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Tasmanian logging protest movies online

Huon Valley Environment Centre | 30.01.2007 03:27 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | World

Please follow this link to watch a collection of movies from logging protests in Southern Tasmania:

The collection goes for an hour and can be watched online or downloaded.
1st movie: helicopter flyer-over of the lower Weld Valley area, threatened by industrial logging.
2nd movie: Come To Camp Weld - made before the destruction of the Weld Ark protest camp.
3rd movie: Whatever You Love You Are - the campaign to protect Tasmania's southern forests. Includes footage (towards the beginning) from Peck Firth's record breaking 55 day stay up in a tree sit in the Styx Valley (in the snow, with trees falling around him, and then being picked out by a helicopter). Also includes footage from Upper Florentine and lower Weld Valley protests.

More info:

Huon Valley Environment Centre
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corporate rape of Tasmania

30.01.2007 06:16

the rape of Tasmania by corporations proceeds in a frenzy.
Tasmania is a like a young woman in a room with power-crazy men.
they'll get what they want, throw her in the gutter, and look for someone else.

capitalism is a slut, in every respect, and corporations are her clients.
she hates competitors, and has to destroy them.
by using her clients for her own ends.
and the more she smells, the more clients she attracts.

free martin bryant - and give him a nuke
