Genecide - first test WA then the rest - Your DNA, Your Private Rights,
juror no 1 | 09.08.2006 03:11 | Analysis | Health | Repression | World
Genecide - first test WA then the rest - Your DNA, Your Private Rights, Your bloodline marked
Read article WA copied from todays Australian.
Fastracked NAZI Fascist Data your bloodline marked identified crossmatched for what purpose ?
Dr Mangels dream biobanks, dna banks, genome project......
Who is targeted......?
You do not have a say W.A, no referendum, no discussion, achtung, halt, scan, papers......your paperz are not in order, step inzide the bathroom....
Genetic databank to catalogue WA residents
By Judy Skatssoon for Science Online
Researchers plan to collect blood samples and health information from every person in Western Australia over the next few years in a move they say will create the world's biggest human genetic databank.
Professor Lyle Palmer, from the University of Western Australia Centre for Medical Research, is leading the team that hopes to collect samples from 2 million volunteers.
He has told the 11th International Congress of Human Genetics Congress in Brisbane it will be the first step in the proposed Western Australia Genome Health Project.
The project is one of a number of "biobanks" that are being established around the world.
Professor Palmer estimates the project will cost "several hundred million dollars" and the team will be seeking support from the Federal Government along the way.
"The obvious thing to do ... is to study the whole population," he said.
"We'll be doing things like full body scans on everyone, full respiratory and cardiovascular work-ups, we'll be taking pictures of everyone's retina, [doing] hearing assessments, we'll be scanning thousands of brains.
"It's about three days of data collection on each person, some of which will happen at schools, some at home, some at central facilities."
Next year, the scientists hope to collect 3,500 pieces of information per person from the first 60,000 to 80,000 people.
Professor Palmer says everyone, including children, will be asked to participate.
Data will also be collected from Indigenous Australians, although this will be done under a separate umbrella with Indigenous input.
Well-suited population
Professor Palmer says Western Australia is well-suited to this kind of study because it is an isolated yet outbred population with a relatively low migration rate and historically large families.
It also has extensive existing records, much of the necessary infrastructure, including the Western Australian DNA bank.
Professor Palmer says the rising incidence of chronic disease together with an increasingly unsustainable health system and the growth of new tools and technology has made the project not only possible but necessary.
He says national privacy legislation and beefed up genetic data protection laws, in line with the recommendation of the Australian Law Reform Commission's Essentially Yours report, will ensure privacy is safeguarded.
"You're asking people to donate their sample for ever and ever so of course you have to very carefully work through those issues and that's what we're doing at the moment," he said.
However, Professor Palmer says the information will be linked to individuals via a code to ensure they can be followed up.
Read article WA copied from todays Australian.
Fastracked NAZI Fascist Data your bloodline marked identified crossmatched for what purpose ?
Dr Mangels dream biobanks, dna banks, genome project......
Who is targeted......?
You do not have a say W.A, no referendum, no discussion, achtung, halt, scan, papers......your paperz are not in order, step inzide the bathroom....
Genetic databank to catalogue WA residents
By Judy Skatssoon for Science Online
Researchers plan to collect blood samples and health information from every person in Western Australia over the next few years in a move they say will create the world's biggest human genetic databank.
Professor Lyle Palmer, from the University of Western Australia Centre for Medical Research, is leading the team that hopes to collect samples from 2 million volunteers.
He has told the 11th International Congress of Human Genetics Congress in Brisbane it will be the first step in the proposed Western Australia Genome Health Project.
The project is one of a number of "biobanks" that are being established around the world.
Professor Palmer estimates the project will cost "several hundred million dollars" and the team will be seeking support from the Federal Government along the way.
"The obvious thing to do ... is to study the whole population," he said.
"We'll be doing things like full body scans on everyone, full respiratory and cardiovascular work-ups, we'll be taking pictures of everyone's retina, [doing] hearing assessments, we'll be scanning thousands of brains.
"It's about three days of data collection on each person, some of which will happen at schools, some at home, some at central facilities."
Next year, the scientists hope to collect 3,500 pieces of information per person from the first 60,000 to 80,000 people.
Professor Palmer says everyone, including children, will be asked to participate.
Data will also be collected from Indigenous Australians, although this will be done under a separate umbrella with Indigenous input.
Well-suited population
Professor Palmer says Western Australia is well-suited to this kind of study because it is an isolated yet outbred population with a relatively low migration rate and historically large families.
It also has extensive existing records, much of the necessary infrastructure, including the Western Australian DNA bank.
Professor Palmer says the rising incidence of chronic disease together with an increasingly unsustainable health system and the growth of new tools and technology has made the project not only possible but necessary.
He says national privacy legislation and beefed up genetic data protection laws, in line with the recommendation of the Australian Law Reform Commission's Essentially Yours report, will ensure privacy is safeguarded.
"You're asking people to donate their sample for ever and ever so of course you have to very carefully work through those issues and that's what we're doing at the moment," he said.
However, Professor Palmer says the information will be linked to individuals via a code to ensure they can be followed up.

juror no 1