Neo-con Senator Lisa Murkowski wants to pollute and kill the planet
Nessuno | 20.01.2010 14:17 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | World
An Alaska Republican, Senator Lisa Murkowski, is expected to put forward a proposal for a vote as early as tomorrow that would seek to prevent the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.
Obama faces emissions U-turn with new Congress challenge
Obama faces emissions U-turn with new Congress challenge

I decided to dig a little deeper....
Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski, who was elected to Senate GOP leadership last year and holds a key post on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, received more campaign contributions from the utility industry than any other lawmaker during the 2009-2010 election cycle, according to data compiled by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
Murkowski Seeks to Halt EPA Endangerment of U.S. Economy
This is a list of her campaign contributors according to:
Top 5 Contributors, 2005-2010
Edison Chouest Offshore $36,250
Constellation Energy $31,646
Van Ness Feldman $16,250
Southern Co $16,000
Exxon Mobil $15,000
Top 5 Industries, 2005-2010
Electric Utilities $231,296
Oil & Gas $157,650
Lobbyists $114,100
Lawyers/Law Firms $97,455
Sea Transport $82,200
Seems Murkowski, who claims she believes in global warming but doesn't want to deal with the bureaucracy that would come from the EPA regulating greenhouse gases, has other incentives for shutting down the EPA climate plan as well.
This development comes on the heels of news that Murkowski wrote the amendment with two lobbyists--one who was an energy lobbyist for coal companies, the other a Bush administration official. As Climate Progress notes: "The Washington Post has confirmed that two Washington lobbyists, Jeffrey R. Holmstead and Roger R. Martella, Jr., helped craft the original amendment."
And she's gotten money from other pollution-heavy industries as well: "Several of her top campaign contributors since 2005 include: Edison Chouest Offshore, Constellation Energy Group Inc., Southern Co., Van Ness Feldman and Exxon Mobil Corp."
Murkowski want the right to move oil companies into the artic to exploit oil reserves under the artic circle as the snow and ice is melted by climate change. She believes that recent technological developments make it possible to drill without incurring such damage.
After doing some research, i discovered she is a criminal and corrupt- along with her husband, Frank. In 2004, oil company VECO Corporation wanted to build a road so they could get access to potential oil fields. VECO made a number of illegal campaign donations and illegal gifts to Lisa and frank Murkowski and other defendants inside the neo-con alaskan republican corruption scandal investigated by the FBI. The road was built and full exploitation of alaskan oil reserves is now underway.
Her husband, Frank is a member of what is called the.....
Corrupt Bastards Club
The name "Corrupt Bastards Club" (alternatively "Corrupt Bastards Caucus") has been widely, if with limited accuracy, used to designate Alaska legislators implicated in the federal corruption investigation. The nickname originated in the spring of 2006 as a barroom joke among Alaska legislators after a guest article by Lori Backes, executive director of All Alaska Alliance, that ran in Alaska's three largest newspapers named 11 lawmakers who had received large campaign contributions from executives of the oilfield services company VECO Corporation, which has a long history of making large campaign contributions to Alaska politicians. The article also named Senate President Ben Stevens as having received large consulting fees from VECO.[1][2]
In her article, Backes detailed the amount of political campaign donations contributed between 1998 and 2004 by the top seven VECO executives to Alaska lawmakers who were in office at the time her article was written. The figures were based on reports to the Alaska Public Offices Commission
* Sen. John Cowdery (R-Anchorage), Senate Rules Committee Chair: $24,550.
* Rep. Pete Kott (R-Eagle River), former speaker of the House: $21,300.
* Rep. Norman Rokeberg (R-Anchorage), House Rules Committee Chair: $18,000.
* Rep. Vic Kohring (R-Wasilla), House Oil and Gas Committee Chair : $14,708.
* Gov. Frank Murkowski: $6,500 (excluding donations to past U.S. Senate races)
* Rep. Kevin Meyer (R-Anchorage), House Finance Committee Co-Chair: $12,300.
* Rep. Mike Chenault (R-Nikiski), House Finance Committee Co-Chair: $12,000.
* Rep. Lesil McGuire (R-Anchorage), House Judiciary Committee Chair: $12,000.
* Sen. Con Bunde (R-Anchorage), Senate Labor and Commerce Committee Chair: $11,500.
* Sen. Lyda Green (R-Wasilla), Senate Finance Committee Co-Chair: $28,000.
* Rep. Mike Hawker (R-Anchorage): $8,050.
* Rep. Tom Anderson (R-Anchorage), House Labor and Commerce Chair: $8,000.
Additionally, Backes noted the consulting contract Senate President Ben Stevens (R-Anchorage) had with VECO Corporation and financial relationships other lawmakers had with other companies active in the oil and gas industry, including Conoco Phillips and ASCG Inc.[1]
According to Rep. Mike Chenault (R-Nikiski), one of the lawmakers named in the article, "Somebody walked up [in the bar] and said, 'You corrupt bastards,' and that name stuck." Hats with the label "CBC," standing for "Corrupt Bastards Club" or "Corrupt Bastards Caucus," were later printed up, but according to Chenault "that was the extent of the CBC deal."[2]
want a final laugh? VECO wanted to make a large financial contribution to build a prison for expected potential environmental protesters. luckily, due to lack of local support, it was never built! The money probably ended up in Murkowski's campaign pocket though.
Senate Climate Bill Revealed: A Quick Guide
Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski, who was elected to Senate GOP leadership last year and holds a key post on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, received more campaign contributions from the utility industry than any other lawmaker during the 2009-2010 election cycle, according to data compiled by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
Murkowski Seeks to Halt EPA Endangerment of U.S. Economy

