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Tasmanian logging protest movies online

Huon Valley Environment Centre | 30.01.2007 03:27 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | World

Please follow this link to watch a collection of movies from logging protests in Southern Tasmania:

The collection goes for an hour and can be watched online or downloaded.
1st movie: helicopter flyer-over of the lower Weld Valley area, threatened by industrial logging.
2nd movie: Come To Camp Weld - made before the destruction of the Weld Ark protest camp.
3rd movie: Whatever You Love You Are - the campaign to protect Tasmania's southern forests. Includes footage (towards the beginning) from Peck Firth's record breaking 55 day stay up in a tree sit in the Styx Valley (in the snow, with trees falling around him, and then being picked out by a helicopter). Also includes footage from Upper Florentine and lower Weld Valley protests.

More info:

Huon Valley Environment Centre
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


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  1. corporate rape of Tasmania — augustine