UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Arrests at Uncut demo: Topshop & Bridewell Pol Stn
19-12-2011 14:55
Saturday 17 December 2011
After meeting outside Boots in Parliament Street, Uncut protesters proceeded to a number of their usual locations.
Calling at Miss Selfridge, they entered the store and a couple of people had their details taken and were issued with a 'stop and search form'. It seemed that no search was in fact conducted though.
On to Vodafone in Clumber Street and accompanied by a number of police officers. The police say that because of an alleged "serious disruption to the life of the community" [shopping!] and "intimidating people from going about their lawful business" the sargeant [1554] in charge informed people that he was making a direction under section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986 that protestors should move 20 yards from the store entrance and not use a megaphone.
Remaining there for a few minutes more .... people continued from Vodafone and onto TopShop in Lister Gate. At 2.00pm, same police officers following on issued a similar direction there. Some people argued that these restrictions infringed their human rights and their rights to protest. One lady asked a question, didn't move fast enough and was promptly arrested. Another, querried this arrest and was himself arrested. Their young 11 year old son was then left in care of others.
Both were quite disabled with mobility issues and had to be assisted / helped [one shoved] into the police van sent to pick them up.
A demonstration was then held outside of the Bridewell Police Station in their support.
People were not allowed to visit in the police station, I assume while they were being processed. Then, a local vicar and their son was similarly refused when again wishing to cheak on their welfare.
Some protestors returned to outside of Topshop and continued their action.
Later in the evening, I also understand a further arrest of a supporter had been made at the Bridewell Police Station for refusing to leave. Again, while simply asking about the earlier arrests. [I guess for waiting, in the waiting area].
It might be noted that it is now over a year since Notts Uncut protests on these issue have been happening. Yes, of course they have been monitored by police, CPO's and private security companies. However, I didn't observe anything that happened on Saturday, that hadn't happened on so many occasions before. You might therefore conclude that they are becoming a sufficient pain in highlighing the tax issues of these companies. Also, of course, this being the busiest weekend before christmas, and the shopping and economic imperitave being so vital.
All released by later in the evening, bailed to appear in January 2012.
Notts Uncut Arrests
Criminalisation of protest in Notts
2 Arrested at Uncut demo: Topshop [Breaking]
Nottingham Uncut: First Birthday Tour
Notts Uncut
Notts Save or Services
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Students ask Johnson and Johnson what their christmas present be?...
19-12-2011 11:59

