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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Forget Shorter Showers

20-07-2009 16:00

Forget Shorter Showers
Why personal change does not equal political change
by Derrick Jensen

WOULD ANY SANE PERSON think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday, or that chopping wood and carrying water would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons, or that dancing naked around a fire would have helped put in place the Voting Rights Act of 1957 or the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Then why now, with all the world at stake, do so many people retreat into these entirely personal “solutions”?

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Bath Bomb #24 Out Now

20-07-2009 12:58

The latest issue of Bath's monthly radical rantfest hits the streets.

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Solidarity with Vestas Workers from Climate Camp UK

20-07-2009 08:21

Climate Campers stand shoulder-to-shoulder in solidarity with the Vestas Workers
Dateline: Climate Camp UK National Gathering, London, UK, 18:00 Sun 19 Jul 09 – At the end of an intensive weekend of planning for the forthcoming Climate Camp in Greater London, campers express their solidarity with the 600 wind turbine manufacturing workers threatened with factory closures by Vestas on the Isle of Wight.

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Two Weeks to go till the Camp for Climate Action in Scotland 3-10 August 2009

19-07-2009 18:08

Join us for a week of low-impact living and high-impact direct action in the Firth of Forth. There's just two weeks till the first of the summer climate camps begins. From the 3rd to the 10th Bring yourself and your friends to put a stop to the root causes of climate change and ecological collapse. Together we will take action to shut down polluting industry, while living sustainably in a horizontally organised camp.

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ELF Vandalizes Home of Bank of America Director in North Carolina

18-07-2009 20:18

Earth Liberation Front Communique: 06.21.09/07.07.09

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More broken promises and lies as the fight to save Mainshill Wood continues.

16-07-2009 16:46

Mainshill Solidarity Camp - community picnic
The threat from Scottish Coal is growing, just as the front line against new coal looks forward to its one month birthday (complete with picnic). So get down here! Its now or never! The Mainshill Solidarity Camp is extremely grateful for the continuing support from the local community and will be celebrating its one month birthday on Sunday 19th July with a community picnic at 3pm to which everyone is welcome.

Local residents awoke on Monday morning to the news of yet another application for an extension at Poniel [1], a Scottish Coal mine in the Douglas Valley, something that communities had been assured would not happen, and which new planning policy guards against...

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Farnborough Airport to double the number of flights?

16-07-2009 11:28

TAG Aviation has recently submitted a planning application to double the number of flights at Farnborough Airport.

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Climate Emergency Alternative UK Parliament

16-07-2009 10:04

The main demands
In response to the muddled and inadequate response of the UK Government over the challenges of climate change, an emergency session of an alternative Parliament was held by the Campaign against Climate Change (CCC) on Wednesday evening, 15 July, in Old Palace Yard opposite the Houses of Parliament. Pictures Copyright (C) 2009, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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Children's Revolution Will Attempt to Close Down British Political System

14-07-2009 21:33

The Children of the Eco-Warriors of the 1990s road protests intend to march to the House of Commons in London in an attempt to serve arrest warrants on all the politicians who are being accused of corruption, fraud, theft, embezzlement, war crimes, climate crimes, illegal censorship and various other crimes against humanity.
Every British politician who has supported the oil companies and the coal and gas industries and all the rest of the transnational corporations and the banks that are responsible for causing global warming will be the defendants in civil and criminal cases holding them all legally accountable for their crimes against the environment and against the people of the world.

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Eco Has Landed?: Kew Ecovillage report

14-07-2009 20:29

England is hit by a heat wave and we are all out enjoying the sun. What a great time to arrange a trip to visit the Kew Ecovillage in west London. I make the journey to London and stay with friends. The morning after, I wake to find that the heat wave has officially ended and London has once again returned to a palette containing many shades of grey. Drizzle trickles down the train window as I make my way to Kew Bridge Station where I am intending to explore. I’m here to discover more about what a group of individuals have been doing since they reclaimed some disused land a month earlier. Land now being used in an attempt to exhibit a more sustainable form of living.

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Climate Camp Cymru 13 - 16 August

14-07-2009 19:34


Climate activists plan Wales’ first Climate Camp

Direct action camp to open near Merthyr, 13-16th August

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Newbury Bypass Documentary

13-07-2009 14:58

photo: Antonio Zazueta Olmos
Call for video tapes of anything related to the Newbury bypass protests of 1996.

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Alton Food Festival 2009

13-07-2009 12:56

Alton Food Festival
Alton Food Festival is an annual event held in July, part of the Hampshire Food Festival, a month long county-wide event held each summer. This year it was held on Saturday 11 July 2009.

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There is no time to act but now! Camp for Climate Action in Scotland 3-10 August

12-07-2009 15:17

For a week of low-impact living and high-impact direct action, keep 3-10 August free and join us in Scotland to take direct action against the root causes of climate change and ecological collapse. This summer the struggle against a capitalist system intent on extinguishing life on the planet will hit the Firth of Forth!

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desertec news

11-07-2009 18:52

great latest desertec news !

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The 300-350 Show: Ricardo Navarro

10-07-2009 14:22

We get a majority world perspective on the climate emergency in an interview with Ricardo Navarro from El Salvador. Navarro won the Goldman prize for sustainable development back in 1995 for his work as founder and director of the El Salvador Centre for Appropriate Technology and he is a former director of Friends of the Earth International.

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Copenhagen Climate Change Conference: Anticipating and Avoiding Demoblisation

08-07-2009 19:27

The Australian grassroots climate movement, like its counterparts in other parts of the world, risks a period of serious and substantial de-mobilisation of energy, resources, momentum and strategic direction following the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in December 2009.

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Scottish Coal break through barricades at Mainshill Solidarity Camp with support

08-07-2009 17:16

Scottish Coal break through barricades at Mainshill Solidarity Camp with support from Police

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Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary

08-07-2009 14:34

Inspecting policing in the public interest/ adapting to protest
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