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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Power to the People, over power for the some people using palm oil.

26-02-2010 16:28

Bristol City Council offices
Around 70 protestors joined a banner demonstration outside Bristol City Council offices against W4B’s plans to build a biofuel power station in Avonmouth. This could use 90,000 tonnes of palm oil a year and this would mean 22,000 of additional plantation mono-culture green deserts

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Oil spill threatens 'ecological disaster' in Italy

26-02-2010 01:19

An oil spill that fouled a small river in northern Italy reached the Po River on Wednesday, with officials warning of an ecological disaster as they scrambled to contain the sludge before it contaminated Italy's longest and most important river.

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Lydd Air exansion- what YOU can do before council decision- 3/3

25-02-2010 15:20

Below is some further info for those mainly OUTSIDE the Shepway District area. (Folkestone, Hythe and Romney Marsh) against the expansion plans of tiny Lydd Airport of Romney Marsh

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Dissident Island Radio - check out the show

25-02-2010 12:25

Check out the 53rd episode of Dissident Island Radio, broadcast live on 19 February 2010...

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Lydd airport-Romney Marsh) planning decision March 3

24-02-2010 17:30

Notice of the full council meeting (Shepway District) to determine whether Lydd Airport on Romney Marsh should be given the go ahead to expand.
The last survey showed public 3 to 1 against this which appears to have remained fairly solid. However SDC may go for the 'jobs' argument. If they pass it, despite officers objections, it will have to be pushed to a Public Inquiry. (Airport may appeal if SDC reject it-again to a PI)

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RBS attacked with rocks & fire over Tar Sands project

24-02-2010 12:55

In the early hours of Tuesday 23rd February 2010, anarchists attacked the Royal Bank of Scotland HQ in the heart of developing Bristol, UK.

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Tar Sands Oil-ympics – Pix-&-Vidz – Sat 13 Feb 10

23-02-2010 16:21

A1. Two Penguins – Back & White & Well-Read All Over
Dateline: Trafalgar Square, London, UK, 12:00-13:30, Sat 13 Feb 10 – On the opening day of the Winter Olympics in Canada, around 50 folk mobilised by the UK Tar Sands Network and London Rising Tide partook of sporting events of a sharper, more satirical sort: The Canadian Tar Sands Oil-ympics. With Canada House as a backdrop, among the Canadian-state-funded ballyhoo of big screen live feeds and 5-ring ice sculptures, we staged tug-o-war, relay race and street curling events to help highlight the biggest single industrial climate crime on Earth: the Canadian-state-backed toxic rape of tar sands deposits in Alberta, and the consequent death wave decimating the boreal forest, its flora, fauna, water courses and indigenous First Nations people.

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Warning regarding new Greenpeace International's climate change director

23-02-2010 15:45

Greenpeace International have hired pro-corporate Tzeporah Berman as climate change and energy director.

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REEL NEWS night at The Spotted Dog, 104 Warwick St, Digbeth

23-02-2010 11:21

Reel News night
Reel News - a political documentary collective providing up to date news from the frontline.

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GATES OF DELUSION: Media Distortions And +Real+ Climate Scandals

22-02-2010 19:49

Since November last year, the public has been bombarded with the story of stolen emails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, revealing a supposed "scandal" of scientific malpractice, stupidly and lazily named "climategate". Further media frenzy erupted over an erroneous Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change statement that 80 per cent of Himalayan glacier area would very likely be gone by 2035. Other climate-related storms in a teacup have been appearing in the corporate media almost on a daily basis. This nonsense is distracting attention from a mountain of evidence that human-induced climate change is accelerating and poses a deadly threat to civilisation.

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Local Democracy Dumped! - Sizewell nuclear plant blockaded again

22-02-2010 09:22

Sizewell blockaded again, in the rain (credit: M. Harrison)
As government ends flawed consultation on nuclear power, anti-nuclear power activists step up resistance and blockade Sizewell nuclear power station in Suffolk, England.

Since 6.40am this morning, anti-nuclear power activists from the 'People Power not Nuclear Power Coalition' [1] have been blockading Sizewell power station in protest against the flawed government consultation on nuclear new build, which ends today, and the dumping of local democracy.

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Cardiff Million Green Jobs Campaign Launch

20-02-2010 14:19

Environmentalists and Trade Unions unite for Climate & Social Justice:
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 7:30pm
O'Neills (Upstairs function room) 20, Trinity St, Central Cardiff
(near the Indoor Market)
With short fillms, speakers and discussion

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Support the Local Campaign Against Bradley Proposed Open-cast

17-02-2010 19:16

This years EF! winter moot was held in Dipton Community Centre, which looks over the proposed site for an open-cast at Bradley. Members of the local campaign against the mine have asked if people who attended the moot, (as well as those who didn't) would write in their objection to the development.

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Radical Climate Action and Discussion Group Meeting, Sumac, Tuesday evening

16-02-2010 12:43

There's going to be a radical climate action and discussion group meeting at the Sumac at 8 on Tuesday 16th.

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Public Meeting: Is Clean Coal An Act Of Faith?

16-02-2010 12:42

Talk by Terry Fox and Jenny Patient about the promised new technology to save the world from climate chaos. Organised by Sheffield Humanist Society, all welcome.

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Interview with Erik Swyngedouw: The post-politics of climate change

15-02-2010 22:01

Interview from Shift Magazine, issue 8

Erik Swyngedouw is Professor of Geography at the University of Manchester. He is committed to political economic analysis of contemporary capitalism, producing several major works on economic globalisation, regional development, finance, and urbanisation. His interests also include political-ecological themes and the transformation of nature, notably water issues, in Ecuador, Spain, the UK, and elsewhere in Europe.

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British Airways Scab Union Exposed

15-02-2010 12:38

Thank goodness that there are still people out there with a conscience. The Trade Unions are in possession of information that firmly points the finger at British Airways as
the masterminds behind the newly forming ‘Professional Cabin Crew Council’. In doing so they have romanced a small number of misguided cabin crew who are seeking to
undermine the support for your Trade Unions, for their own self aggrandisement.

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Oil-ympics Come To Trafalgar Square

15-02-2010 00:29

On Saturday, 13 February at 12 noon, UK and Canadian environmental activists opened the ‘Oil-ympics’ at Canada House in Trafalgar Square. The event, timed to coincide with the opening of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, highlighted the role of British companies in the single biggest industrial project on earth, the Canadian Tar Sands (1).

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Climate Camp Invades BP Petrol Stations Over Tar Sands

14-02-2010 12:52

On Saturday 13th February activists from the South Coast neighbourhood of the Camp for Climate Action invaded the three BP petrol stations in Brighton, on the Lewes Rd, Ditchling Rd and London Rd, to protest at BP's plans to invest in the Alberta Tar Sands in Canada. Moving by bicycle 8 activists carried a banner reading 'Tar Sands Oil Is Blood Oil'. They handed out information on the Canadian tar sands and BP's plans to invest in it to customers and urged them to boycott BP.

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Redditch reuse group celebrates success & calls for reuse warehouse

12-02-2010 19:33

Redditch Freecycle has reached 10,000 members in 4 years but founders accept that the group only rehomes a small minority of the towns useful items. They have called for a reuse warehouse which could deal with the waste mountain, create jobs, save precious resources, train young people & help low income families all in one go!
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