford & Wrekin Council in Shropshire have just announced plans to build a link road from the M54 to the M6 northbound and the M6 Toll.

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The Brutal Logic of Climate Change

20-01-2012 15:57

Audio "The future is impossible" says Dr. Kevin Anderson, former Director of UK's top climate research institute, the Tyndall Centre. Speech in London lays out our awful tilt toward an unlivable climate. Followed by discussion with Washington's Dr. William Calvin.

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Proposed new London airport: Boris’s idea will never fly

20-01-2012 14:45

Wednesdays announcement that the government will hold a consultation in the spring on a new airport in the Thames Estuary, dubbed 'Boris Island' sparked a long day of media hysteria.

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Heavy Weather: SchNEWS ponders the climate of activism against extreme energy

15-01-2012 21:24

With deaths attributed to climate change now nearing an estimated 350,000 a year and with the annual COP17 UN climate talks just over, SchNEWS looks at the events of the last few years and assesses where we are heading.

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Demonstration in London in Solidarity with Bulgarian Anti-Fracking Protests

15-01-2012 13:23

Mass anti-shale gas protest in Sofia
Mass mobilisations against fracking in at least 12 cities in Bulgaria on Saturday brought thousands of people out onto the streets to protest against the plans to bring the practice of hydraulic fracturing for shale gas to the country. Solidarity demonstrations organised by Bulgarian expatriates were held in several other European cities including Paris, Copenhagen and London.

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14-01-2012 02:46

Direct Action against the 1%

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SchNEWS: Not In My Frack Yard

13-01-2012 20:40

Caudrilla execs left quaking in their boots after angry fracking meeing

The week saw two large public meetings on the fracking – the process of hydraulic fracturing for shale gas, one on either side of the Pond. The first took place in the old steel town of Youngstown, Ohio- held on Tuesday in the wake of a magnitude 4.0 earthquake, the latest in a series of 11 over the last 12 months. The earthquakes are linked to an injection well disposing of fracking fluid (a mix of groundwater and industrial chemicals). The second took place in the sleepy, extremely affluent commuter belt village of Balcombe, in Sussex, just north of the Ouse Valley Viaduct on the London to Brighton railway line. Cuadrilla Resources, made infamous by their earthquake producing facilities in Lancashire, have planning permission to drill a test well south of the village. The process has been compared to setting off a small nuclear bomb underground. Needless to say there are some ruffled feathers in well manicured lawns of this community.

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Climate May Force Human Evolution

10-01-2012 07:47

We journey into the deep past, to find the future, with Dr. Andrew Glikson, former Principal Research Scientist, for the Australian Geological Survey Organization. He's an expert on past extinction events, climate, and asteroid hits. Full length interview. Then neurobiologist Dr. William Calvin from Washington University, author of "Global Fever, How to Treat Climate Change" plus remarks by Dr. Colin Campbell.

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07-01-2012 15:06

Take the fight to the companies of the 1%, Shell to be blockaded in London 4th of Feb 2012

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The Crisis of Civilization January Screenings

06-01-2012 23:30

The Crisis of Civilization Poster by Abby Martin

Details of January screenings of The Crisis of Civilization: a documentary feature film investigating how global crises like ecological disaster, financial meltdown, dwindling oil reserves, terrorism and food shortages are converging symptoms of a single, failed global system.

We will be adding yet more screenings as they are confirmed, so keep an eye out for further details!

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Solar powered cinema in running for national award

05-01-2012 10:40

A solar powered cinema has been shortlisted to win an award this month. The Sol Cinema from Swansea is currently in competition with arts groups from across England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

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Oil Shock - The No Growth World

05-01-2012 00:25

The price of oil hits you at the pump, in your food bill, and everything you buy. What if you can't afford it? Radio Ecoshock 120104 Oil Shock the Post-Growth World with Jeff Rubin, Charles Maxwell from ASPO 2011 and interview with Italy's Ugo Bardi on climate change vs. peak oil.

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Green Music

20-12-2011 06:28

The annual Radio Ecoshock Green Music Festival. Best of eco-music, many you won't find on Itunes. Some sent in by listeners, or the artists, not on albums, etc. Playlist at Plus 2 new Occupy songs ( Makana and David Rovics). A little inspiration for the heart.
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