London - Report/Vids/Photos - Solidarity with Bradley Manning outside U.S. Embas
19-12-2011 08:41
Bradley Manning's Military Tribunal Article 32 (pre-military trial hearing) began a Ft. Meade Maryland on Friday Dec 18th.,continued through the weekend and continues into this week. A callout for solidarity action on Bradley' 24th. birthday - Saturday Dec 17th. was answered in 40+ locations throughout the United States and around the world. In London 60 folks gathered in solidarity with Bradley outside the U.S. embassy.Criminalisation of protest in Notts
18-12-2011 16:55
On Saturday 17th December, two protesters were arrested during a demonstration held by Notts Uncut. A supporter was arrested at Bridewell Police Station later that evening.
Almost as soon as demonstrators arrived at the meeting point outside Boots, police were confrontational, asking people for their names, addresses and dates of birth (which they are not obliged to give).
The police then sought to impose conditions on the protest under Section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986. Protesters were told that they could not go within 20 yards of specified stores. When one demonstrator, unfamiliar with imperial measurements asked what this was in metric she was arrested for refusing to comply with the s.14 directions.
Her husband then tried to remonstrate with the police and was arrested under Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. He was then manhandled into the back of a police van.
A call-out was made for supporters to go to Bridewell Police Station where they were taken. A local vicar and the 11 year old son of the arrestees were denied entry to enquire about their wellbeing.
Some supporters stayed at the police station to wait for the arrestees, while others went back to continue protesting. Additional supporters turned up throughout the afternoon and early-evening response to the call-out.
The first arrestee was released shortly after 4pm, but there was an extended delay before the second was let out. The group went into the reception (which they were no longer prevented from doing) to warm up while they waited.
After some time Inspector D. Sharp appeared with a number of other officers and demanded that people leave. He alleged that they were "intimidating" people going about their lawful business (presumably implying that waiting in a reception does not constitute "lawful business").
Sharp was asked by a number of people present what the legal basis of his demands was, however he refused to give one and arrested one of the supporters.
All of the protesters had been released by about 9pm. The two arrested at the protest have been bailed to return in the new year, but not charged. Their bail conditions include legally dubious restrictions on their right to protest.
This is a major escalation of Nottinghamshire Police's handling of protesters. Notts Uncut demonstrations have become a semi-regular occurence in Nottingham. Traditionally police locally have had a very hands-off approach to the protest.
The attempt to criminalise solidarity, arresting those waiting for their friends, is a particularly worrying development.
The protest was coordinated nationally with others, as part of the UK Uncut "Christmas Special" timed to coincide with the busiest shopping day of the year. There were also six arrests in London, where Topshop was protected by riot police.
Regular Uncut participants noted that the police officers assigned to the protest did not include any of the familiar faces from previous demonstrations.
It is possible, that this ridiculously heavy-handed response was a one-off, driven centrally. However, yesterday's policing should viewed in the context of the arrest of the 'Atos Two', which catalysed the formation of the Nottingham Defence Campaign. In that case, one of the arresting officers admitted, "There's been too much of this sort of thing going on and we've been told to crackdown."
We should not be surprised by any of this. We live in a class society in which the police's primary function is, and always has been, to protect the interests of the bosses. As the imposition of "austerity" heightens class conflict, we can only expect this bias to become more explicit.
In short, we should assume yesterday's policing is typical of what we can expect from Nottinghamshire Police in the future and plan accordingly. To this end Nottingham Defence Campaign, along with others, will be organising a meeting early in the new year to plan a coordinated response.
Notts Uncut Arrests
17-12-2011 22:55
Statement of Defiance
Three people were arrested today whilst taking part in Notts Uncut action outside Topshop. The first arrest was for "refusing to comply with section 14". The woman concerned had been asked to move 20 yards away from the front of the shop. She asked the officer how far that was in metres or where he wanted her to move to (being of a generation which was taught metric) and was promptly arrested. Her disabled husband was arrested shortly afterwards for the same offence and manhandled violently into the back of a police van.
Another protester was arrested in the police station reception later that day for the heinous crime of asking when one of the protesters arrested previously was going to be released.
Notts Uncut believes this to be yet another example of the political policing increasingly being used to stifle peaceful protest. We can only be encouraged by this behaviour as the over-reaction of the "powers that be" only goes to show that we are making an impact.
We will not be intimidated into silence.
We will not be bullied into submission.
To quote a valued member of Notts Uncut "We're here; we're Notts Uncut; and we're still not going shopping"
Free Food! Free Bradley Manning! Cardiff action
17-12-2011 20:36

Sparks & supporters Occupy Network Rail
16-12-2011 22:55
Sparks held a picket at 6pm at Kings Cross station.
Sparks & supporters from IWW, Anarchist Federation, Solidarity Federation, Boycott Workfare and some SWP met at the rear of Kings Cross. Had a quick leafleting of the site and moved off towards Network rails nice new office block. There the activixts went to the 6th floor reception and asked to speak to management. Bizarely, British transport police barricaded the activists in the reception, keeping them imprisoned.(legal?)
Then the Met police turned up, they were talking about an aggrivated tresspass. The activists then left the building after half an hour. No arrests were made. Interesting that the police seem to hold back from confrontation, so far, unlike the uncut actions. A Guardian journalist turned up and spoke to the Sparks. There has been a media blackout on these weekly actions.
Solidarity with Bradley Manning in Wrexham
16-12-2011 11:53

