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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Oil spill at the Natural History Museum

03-02-2007 14:03

Climate activists splatter oil across photo exhibition in outrage at Shell greenwash tactics.

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Please help to stop deforestation biofuels

02-02-2007 19:46

Please send a letter against deforestation biofuels to the German Chancellor today and ask groups to sign an open letter to the EU to demand that biofuel targets are abandoned in order to protect rainforests and local communities in the global South.

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Environment minister pied as he tried to GreenWash the governments destructive e

02-02-2007 18:13

On 2 Febuary at around 3pm, a group of people under the guise of fictional company 'Greenwash & Co', did a satirical performance at a talk being given by the current UK minister for the environment, David Miliband, at Edinburgh University. The minister was then pied in the face by a lone pie-bearer in an unrelated incident.

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Planestupid activists target Travel Agents

02-02-2007 02:12

Across London, travel agents have been targeted for creative action by activists from the Planestupid network to coincide with the IPPC climate change report.

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Another depleted uranium train sparks protests in Germany and Russia

02-02-2007 00:05

Gronau, Germany, 1 February - - Another 1,000 tonnes of depleted uranium have left an enrichment plant here on a secret train, headed for Russia.

Anti-nuclear activists were able to find out the train’s departure times, triggering spontaneous protests at Germany’s only uranium enrichment plant, in Burgsteinfurt and in the main railway station of the nearby city of Münster.

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Manchester I bike Mcr festival:

01-02-2007 21:05

From 30th March to 20th April the I Bike MCR festival takes place in
Manchester. It is a grassroots festival organised by cyclists for cyclists
with diverse events that will entice any cyclist. From Bicycle Polo
classes and matches to Alleycat racing to a Bicycle Art Exhibition,
there's something for everyone.

Those involved in organising the event are cyclists from different walks
of life including cycling instructors, daily commuters, bicycle
messengers, Critical Mass advocacy group members and bicycle mechanics.

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Spring Into Action - A week of events on Climate Change, happening in Nottingham

01-02-2007 19:56

A week of workshops, events, music and action on climate change happening at different venues across Nottingham, from Thursday 5th – Wednesday 11th April 2007.

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welcome energy crisis

01-02-2007 11:05

15 points to break with oil addiction

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Labour Party juggles with recycling rate in run up to local election

31-01-2007 23:16

leaflet 01

The Labour party has put an interesting twist on their work on recycling in Nottingham. In a recent promotional leaflet the Nottingham Labour Party claims to be 'committed to the environment' and that they will be 'prioritising Recycling and Climate Change for future generations'. Even more interestingly is the claim by the leader of the City Council Jon Collins that Labour has made the recycling rate grow at a fast rate: 'we are now in the top 3 of the UK's top cities'. However in a recent independent survey released by the Government, Nottingham City Council came an embarrassing 339th out of 393 local authorities, with a combined recycling and composting rate of just 18.6 per cent for 2004-05, less that 3 per cent higher than the worst performing authority in the UK, which is Tower Hamlets.

One resident of Sneinton commented on a previous article: 'Here in Sneinton we have been pushing local decision makers to get us proper recycling but they say we can't get it until 2009 or something. There is no cardboard recycling and there is only one place to take the recycling. Interestingly enough, the bins, especially the ones for the cans are nearly always overly full. This shows that residents want to recycle, but are just not given the resources to do so properly. The council has a mounth-full of how good it is on recycling but doesn't provide us with the facilities to do so, even after having been from meeting to meeting for months asking them for it. Where's the will to really sort this out?'

Links: Nottingham City Council Recycling .. .... Bottom of the Class again! | The released recycling league table

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The Trebanos Five - "Ramblers" arrested on route of National Grids Pipeline

31-01-2007 21:46

This morning ( Wed 31-01-2007 ) five people were arrested on the public footpath running through the construction site in Trebanos, South Wales.

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The Problem With...Being Normal

31-01-2007 09:59

Here is a small confession : I don't consider myself to be normal. I wish I was. I strive to save energy, reduce the damage I do to the planet and work hard to think of solutions to our environmental crisis. That is not normal. If it was, then I could probably carry on living with few cares in the world - except maybe what will happen to my children when they become teenagers!

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Irish Embassy protest against Shell Hell

31-01-2007 01:28

Video and original press release of the Tuesday morning action against the London Irish Embassy.

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URBAN 4X4s: Not Safe. Not Clean. Not Cool.

30-01-2007 20:20

The Bristol Alliance Against Urban 4x4s celebrated its launch on Saturday

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Protests at Irish embassy in Lond against Shell's hell in north west Ireland

30-01-2007 15:03

Samba and rope access skills
Man climbed outside of Irish embassy in London in protest over the Irish government's collusion with Shell's hellish activities in Norht West Ireland

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Rossport Solidarity Rolling Shell Blockade

30-01-2007 11:00

Rhythms of Resistance Samba band and London Rising Tide blockaded two Shell garages in London in support of the Rossport campaign against Shell last week.

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Tasmanian logging protest movies online

30-01-2007 03:27

Please follow this link to watch a collection of movies from logging protests in Southern Tasmania:

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Save Radley Lakes From NPower

29-01-2007 19:02

Npower plan to fill this amazing lake with PFA (Pulverized Fuel Ash)

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Indonesian NGO protests European Biofuel Plans

29-01-2007 13:58

Sawit Watch, an organisation which represents communities and workers affected by oil palm plantations in Indonesia, has written an open letter to politicians and citizens in Europe against plans to increase the use of palm oil for biofuels. They warn that palm oil expansion for biofuels will lead to more global warming, social conflicts and human rights abuses.

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New Rising Tide Group Starting Up in Norwich

28-01-2007 19:22

Tired of watching politicians and corporations screw up the planet? Think that endless economic growth is at the heart of the climate crisis? Uninspired by sending £3 to Charity X, but not sure where to put your energy? Want to help build just, sustainable solutions here and now? Then come to the first meeting of Norwich Rising Tide!

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Happy Days In Brecon Beacons

27-01-2007 19:30

The tree camp site in Brecon is gaining a LOT of local support. It's in a beautiful setting, and is quite sheltered!
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