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Riot cops at RTF4

01-04-2007 00:09

Reports coming in that riot cops are massing outside Reclaim The Future 4, at 52 Holloway Road, London N7.

Bands and DJs are stillplaying, but it sounds like entry/access is being blocked.

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Bike the Pipe ends in Gloucester.

31-03-2007 22:07

Claire Hall from Bristol's Rising Tide has spent the last week cycling the length of the 120 mile LNG pipeline cutting through Wales.

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Robin’s Trip to Scotland… Part 1.

31-03-2007 21:20

A sixty strong group of protestors from Nottingham (and Derby) have today been demonstrating outside the Trident nuclear weapons submarine base at Faslane as part of a year long peaceful blockade, Faslane 365.

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Asylum Seekers Demonstrate on Tyneside as parliamentary committee issues report

31-03-2007 21:02

On Saturday 31 March 2007 activists from TCAR (Tyneside Community Action for Refugees) took to the streets for their latest demonstration against dawn raids and deportations.

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'Save Coventry Mail Centre' March and Rally

31-03-2007 15:04

assembly point
A march and rally, organised by the Communication Workers Union (CWU), were held in Coventry city centre today to protest against the planned closure of Coventry's postal sorting office. The Royal Mail management are proposing to combine Coventry's and Northampton's sorting offices at a new site near Milton Keynes (Ml corridor), causing over 500 staff in Coventry to be made redundant. Northampton's sorting office had burned down in 2003 and staff are working from temporary accommodation.

According to Des Arthur from the Coventry Mail Centre Campaign, the Royal Mail management had admitted that the closure had nothing to do with the levels of efficiency and productivity at Coventry, which were excellent. Further, the proposed closure of Coventry, Gloucester and Beading sorting offices were in breach of the National Agreement and no immediate opportunity had been given to the UCW to offer a case for keeping them open.

The UCW has now drawn up a 26-page plan for keeping the Coventry office open and has collected more than 60,000 signatures on its petition. The union has vowed to ballot for industrial action if the management opts for compulsory redundancies.

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Polar bear asks the Bradford climate criminals to stop.

31-03-2007 13:25

The Banner
A polar bear today visited a number of travel agents, and the Tomas Cook call centre in Bradford, to ask these climate criminals if they would kindly stop destroying his habitat.

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Latest on police appeal against London's Critical Mass.

31-03-2007 03:45

What if the police win their appeal? Could it be the end of this Critical Mass, after 12 years of monthly rides, or the beginning of a strategic rebellion?

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Democracy’s Last Stand Four: A bad case of COC

31-03-2007 03:01

Oscar Beard returns to Horseferry Court with the Parliament Square peace campaigners for round 2000 of the twisted and debauched circus known as UK democracy.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 13 2007

30-03-2007 18:52

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 24 through 30, 2007.

The Arabs re-launch their five-year-old peace offer to normalize relations with Israel, Israel rejects the deal. Meanwhile, the Palestinians commemorate Land Day. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

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Behind The Wall 16 hours for 30 minutes' contact

30-03-2007 17:25

This report comes from Occupied Palestine from someone whose identity I must protect. They wrote this article - I merely forward it. It tells of what an ordinary Palestinian mmother has to go through to visit a son in an israeli jail, and the chicanery and deliberate tactics used by the Israeli Army to ensure that visiting time is short indeed. Please post feedback if you wish to read further eyewitness reports on other aspects of life that the manistream media are simply not interested in. Thank you.

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Photos - Police, student protesters clash in Chilean capital

30-03-2007 16:23

Santiago, March 30, 2007

The government said 159 students had been detained shortly after noon and some clashes continued.

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Action days in Germany June 1st (Bombodrom) and 5th (Rostock-Laage)

30-03-2007 16:01

Antimilitarist actions days in Germany, on 1st June 2007 in the Kyritz-Ruppin Heathland, and on
5th June 2007 in Rostock-Laage. Both actions intend to show the connection between G8 and war.

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12 April 2007: Day of action in support of imprisoned CO Halil Savda

30-03-2007 15:45

Halil Savda
On 12 April 2007, Halil Savda faces sentencing for a second charge of disobedience as a result of his conscientious objection - a clear violation not only of the human right to conscientious objection, but also of Article 14 paragraph 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Halil Savda needs international support, to break the vicious cycle of imprisonment, "release", transfer to military barracks, being given a military order, disobedience, and imprisonment. But support will also be crucial to achieve the recognition of the right to conscientious objection in Turkey.

For these reasons, activists in Turkey and War Resisters' International call for an international day of action on 12 April 2007, in support of Halil Savda and all COs in Turkey.

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Day of action against Bath Building demolition - report

30-03-2007 15:27

Yesterday saw a day of action against the demolition of Churchill House, one of Baths historic and beutiful buildings. In Bath councils latest step to further gentfify Bath, the georgian style Bath stone building is to be torn down to make way for a tin and glass monstrosity of a bus stop.

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Camberwell Squatted Centre holds it down!!!

30-03-2007 12:48

Putting up our golden horse
Holding it down since 10th March, the Camberwell Squatted Centre unleashes a new wave of activity. Upcoming events include cafes, bar-socials, films and a secondhand booksale.

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SOCPA - stage managed trial of brian haw and barbara tucker

30-03-2007 01:12

district judge wickham had clearly decided on a course of action before hearing any evidence in an 'inquisorial' hearing at horseferry road today. she found barbara tucker and brian haw in contempt of court and she set fines rather than imprisonment for explicitly stated political reasons.

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Madrid: demonstration demanding a decent house

29-03-2007 21:55

Thousands of people took the streets in a new call from the assemblies for a decent home. They propose the massive movilizations, the disobedience, and the squattering, as tools for fighting against speculation.

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Nottingham demo against deportations to Congo

29-03-2007 21:05

On Wednesday March 28th at 1.00 in the Old/New Market Square, people gathered to protest continued deportations to the Congo. After a while the protesters walked across town to the Bridewell Police Station [next to the Magistrates Court] and made their feeling know about government policies.

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Yesterday's removals to Darfur stayed

29-03-2007 18:11

Last minute legal action prevented the removal of
three Darfurians due to be removed yesterday. The
three are now back in Oakington IRC with another
Darfurian who didn't fly on Tuesday night due to
failure of escorts to get him to the airport on

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There is no tranquility in Oaxaca

29-03-2007 16:27

Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca. Saturday, March 24, 2007
2:50 a.m.
4 anarkopunk comrades arrested and beaten*