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UK Health Newswire Archive

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AIDS Brain Drain: Countries Hit Hardest by AIDS Lacking Millions of Medical Work

18-08-2006 04:01

16th International World Aids Conference
The World Health Organization warned earlier this week that the countries hit hardest by AIDS desperately need 4 million more health workers to cope with the crisis. Many of the locally-trained doctors and nurses in these countries have been lured away to the United States and Europe by higher salaries. We speak with Smita Baruah of Physicians for Human Rights.

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Countryside Properties- Mayfield...and a field in May 2004...

17-08-2006 11:53

Spodden Valley woodland destroyed in May 2004...
Countryside Properties have gone into advertising overdrive with its new housing development at the former Mayfield rugby club in Castleton.

After being criticised for illegal flyposting earlier this year:

Countryside Properties have now paid Rochdale Council for road signs and half page colour advertisements in the Council's newspaper "Local matters" delivered to every home in the Borough.

There has also been a huge advertising spend by Countryside Properties with the Guardian Media Group in their Homesearch sections of the Rochdale Observer, Manchester Evening News and TV station Channel M.

It is a pity that Countryside Properties' budget doesn't cover the destruction of Woodlands in the Spodden Valley.

Mayfield and a field in May... here is the connection...

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Industry urged to pull dangerous pesticides from Indian market

17-08-2006 10:07

As Indian regulators, media and the public debate about a report on excessive levels of pesticide residues in Coke and Pepsi amongst other soft drinks, attention is not being paid to the real problem that is killing scores of Indians each year - that of deadly pesticides being used in agriculture on a variety of crops.
Poverty stricken Indians are paying a heavy price for the use of pesticides in farming.

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Activist aid convoy stopped by Lebanese National Security Guards - Sat 12th Aug

15-08-2006 12:08

Over the past few days Lebanese activists from a broad range of political and social groups have been meticulously planning an aid convoy to villages in the south. The idea was both political and humanitarian. Many villages have been without aid for some time and their situation is desperate. Meanwhile those peace loving Israelis have consistently announced that all moving vehicles in certain areas are legitimate targets. This was to be an open and passive defiance of that ban. The convoy of over 50 cars loaded with everything from food to diapers was publicly announced to both the Israelis and Hizbollah. Hizbollah had agreed to clear the way so there was no excuse for any bombing in the vicinity. No response from the Israelis who are presently refusing to allow NGOs like MSF (Medecins sans Frontieres) and the Red Cross a safe passage. In the end Lebanese National Security guards on Mount Lebanon stopped the convoy on the grounds that it would be too dangerous to proceed.

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Union to fight hospital job cuts

15-08-2006 11:38

Union officials have announced plans to fight the loss of nearly 1,200 jobs and 186 beds after the merger of two Nottingham hospitals.

Public sector workers' union Unison has joined forces with the Royal College of Nursing in a campaign to halt the cuts.

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Alloxan, A Poison that Makes Lab Rats Diabetic, May Be in:

15-08-2006 10:19

Recently, alarming reports in the blog-sphere warned that traces of the dangerous chemical alloxan, a toxic substance and a known carcinogen used by researchers to make lab rats diabetic, is present in white bread and other commercial baked goods (cookies, crackers, donuts, hamburger rolls) made with bleached white flour. Puzzled and disturbed by these reports, I set out to discover if it is true that alloxan really has been found in white bread, and if so, how it gets there, and whether, in the amounts found, it is a threat to people who eat foods made with bleached, wheat flour. What I’ve learned raises questions that both the milling industry and food safety regulators (EPA & FDA) must address, urgently.

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Three Day Strike For Merseyside Ambulance Workers

14-08-2006 16:26

Merseyside ambulance workers are piling the pressure on their scheming bosses by announcing the longest strike yet in the six week dispute.

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The Constant Gardener Screening @ Everything4Everyone

12-08-2006 15:19

Next weeks E4e Cinema screening at Everything4Everyone will be the
Constant Gardener.

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Lebanese Hospitals Under Threat From Fuel Crisis - Thurs 10th Aug - Photo Report

11-08-2006 23:39

I’m at the Government University to talk to Bilal Masri, the assistant general director of the Government University Hospital. The Government has announced that the hospitals are in danger of running out of fuel for their generators. ‘So far we are doing OK. We think we have fuel for the generators for another week to ten days running at our present capacity. This is about 25% of what is usual. We are saving electricity wherever possible. We keep essential operations like ER and ICU running. Everywhere else electricity is a commodity. If the situation continues to escalate and the Israelis stop the fuel ship from docking in the port, then we could see an energy crisis in the whole country - not just the hospital.’

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Bosses Adopt Bullying Tactics Against Striking Ambulance Workers

10-08-2006 17:03

The chief executive of the North West Ambulance Service resorted to bullying tactics last night, in an attempt to weaken solidarity between striking ambulance workers, ahead of this weekend's scheduled fifth stoppage.

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Genecide - first test WA then the rest - Your DNA, Your Private Rights,

09-08-2006 03:11

Your Private Rights
Fastracked NAZI Fascist Data your bloodline marked identified crossmatched for what purpose ?

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New Drugs Research is Just Plain Nutts!

05-08-2006 10:59

The Independent this week splashed a study (1) across the front page purporting to show the relative dangers of different drugs. The Indy claimed:

“This is the first ranking based upon scientific evidence of harm to both individuals and society. It was devised by government advisers - then ignored by ministers because of its controversial findings”

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Spare Beds Seen as Problem in Chester Foundation Hospital

04-08-2006 18:46

At last, some good news in the NHS - the Countess of Chester hospital has fifty more beds than they need! But the bosses in the market-driven foundation hospital actually see this as a problem, so the beds are to be axed!

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Exporter agrees to stop live transport of cattle to Lebanon

04-08-2006 10:21

The Israeli blockade of sea access to Beirut has trapped untold numbers
of cows aboard ship where many have already died of thirst while standing
in their waste.

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Say no to GMO!

04-08-2006 09:37

please participate by voting for the local opion in the have your say are on the left of the page.

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Philippines: AKBAYAN leads protests over SONA of lies, lies, lies

03-08-2006 06:38

Akbayan & Laban ng Masa (Fight of the Masses)
AKBAYAN (Citizens' Action Party) today joined the various groups which trooped to the streets to express opposition to the State of the Nation Adress (SONA) of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA), saying GMA's SONA promises will not make up for the fact that she is the center and crux of the country's crisis right now.

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More McHospitals for Merseyside! (part 2)

02-08-2006 16:25

Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology and University Hospitals Aintree were today given 'foundation' status by Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, meaning that three NHS hospitals on Merseyside are now open to private business. In June, the Liverpool Womens' Hospital opened itself up for bids to 'help' manage its finances.

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Protesters call for local companies to cut ties with Animal Lab

02-08-2006 12:30

Protesters call for Local Companies to cut ties with recently exposed, Huntingdon Life Sciences

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Alcoholism worsens with increased drinking use: study

02-08-2006 01:10

Wine Glut
An old study shows the more alcohol a psychotic person uses, the worse their condition gets. What about that? Its been around for a while but no one is taking much notice lately?

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Fluoride as a pesticide;

01-08-2006 10:44

Hey, if it kills insects, what does it do to people long term?

DOW Chemical has been lobbying the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to allow it to spray a new fluoride-based pesticide (sulfuryl fluoride) on hundreds of foods prepared in the US.
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