Say no to GMO!
Anti Genitic plant Modification | 04.08.2006 09:37 | Bio-technology | Health

Friends of the Earth says:
The European Commission and the UK Government have an important role to play in assessing the impact of GM. But Friends of the Earth believes that local authorities and communities should have the final say.
This is because the problems caused by GM crops will affect people living and working in the areas where they're grown.
If a GM crop is approved for growing in Europe it can be grown anywhere without any local consultation.
Sixty local authorities in the UK have declared themselves GM free. Thousands more across Europe want to protect their areas from GM crops.
Friends of the Earth is campaigning for the right for local areas to decide whether or not to allow the growth of GM crops.
To contact your local authority to ask them to support the local right to choose, go to:
please click here first to have your say:

Anti Genitic plant Modification