UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Bloody Oil – Drum Em Out
29-06-2010 18:33

Tate Summer Party Crashed with Oil Spill - Licence to Spill
29-06-2010 11:55

Growing Concern
29-06-2010 11:07
The financial outlook for UK is not looking good.Mainstream press and in-depth analysis paint a worrying picture.
'Just Do It: Get Off Your Arse and Change the World': A Film
28-06-2010 16:09

Critical Mass London, England 25th June 2010.
27-06-2010 14:30
One arrest with loads of cops and several drivers trying to physically intimidate corkers by nosing into them with horns blazing.
Lewes Road Community Garden Demo Mon 28 June 3.30pm
27-06-2010 09:04

Call out to Stop Shell in Ireland
26-06-2010 12:42

Climate 9 Guilty: Final Statement
26-06-2010 10:11

I Eat Dinner With Murderers: An Essay On Vegetarianism and Animal Ethics
25-06-2010 19:58
This is an article I wrote on my blog a while ago. I discuss my opinions on animal rights, and talk about how I have approached these views and the principles they are founded on. In short, through application of preference utilitarianism and empathy, we should not kill or cause harm to other animals.Transition Network Conference: Closing Session
25-06-2010 16:13

Transiton Network Conference: Energy Descent Planning Workshop
25-06-2010 14:18

Reflections on Climate9 Trial- Last day Tomorrow
24-06-2010 19:19

Greenwash spill at the BP-sponsored National Portrait Gallery
24-06-2010 08:00

united utilities /rrs /this is the incinerator companies record
23-06-2010 22:34
rrs plan many incinerators in uk .thier prototype incinerator on th e isle of wight has bee shut down for now breaching dioxins they are also responsoble for the floods in cockermouth cumbria .they filled the resavoiur above to the brim . then heavy rains came .houses flooded ,bridges washed away .apoliceman died .yet to be dealt with now they build deadly incinerators causing child deaths cancers ect in the uk .stop them nowstop incinerators being built .they cause deaths and cancers
23-06-2010 21:55

The Outdoor Skillshare a success
23-06-2010 15:28

Oil Is Not The Worst Part of British Petroleum's Gulf Gusher!
23-06-2010 01:57
It is bad enough that British Petroleum (BP) doesn't want to attempt to use high explosives drilled deep down into the bed rock beside the pipe to bend it closed. It is incredibly psychotically cynical of BP to collect 15 to 20 thousand barrels of oil a day from the well head and sell that oil into the market at $77 barrel as a means to save the company from bankruptcy while 90 percent of the rest of the oil and gas from the well head leak into gulf waters.Activist Comms/Radio Training, Bristol, 10th July
23-06-2010 01:31
Activist Comms/Radio TrainingCastle Park, BRISTOL
10th July 2010
Midday - 4.30pm
Suggested Donation: £2
Protest against BP - This Saturday 26/06 1pm at Tottenham Hale BP Garage, London
22-06-2010 17:38
Against climate crimes in the name of profit and in solidarity with workers exploited by giant corporation BP, come and protest this Saturday 26 June, 1pm at Tottenham Hale BP garage.Bonn CJA meeting / Klimacamp / Climate Wave and associated actions
22-06-2010 11:36