Occupy London rave demo at tory Carlton Club
15-12-2011 20:16
Occupy London brings some noise to the Carlton Club, spiritual home of the Conservative Party
As the grand finale of Occupy Everywhere, the nationwide day of creative action called by Occupy London to mark its two month anniversary, London’s detachment of the global movement for social and economic justice today brought a street party direct to the spiritual home of the Conservative Party, the Carlton Club. [1]
Founded in the aftermath of the Great Reform Act of 1832 – by those who opposed it – the membership rules of the Carlton Club, the oldest and most elite of all Conservative clubs (69 St James’ Street London SW1A 1PJ) state that only persons of full age who support the Conservative Party are eligible to join.
Aiming to highlight the City’s influence over the Conservatives’ finances and policy direction, supporters of Occupy London brought musical instruments and – in a nod to the movement’s antecedents in the tradition of non-violent direct action – pots and pans to the Carlton Club and used them to signal their dissent to those inside. In doing so, they asserted that the public will be heard. [2]
In the week that David Cameron asserted that the interests of the United Kingdom were synonymous with the interests of the City of London, Occupy London says - in the words of Jesse Jackson - that “enough is enough.” In a city that is increasingly a place where the public move by courtesy rather than by right, supporters of Occupy London are reclaiming the capital’s streets as a symbolic start to reclaiming its politics. [3]
Occupy London supporter Gary Parker said: “It is time to reclaim our democracy and our streets from the financiers and their political puppets who act not in the interests of society but for a privileged few. We say to David Cameron, to Boris Johnson – this is your wake up call. We urge you to join the conversation to create a more just society for all. The time for action to address inequalities is now. Otherwise, just like the hedge funds and stock market, you are gambling with our future.”
Earlier today: Rev Jesse Jackson addresses Occupy London
Earlier today Occupy London was honoured to welcome Rev Jesse Jackson to the steps of St Paul’s. In his address, Rev Jackson described the Occupy movement as a “global spirit… whose time has come.” Paying tribute to the Occupy movements in New York, San Francisco, London and across the world, Rev Jackson expressed his wish that occupiers, as “canaries in the coalmine,” would increase awareness of poverty, homelessness and the denial of access to education, employment and healthcare – and encourage others to join in the struggle for economic and social justice.
Occupy the City, Occupy the Mind
Occupy Everywhere started at 10.30am with supporters of Occupy London indulging in some horsing around at the Lloyds Bank headquarters on Gresham Street. Accompanied by a pantomime horse, a giant “Occupy Everywhere” banner and a mobile carnival, the procession caused brought smiles to the faces of office workers, cabbies and school children alike. [4]
[1] The Carlton Club
[2] Guardian – City’s influence over Conservatives laid bare by research into donation – Donations from finance account for half of payments to Tories since 2010 general election – / Telegraph – Gene Sharp: How to start a revolution –
[3] Guardian – Private spaces are stifling protest: Occupy London’s struggle to find a public space for protest reflects the increasing private control of our towns and cities -
[4] Occupy London horse around in the City; tell Lloyds enough is enough – no more taking taxpayers for a ride –
Palestine Today 12 15 2011
15-12-2011 14:08

Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Activists blockade mass Tamil deportation, allege torture risk
15-12-2011 12:07

Palestine Today 12 14 2011
14-12-2011 14:11

Manchester Anti-Fascist Alliance: Closing Statement
13-12-2011 21:27
After two years Manchester Anti-Fascist Alliance is to call it a day.Palestine Today 12 13 2011
13-12-2011 17:14

Palestine Today 12 12 2011
12-12-2011 16:04

Resist Plainclothes Cops
11-12-2011 22:25

More plainclothes cops were spotted during the public sector protests on November 30th.
The ones pictured here were all identified during the kettle in Panton Street, and all admitted to being cops when challenged.
remarkable media silence on congo protests
11-12-2011 00:55
this evening there was a massive police operation in central london to control a passionate but mainly peaceful protest by up to 1000 congolese people which began in whitehall, spreading to trafalgar square, and with further breakaway groups marching through the west end. mainstream coverage has been minimal.
today's protest follows two others this week, with serious clashes between police and hundreds of protestors outside downing street on tuesday, and on thursday evening oxford circus was closed down for a while, and police arranged for an empty train to ferry protestors to seven sisters station for dispersal in tottenham.
but you'd be hard-pressed to find much about these events on bbc or other mainstream media other than a brief report of 143 arrests this evening, with no explanation of the issues other than it being 'a demonstration over election results'.
well, according to the very passionate voices on the streets tonight, the issue is years of mass rape, genocide, and repression (with UN estimates of more than 5 million, nearly a tenth of the population, murdered in the past decade) and the western states' support for an illegitimate leader after rigged elections.
the protestors believe that joseph kabila, who this week was announced as clear leader in the first democratic elections in the country in 40 years, is a corrupt rwandan military man with a deadly army unit of 7000 soldiers who is supported by western interests. they believe that etienne tshisekedi has a much larger popular vote, with estimates of support above 50%.
it is not hard to see why the west would meddle in the affairs of this huge country. it has vast mineral wealth, being the main world source of 'coltan' used widely in mobile phones, as well as cobalt, copper, uranium, gold, diamonds, tin, and zinc. as is often the case in africa, despite these huge resources, the standard of living of ordinary people in this rich country has been spiralling downwards for years.
the congolese protestors see cameron, sarkozy, and obama as the three biggest hypocrites, looters, and supporters of the illegitimate regime responsible for the human rights abuses in their country. with the first results of the election coming out, they see western support as a key ingredient in the rigged vote.
on tuesday a few hundred congo supporters blocked whitehall outside downing street, and as police TSG cleared the road, one protestor was violently head-butted and received a broken nose (fortunately caught on video by activists and soon to emerge).
today, up to a thousand protested again in whitehall, and the road was blocked for hours with a huge police containment operation failing to get to grips with the protest, and breakway groups forming further road blocks around trafalgar square and other parts of london.
as i arrived at around 7 this evening, a group of a couple of hundred were sitting in the road at the south side of trafalgar square at the top of whitehall. with huge numbers of police engaged in containing the main crowd in whitehall, the road blockade lasted for up to an hour, and during that time, at least a hundred more actually broke through the police line in whitehall and joined them.
for the most part, the protestors were very passionate and committed but peaceful.
as hundreds of riot police flooded the area, an operation began to push protestors into trafalgar square and off any roads. more sit-downs occurred and police became violent in removing them.
one particular officer, JI44, seemed to take great delight in continuously assaulting people, including passers-by, and particularly worryingly, women.
eventually, this large group of protestors was pushed into trafalgar square, but as more riot police entered the square from the north, several hundred protestors made a break up the steps and marched along charing cross road. catching the police out completely and avoiding being kettled, they set off on a boisterous walkabout down shaftesbury avenue, and along piccadilly.
overstretched police became involved in occasional scuffles with protestors and there were several violent arrests.
numbers dwindled gradually, and i headed back to trafalgar square to see what was happening, but there were few protestors left there, just vast swathes of police lines.
i heard later that there were more than a hundred arrests around pall mall, apprently for "affray", which seems most unlikely based on what i'd witnessed so far.
of course, among the boisterous crowd, there were some youths who took things too far, and i heard reports of photographers being attacked, and passers-by being harrassed. perhaps i was lucky, but my own expereicne of the people i met was that they were desperate to be heard, were passionate, loud, and boisterous, but completely peaceful and frightened for their compatriots.
they kept asking why the bbc wasn't covering what was happening in the democratic republic of congo and were desperate for their voices and for the plight of their people to be heard.
click on image for larger version. 'some rights reserved' - free for credited non-commercial use, otherwise contact author for permission
Audio: YT and Babar Luck Play @OccupySheffield
11-12-2011 00:54

