UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 021809
18-02-2009 16:22

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday, February 18th, 2009.
St Andrews Students Occupy Building to Protest Uni's Complicity With Israel
18-02-2009 14:57

Report: Emergency Demo: Bring Binyam Back
18-02-2009 07:58
The London Guantánamo Campaign and Brighton Against Guantánamo held a demonstration on Tuesday (17 February) lunchtime to call on the US president to release British resident Binyam Mohamed who has been held at Guantánamo Bay without trial for over four and a half years. Free Binyam now!The Left and Support for Anti-Imperialist Islamist Resistance
18-02-2009 01:39
Speech delivered by Nadine Rosa-Rosso* at the The Beirut International Forum for Resistance, Anti-Imperialism, Solidarity between Peoples and Alternatives, held from January 16 to 18, 2009.NUS ‘plays the race card’ in criticism of student occupations
18-02-2009 00:32
In a letter to The Independent on February 15th, Wes Streeting, President of the NUS, said he did not believe ‘that the sit-ins relating to the Gaza crisis have been the student movement’s finest hour’, condemning the ’significant disruption to [...the] education’ of other students ‘.Response to Counter-Terrorism Act 2008: Section 67
18-02-2009 00:21
Read belowfilm of mark thomas at yesterday's journalist demo outside new scotland yard
18-02-2009 00:07
political comedy activist mark thomas joined more than a hundred journalists outside new scotland yard yesterday as new laws are introduced which may allow for the arrest and imprisonment of anyone taking pictures of police.Palestinian Today 021709
17-02-2009 16:00

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday, February 17th, 2009.
Cambridge University Press -- Save Jobs march
17-02-2009 14:00

Plane Stupid turns Southampton Airport into climate refugee camp
17-02-2009 13:37

Assia Souhalia - Deportation Cancelled after Campaigners Intrervene
17-02-2009 13:08
This morning a group of campaigners from Brighton and London travelled to Heathrow to do what they could to prevent the deportation of the Souhalia family see -
Edinburgh University Occupation Ends
17-02-2009 13:04
The Edinburgh University Occupation ended today, with demands partially met. The press release concerns what was achieved and what remains to be done, as well as some comment on what took place.Event report: Oxford St Intifada, Sat 14 Feb
17-02-2009 12:25

Update: EDO Decommissioners Get Charged With Conspiracy
17-02-2009 11:52
Yesterday in Brighton magistrate's court defendants in the EDO Decommissioners Casehad charges of Burglary dropped and replaced with Conspiracy To Cause Criminal Damage.
Campaigners Resist Deportation of Brighton Family
17-02-2009 08:13
Press Release17th February 2009 - For Immediate Release
Campaigners Resist Deportation of Brighton Family
For more details call Sam Hayward on 07957431276
Photos of the family and interviews are available on request
Reclaim Love goes all over the world
17-02-2009 02:11

This has to be the most cheerful event in the activist calendar as it's very hard to find a non smiling face. The only killjoys were the two cops booking an acrobat for climbing up to Eros and a pair of city guardians trying to find out who was in charge.
Photographers turn out in solidarity against new "terror law".
16-02-2009 15:46

Palestine Today 021609
16-02-2009 15:39

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, February 16th, 2009.
Around the Campaigns Monday 16th February 2009
16-02-2009 09:05
Yahya al Faifi Must Stay in the UKLobby of the Home Secretary
Thursday 19th February 2:00pm
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
(Tubes: St James Park, Millbank and Westminster)
Yahya al Faifi, a very brave and self-sacrificing trade unionist - and a deeply committed socialist - is facing deportation back to a tyranny in Saudi Arabia that regularly tortures and "disappears" dissidents. On 12 February, he received a rejection letter for his appeal against the refusal of his asylum claim appeal. Now, he and his family are in imminent danger of deportation from Britain.
This will be a labour and trade union movement event with banners, large numbers and as wide representation as possible.
Inquiries/further information:
Mariam Kamish