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Palestine Today 09 08 2010

08-09-2010 15:59

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday September 8th, 2010

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Mass Eviction of Traveller Families Begins in Essex

07-09-2010 12:43

The eviction of Gypsy families at Hovefields, Essex SS12 9JA started this morning.

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Chronicles of a summer of revolts in Italian detention centres

07-09-2010 11:34

After last year, 2010 brought another fiery summer in Italy’s detention centres for migrants (C.I.E.), where people are detained waiting to be deported. At the beginning of the summer the length of time of detention increased to 6 months, thanks to new “Security Package” approved by the government. Also, the Italian government has made a special agreements with Algeria and Tunisia to speed up the deportations of migrants coming from those countries. In many CIE’s Tunisians especially have been on the front line of revolts. Here follows a brief and incomplete chronicle of the past few months:

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Lewes Road Community Garden Evicted - Meeting 7pm Tonight

07-09-2010 08:31

The Lewes Road Community Garden was evicted at 2am on Tuesday September 7. Bailiffs acting on behalf of land-owners, Belfast-based Alburn Minos Ltd and partners-in-crime Tesco came in mob-handed (eight-12 plus line of police outside) without a proper eviction notice and took possession of the land and the legally squatted adjacent building.

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Warhead Lab Plans Prompt Blockade of Nuclear Weapons Factory

07-09-2010 05:29

Credit: B. Larkin / Trident Ploughshares
Around twenty members and supporters of Trident Ploughshares joined a blockade and protest at one of the gates to the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) at Aldermaston, Berkshire during this morning’s rush hour in protest at plans to build a new multi-million pound warhead testing facility at the site. Four of the activists chained themselves together with arm tubes and lay down in front of the gate for two hours, but released themselves without any of them being arrested at around 9.30am. Others stood close to them with banners, and sang songs. Many workers trying to enter the base were diverted away by Ministry of Defence police, who were in attendance; but traffic on the public highway appeared to be unaffected.

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Palestine Today 09 06 2010

06-09-2010 17:54

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, September 6th, 2010

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3 Catholic Workers Arrested after Break-in at AWE Aldermaston

06-09-2010 15:25

Chris Cole, Fr. Martin Newell, Susan Clarkson
AWE Aldermaston Opened For Disarmament By Catholic Worker/Ploughshares Activists

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Manchester Airport End Domestic Flights Demo

06-09-2010 00:40

First stop London City Airport
Highlighting the failure of government and business to act on catastrophic climate change, campaigners from London and Manchester held joint demonstrations on Saturday 4th September 2010 at Manchester Airport Domestic Terminal and London City Airport calling for an end to all domestic flights.

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Sheffield Protests Against Nick Clegg

04-09-2010 08:11

Sheffield Trades Council organised a protest against Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister and Lib Dem MP for Sheffield Hallam, who was speaking in the Town Hall, on 3rd September 2010. The attached audio is a raw recording (apologies for the poor quality) of the second half of the speeches, starting with a speaker from the Sheffield Pensioners Action Group.

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This Week in Palestine Week 35 2010

03-09-2010 18:14

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for August 28th, to 3rd September, 2010.

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Palestine Today 09 02 2010

02-09-2010 14:34

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday, September 2nd, 2010.

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GrowHeathrow eviction reprieved - great community support at court

02-09-2010 12:05

Supporters of Grow Heathrow outside the court
Dozens turned out from Sipson, Harmondsworth and Harlington today in a show of support for Grow Heathrow, the heir to Transition Heathrow which reclaimed the neglected Berkeley Nurseries in order to grow fresh food for the surrounding area.

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Palestine Today 09 01 2010

02-09-2010 08:25

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday September 1st, 2010.

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Palestine Today 08 31 2010

31-08-2010 16:18

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

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Anti-Deportation conference: Saturday, London

31-08-2010 12:25

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns annual conference
Saturday 4th September 2010
10:30am to 3:30pm
Hinde Street Methodist Church, 19 Thayer Street, London W1 2QJ
(nearest tube station: Bond Street or Marble Arch)

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Demo boosts spirits at Campsfield House

30-08-2010 20:03

The monthly demos continue at Campsfield migration prison near Oxford. On Saturday a group gathered to show solidarity with those stuck inside the depressing place...

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Fascists humiliated in Brighton

30-08-2010 17:57

FASCISTS are not welcome on the streets of Brighton! That was the clear message from today’s response to the march by the English Nationalist Alliance, which is much the same thing as the EDL.

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Palestine Today 08 30 2010

30-08-2010 16:54

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday August 30th, 2010.

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Deportation charter flights to Iraq

30-08-2010 07:17

Detainee support groups have been inundated with calls for help by Iraqi detainees given removal directions for 1 September and 6 September. Many have no legal representation.

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This Week in Palestine- Week 34 2010

27-08-2010 17:48

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,", for August 21st, to 27th, 2010