Why Tanya and @OccupyLSX need to cut ties with Oasis.
10-12-2011 17:25

I think that what a lot of the discussions that Occupy have brought up is the fact the dots are not necessarily being joined. There was a big banner outside Occupy London and it said “Capitalism is Crisis” and essentially I think that when I first started Occupy I didn’t look at it as, I looked at it as “Capitalism is IN Crisis” and the more I’ve learnt on this journey of being with Occupy, and the more research I’ve done, and the more I’ve talked to people, and discovered and read about what is going on with our economy, with the global economy, with the financial crisis, with the political instability in Europe, I mean, effectively there isn’t a day when you can’t open the paper and find something that really does directly link to capitalism being completely and utterly in crisis. One of the things that capitalism can’t do, is it can’t add value to our lives. You can’t buy your childrens joy. You can’t buy anything that gives you quality in life. And the idea that capitalism can just continue and continue and continue is just to simply, it is utterly the most unsustainable system that could ever have been created, because it relies on continual growth.
Tanya Paton – InterFaith coordinator at #OccupyLSX speaking at Ethical Capitalism? debate jointly organised by #OccupyLSX and Oasis.
Free Mumia Abu Jamal protest at US Embassy
10-12-2011 14:55
Report on the the Free Munia Abu Jamal protest in London on 9th December 2011
Report on The Free Mumia Abu Jamal Protest in London on 9th December 2011. Free Mumia Now !
Action called by Free Mumia Abu Jamal Defense Campaign UK: Sixty people protested outside the US Embassy 5- 7 pm, to demand the immediate and unconditional release on Mumia Abu Jamal.
A sizeable number of the protesters marched from Speakers Corner, along Oxford Street calling for freedom for Mumia and for all political prisoners, before joining others at the US Embassy, Grosvenor Square.
Initiallly we shared the space immediately outside the Embassy with other activists who were calling for action to tackle climate change.
Speakers from the Irish Political Prisoners, FRFI, Pan African, UHURU, and others brought support from their organisations. Linn Washington from Philadelphia campaign joined us.
The campaign is delighted with the news that the state will not be seeking to reimpose the death penalty. But a message from MOVE reminded us this does not mean they do not want Mumia dead. The Police Federation and other reactionary forces are already threatening his rights and his safety in prison. Russia Today TV was there to record the protest and interview participants about why Mumia's case is important and why we believe he must be released immediately.
Members of the campaign then went on to a public meeting in support of Mumia held at Metrolpolitan University where comrade Togogara was speaking on behalf of the campai