This is a list of her campaign contributors according to:

Top 5 Contributors, 2005-2010
Edison Chouest Offshore $36,250
Constellation Energy $31,646
Van Ness Feldman $16,250
Southern Co $16,000
Exxon Mobil $15,000
Top 5 Industries, 2005-2010
Electric Utilities $231,296
Oil & Gas $157,650
Lobbyists $114,100
Lawyers/Law Firms $97,455
Sea Transport $82,200
Seems Murkowski, who claims she believes in global warming but doesn't want to deal with the bureaucracy that would come from the EPA regulating greenhouse gases, has other incentives for shutting down the EPA climate plan as well.
This development comes on the heels of news that Murkowski wrote the amendment with two lobbyists--one who was an energy lobbyist for coal companies, the other a Bush administration official. As Climate Progress notes: "The Washington Post has confirmed that two Washington lobbyists, Jeffrey R. Holmstead and Roger R. Martella, Jr., helped craft the original amendment."
And she's gotten money from other pollution-heavy industries as well: "Several of her top campaign contributors since 2005 include: Edison Chouest Offshore, Constellation Energy Group Inc., Southern Co., Van Ness Feldman and Exxon Mobil Corp."
Murkowski want the right to move oil companies into the artic to exploit oil reserves under the artic circle as the snow and ice is melted by climate change. She believes that recent technological developments make it possible to drill without incurring such damage.
After doing some research, i discovered she is a criminal and corrupt- along with her husband, Frank. In 2004, oil company VECO Corporation wanted to build a road so they could get access to potential oil fields. VECO made a number of illegal campaign donations and illegal gifts to Lisa and frank Murkowski and other defendants inside the neo-con alaskan republican corruption scandal investigated by the FBI. The road was built and full exploitation of alaskan oil reserves is now underway.
Her husband, Frank is a member of what is called the.....
Corrupt Bastards Club
The name "Corrupt Bastards Club" (alternatively "Corrupt Bastards Caucus") has been widely, if with limited accuracy, used to designate Alaska legislators implicated in the federal corruption investigation. The nickname originated in the spring of 2006 as a barroom joke among Alaska legislators after a guest article by Lori Backes, executive director of All Alaska Alliance, that ran in Alaska's three largest newspapers named 11 lawmakers who had received large campaign contributions from executives of the oilfield services company VECO Corporation, which has a long history of making large campaign contributions to Alaska politicians. The article also named Senate President Ben Stevens as having received large consulting fees from VECO.[1][2]
In her article, Backes detailed the amount of political campaign donations contributed between 1998 and 2004 by the top seven VECO executives to Alaska lawmakers who were in office at the time her article was written. The figures were based on reports to the Alaska Public Offices Commission
* Sen. John Cowdery (R-Anchorage), Senate Rules Committee Chair: $24,550.
* Rep. Pete Kott (R-Eagle River), former speaker of the House: $21,300.
* Rep. Norman Rokeberg (R-Anchorage), House Rules Committee Chair: $18,000.
* Rep. Vic Kohring (R-Wasilla), House Oil and Gas Committee Chair : $14,708.
* Gov. Frank Murkowski: $6,500 (excluding donations to past U.S. Senate races)
* Rep. Kevin Meyer (R-Anchorage), House Finance Committee Co-Chair: $12,300.
* Rep. Mike Chenault (R-Nikiski), House Finance Committee Co-Chair: $12,000.
* Rep. Lesil McGuire (R-Anchorage), House Judiciary Committee Chair: $12,000.
* Sen. Con Bunde (R-Anchorage), Senate Labor and Commerce Committee Chair: $11,500.
* Sen. Lyda Green (R-Wasilla), Senate Finance Committee Co-Chair: $28,000.
* Rep. Mike Hawker (R-Anchorage): $8,050.
* Rep. Tom Anderson (R-Anchorage), House Labor and Commerce Chair: $8,000.
Additionally, Backes noted the consulting contract Senate President Ben Stevens (R-Anchorage) had with VECO Corporation and financial relationships other lawmakers had with other companies active in the oil and gas industry, including Conoco Phillips and ASCG Inc.[1]
According to Rep. Mike Chenault (R-Nikiski), one of the lawmakers named in the article, "Somebody walked up [in the bar] and said, 'You corrupt bastards,' and that name stuck." Hats with the label "CBC," standing for "Corrupt Bastards Club" or "Corrupt Bastards Caucus," were later printed up, but according to Chenault "that was the extent of the CBC deal."[2]
want a final laugh? VECO wanted to make a large financial contribution to build a prison for expected potential environmental protesters. luckily, due to lack of local support, it was never built! The money probably ended up in Murkowski's campaign pocket though.

Senate Climate Bill Revealed: A Quick Guide
