UK Promoted Newswire Archive
IDS challenged at workfare protest in tottenham
02-03-2012 16:55
hearing that iain duncan-smith (the secretary of state for work and pensions) was due to address a conference in tottenham this morning, 'boycott workfare' and 'youthfightforjobs' organised a protest outside the venue. he arrived late, and walked up to the door shouting that "workfare is a brilliant scheme". when challenged over public statements, he refused to engage, instead pushing a young man out of the way to enter the building.
click on image for larger version. 'some rights reserved' - free for credited non-commercial use, otherwise contact author for permission
just over a dozen protestors arrived outside what was once the tottenham town hall (now a business centre) this morning, to await the arrival of iain duncan-smith to a conference there. their anger (displayed in their chants and banners) was at the workfare schemes which force unemployed and disabled people to work for nothing for vast corporations which bank huge profits.
both iain duncan-smith and chris grayling have been caught out recently telling porkies about the workfare scheme, and as a result, the dept of work and pension had to hurriedly change guidance on their website last week, removing references to the mandatory aspect of the workfare schemes. a document resulting from a freedom of information request has also now disappeared from the site. the document gave a list of private companies benefiting from forced labour, and belies chris graylings assertion that no inividuals were mandated to work for big companies.
as iain duncan-smith got out of his chauffeured car and approached the building this morning, two protestors, armed with one of the missing documents, attempted to ask him about the lies. but he was already shouting loudly as he approached, saying that "workfare is an absolutely brilliant scheme". seeing the FOI document in one of the protestors hands, he refused to engage, and literally pushing one of the young men out of the way, continued to the door, and was ushered in by private security.
one of the few police assigned to the protest ruefully suggested someone might like to make a complaint of assault - he was clearly not a big fan of the cuts or of mr duncan-smith, later telling us that most of his family had already been affected.
two delegates from 'youth fight for jobs' did manage to attend the conference. no doubt they will report on the website at
Send cards of support to Maya Evans, jailed anti-war activist
29-02-2012 16:20

Maya Evans Jailed for Afghan War Protest
29-02-2012 16:11

Palestine Today 02 28 2012
28-02-2012 17:32

Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Indymedia Radio Activist Shot Dead in Kenya
22-02-2012 22:18
Stephen Nyash was working with Koch FM, a station in Korogocho, a township near Nairobi.Trial Collapses in Farce As Judge Throws Out Case After 10 Minutes
22-02-2012 17:54
Last year three people were arrested for displaying a banner on the bridge connecting the Hyatt hotel during the Lib Dem conference in Birmingham.
One of them was then held in prison for ten days and suspended from his job for three months. Yesterday the case went to trial but was thrown out of court after only ten minutes.
The following statement is taken from the Banner Drops are not a Crime website:

Occupy London lose court case - call out to help us resist
22-02-2012 09:59
Our appeal to keep the camp outside St Paul's Cathedral is thrown out by the Court of Appeal.Occupy London group challenged the High Court's decision which found the City of London Corporation's action to evict the camp was "lawful and justified".
Justice Lindblom granted the City orders of possession and injunctions.
The decision of the three judges to refuse the application means the corporation is now free to enforce the possession order and evict the camp.
hackney roof top defiance
20-02-2012 00:55
anti eviction at work, squats saved by the people
early friday morning, police and bailiffs turned up to evict a row of squatted houses in Dalston lane, but luckily the anti eviction squad was out, in numbers, this time with over 60 people blocking the road and lining the rooftop.
As the morning progressed with music, sandwiches and the barking of a dog, the police and bailiffs were helpless bystanders, who finally agreed they would leave on the condition that the 'fuck the Olympics banner was removed because its a bit rude, as the people on the roof top laughingly refused, the police drove away morally defeated.
In this time of uncertain squatting future, people are standing up in solidarity to house each other, at a real grass roots level.
A lovely morning, and houses saved.
EDF Energy seeks high court injunction against protestors
20-02-2012 00:34

