UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Bodysnatching, Radiation Poisoning and Infanticide
04-09-2009 14:24

has it all in spades.
Is this alarmist, you might ask? No, not really.
e.on coal plant in Datteln stopped by court
04-09-2009 13:58

Cambridge Anarchists at London Climate Camp 09
04-09-2009 12:17
Reflections and criticisms of this years Climate Camp outside London.Stop Camden Bio Hazard Lab and have a carbon zero project instead.
04-09-2009 04:29
Camden councillor Alexis Rowell has called for the site in Camden earmarked for a deadly germ lab / animal testing lab at Brill Palce to be used for Camden's first ever carbon zero development, to deliver maximum energy efficiency, fight climate change, provide housing, maximise green spaces, promote healthy living, save water and prevent the controversial animal torture lab from being built.Disarm DSEi 2009 - City of London - 8th September 12 noon
03-09-2009 17:10
Just a reminder about protests against the DSEi arms fair are taking place next week. This year protests will centre on the investors in the arms trade in The City rather than concentrating on the ExCeL Centre.LANDSLIDE WIN Against Blue NG Biofuel Power Station
03-09-2009 16:06

Hampers of Binned Food Delivered to Mandelson and Benn in Food Waste Protest
02-09-2009 16:16

Assembling at 11:30am at Westminster Tesco, the group began by staging protests with skipped food, banners and leaflets outside the store. At 1:30pm they arrived at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to present a bountiful hamper of binned edible food and an open letter to a representative of Peter Mandelson, calling for a supermarket ombudsman to be established. They proceeded to DEFRA and delivered another hamper bursting with skipped food for Hilliary Benn, along with another open letter calling for various measures to curb supermarket food waste.
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Activists Invade Construction Company HQ
02-09-2009 12:23

Tar Sands Protest at BP HQ
02-09-2009 11:58

Mainshill Solidarity Camp Update: two and a half months on
02-09-2009 08:37

Oil Company's Best Kept Secret
01-09-2009 19:51
Details of Offshore Europe Exhibition and general invite to attend.Direct action against climate criminals
01-09-2009 15:09
direct action against climate criminalsMiddle Class Concentration Climate Camp: Some thoughts
01-09-2009 12:39

The Camp is not yet a "middle class liberal disaster"
01-09-2009 11:13
A response to criticism that the Camp for Climate Action has become a "middle class liberal media disaster"Autonomous Anarchists for Earth Liberation
01-09-2009 10:08
Last night Autonomous Anarchists took action against some of Londons biggest climate criminals.Climate camp - taking action
01-09-2009 09:09
Climate camp activists are on the move taking action across London now!Climate Campers visit the Daily Mail
01-09-2009 08:35
Under this weeks Climate Camp the Daily Mail has visited us several times. Now its time for us to repay the courtesy and pay them a return visit and like them we feel familiar enough not to need to announce our visit in advance. Were just going to pop in.Tombola Action in Central London tomorrow!
31-08-2009 12:29
22 Climate Criminals in a Target Tombola Tour of Central London...Sumac Garden Project, looking verdant 2 [Food for the Future]
30-08-2009 20:23

O2 Dropping Faster than CO2 Rising
30-08-2009 11:50
New research shows oxygen depletion in the atmosphere accelerating since 2003, coinciding with the biofuels boom; climate policies that focus exclusively on carbon sequestration could be disastrous for all oxygen-breathing organisms including humans -- Dr. Mae-Wan Ho