UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Update from Mainshill eviction day 3
28-01-2010 01:45
What's been happening today at the Mainshill eviction? Bulldozers, nets, and a whole lotta singing.Nottingham climate action meeting
27-01-2010 18:26

Anti-nuclear activists disrupt Parliamentary Select Committee
27-01-2010 14:56
This morning in Westminster, during the Department of Energy and Climate Change Parliamentary Select Committee on the proposed nuclear and other energy National Policy Statements, two anti-nuclear activists stood and unfurled a banner in the centre of the committee room reading "Local Democracy Dumped." The banner also featured radiation symbols and drums of radioactive waste. A third activist handed out briefings on why they believe nuclear power is unacceptable and an inappropriate technology for tacking climate change. The three activists were taken away and detained inside the House of Commons, along with a forth man who was taking photographs. The four were held for over two hours for alleged breaches of the House regulations, before being released and banned from the Parliamentary estate for the rest of the day.London Conference Protest Exposes Nuclear Greenwash
27-01-2010 11:41

Ravenstruther coal rail terminal shut down
27-01-2010 10:26

Update from Mainshill Solidarity Camp eviction
26-01-2010 18:26
The details of the ongoing eviction of the anti opencast site from yesterday and today.Professor Peter Hallward on the US Invasion of Haiti
26-01-2010 12:25

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How will we feed 9 billion people in 2050?
25-01-2010 17:29
A talk & debate in Redditch on Wed 3 February will deal with one of the most urgent issues facing the world today. Our planet already suffers devastating damage due to intensive food production. Fertile land is turned to desert, food & water supplies are under intense pressure and yet, world population growth continues to go through the roof. Whilst governments pour resources into tackling terrorism, Global Food Security is a far more serious threat to people across the globe.Forced eviction of Mainshill Solidarity Camp under way
25-01-2010 09:17
This morning at 08:30am around 25 private bailiffs, supported by 10 police, began their dawn assault to evict the Mainshill Solidarity Camp in South Lanarkshire.Mainshill Solidarity Camp Eviction likely to happen Monday 25th
21-01-2010 00:28

Neo-con Senator Lisa Murkowski wants to pollute and kill the planet
20-01-2010 14:17
An Alaska Republican, Senator Lisa Murkowski, is expected to put forward a proposal for a vote as early as tomorrow that would seek to prevent the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.Obama faces emissions U-turn with new Congress challenge

Letters from Haiti
19-01-2010 03:31
We all have a desire to help the people of Haiti in any way that we can. Many of us have donated money. Some of us are volunteering.Over at Delaware Liberal, we have a frequent commenter, Joanne Christian, who used an already scheduled trip to the Dominican Republic for vacation to volunteer at a 20 bed hospital in Santo Domingo that was helping 2,000 Haitian victims. At some point during her work, she decided that she should get some names of these people so that their family will know that they got out, although there is a likelihood that some of the people here have died of their injuries, or soon will.
Interview with Tadzio Muller- Climate Justice Action
18-01-2010 15:08
Interview with Tadzio Muller- a spokesperson for Climate Justice ActionLow Carbon East Oxford Public Meeting 21 Jan
18-01-2010 14:36
Low Carbon East Oxford public meeting!Drilling-Rig Sabotaged at Mainshill Woods
18-01-2010 11:59
In the early hours of January the 13th an Apex drilling rig at Mainshill Woods was sabotaged.Pre-Eviction Gathering! Sat 23rd to Tues 26th January
18-01-2010 10:53

Only the extinction of capitalism will ensure the survival of our species
15-01-2010 22:50
The concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is already so high that the climate system has been brought out of balance. The CO2 concentration and global temperatures have increased more rapidly in the last 50 years than ever before on Earth, and will rise even faster in the coming decades. This adds to a multitude of other serious ecological imbalances, the impacts of which threaten the lives and livelihoods of the people of the world, most acutely, impoverished people and other vulnerable groups.Titnore Woods development meeting postponed
15-01-2010 12:27
Yes that's right! The meeting that could have given West Durrington Consortium the right to destroy a semi- ancient woodland has been postponed.