For immediate release Feb 18th
Nuclear energy company EDF today served papers on activists occupying a farm on the proposed site for nuclear new build at Hinkley Point in Somerset. The papers, served by Squire Sanders of London, are applying for possession of the premises and, in an unprecedented move, an injunction against all future protests at this site: this includes any protests by other local residents, such as campaign group Stop Hinkley.
Special Sitting in Ireland for Rossport Campaigners
20-02-2012 00:11

New Social Centre in Sheffield: The Black Rose Centre
19-02-2012 23:10

Burlsem trotters have nothing better to do
19-02-2012 22:47
I write on behalf of myself and all others in this country and around the world who suffer harrasment for their political beliefs.Brought to Justice? Rendition, torture, indefinite detention and death by drones
19-02-2012 15:49

Audio excerpted from a 2.5 hour Free Speech Radio fundraising special on KFPA. If you can spare a dime to help keep this invaluable resource going, please visit their site for details of how to donate.
Contributors included Andy Worthington who spoke about how courts in DC have watered down the Habeus Corpus rights which the Supreme Court said detainees were entitled to. As a result the only detainees to leave Gitmo in the last 13 months have been in coffins, despite the fact that over half the detained have been cleared for release. Special mention of Shaker Amer, the last British resident still being helf.
Calais solidarity demo with people in detention & London No Border carnival
18-02-2012 21:06

NoBorders Carnival, Sat 18th pics & report
18-02-2012 20:55
Today's NoBorders Carnival marked the end of the week-long Noborders Convergence that has taken place in London this week. Around 200 people followed the call to gather at the steps of St Pauls at midday. After a few speeches the crowd took to the streets marching in a loud demonstration towards central London, and ending in Piccadilly Circus at around 3pm where a 'Reclaim Love' event was taking place (luckily we managed to leave without having to hold hands ;-)
The main banner at the front of the demo read 'Freedom of Movement for All', followed with the crowd, a samba band and a mobile sound system. Other banners read 'Nobody is Illegal' and 'Stop Bordering Me'. There were 5 police vans following the demo all the way, whilst the crowd remained together stopping traffic throughout the jouney, dancing to the music and often chanting 'no borders no nations, stop deportations' as well as 'say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here'. [demo's video clip | tumblewie updates | bambuser live stream]
Here there are some pics of the demo:
The NoBorders Convergence that started on Monday 13th gathered activists from several european countries, as well as supporters and other people concerned and fighting against the borders regime set up across Europe. Around 300 people took part in a series of workshops and seminars that took place during the first three days of the convergence, Then from Thursday 16th there was a series of demonstrations and actions against migrant prisons and charities that provide services to the child detention business.
These included:
- A Blockade of Harmondsworth migrant prison
- A solidarity demo for those arrested at Harmondswird blockade
- A blockade of Bernardos HQ
Other related reports during this week's convergence:
- Harmondsworth blockaders still held by police
- Harmondsworth detainees free on bail - court 8/3/12
- No Borders Communiqué to Immigration Prisoners
Taking on Tarmageddon
18-02-2012 17:29

Activists occupy Barnardo's HQ demanding they quit the child detention business
17-02-2012 13:46
Tens of No Borders activists are currently occupying the headquarters of Britain's largest children charity, demanding that it “quits the child detention business”.The latest protest at Barnardo's offices in Barkingside, Essex, started at 1pm in a bid to force the charity to stop providing its services at a new detention facility near Crawley, Sussex, to hold families facing forcible deportation.
Hinkley Point Barnstormers - Occupiers aim to stop EDF land trash
16-02-2012 15:10

"This film gives an account of the first few days of the occupation of Langborough Farm on the site of one of the proposed 'new wave' of Nuclear Reactors, at Hinkley point in Somerset. The activists took occupancy in the early hours of Sunday the 12th of February and are settling in to their new home and community."
Check out this great vid of the opening days of the occupation:

Calais: demonstrators storm public housing office
16-02-2012 11:26

Harmondsworth blockaders held by police for second night
16-02-2012 02:55
Eleven No Borders activists arrested on Tuesday during a detention centre blockade are being held by police for a second night. They are due to appear at Uxbridge magistrates court at 10am this morning, charged with causing 'serious disruption to the life of the community' under Section 14 of the Public Order Act.* Supporters have called for a solidarity demonstration at the court.