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UK Health Newswire Archive

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Are Republicans Willing to take this Global Warming Pledge?

03-10-2005 00:06

Burning fossil fuels in cars and power plants releases carbon dioxide that blankets the Earth and traps heat within the atmosphere. Oceans cover the majority of the Earth's surface, and they absorb most of this excess heat. The result? Global warming. So why are republicans the only ones on the planet to ignore this very real threat to our futures?

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Problem of disabled people living in poverty needs to be addressed

29-09-2005 13:54

The government's proposed welfare benefit reforms must address the problems of disabled people living in poverty, John Knight, the head of disability charity Leonard Cheshire told a Labour party conference fringe meeting today, writes Maria Ahmed from Brighton.

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Heat is on - climate change news round up

29-09-2005 11:17

Here is a round up of some of the latest news on climate change. Look out for an audio version of this news on rampART radio...

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Spodden Valley asbestos controversy: North West MEP gives frank opinions to BBC

27-09-2005 13:53

2 hour meeting in Brussels... (Den Dover MEP, Centre)
North West England MEP Den Dover was recently interviewed by Allan Beswick on the BBC GMR Breakfast Show. They spoke at length about many of the issues facing the controversial planning application to build over 600 homes and a children’s nursery on the site of what was once the world’s largest asbestos textile factory- Turner Brothers Asbestos- in the Spodden Valley, Rochdale, UK

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Spodden Valley asbestos: Indymedia coverage mentioned in European Parliament

27-09-2005 12:43

Speaking in the European Parliament...
INDYMEDIA and other internet news archives have been mentioned in the European Parliament’s recent conference on asbestos that discussed a planning application to build 600+ homes and a children's nursery on the site of what was the world's largest asbestos textile factory- Spodden Valley, Rochdale in North West England..

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Nestle to be awarded Fairtrade mark?

26-09-2005 08:15

The media has reported that Nestle is applying for a Fairtrade mark for a new brand of coffee, to be sold in the UK only. Do you think this is a step in the right direction or a cynical strategy to counter the boycott over the company's baby milk marketing? Will it affect your promotion of the Fairtrade mark?

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New Orleans: Prisoners Abandoned to Floodwaters

26-09-2005 04:05

Flood waters in the jail had reached chest-level
These inmates, including some who were locked in ground-floor cells, were not evacuated until Thursday, September 1, four days after flood waters in the jail had reached chest-level.

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Cyclist lobby group CTC campaigns for new rights for cyclists - join in!

23-09-2005 10:43

Cyclists are being urged by CTC to join an online campaign to open up new rights for off-road cycling.

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No Widening M1

20-09-2005 23:16

M1 motorway

The M1 carries huge volumes of traffic (some sections up to 160,000 vehicles per day). There is congestion at peak times. The widening is proposed to "reduce congestion and improve both safety and journey time reliability". But the plans are already flawed. When the proposals for the widening were originally agreed, it was noted that the only way to lock in the benefits would be to employ road-use charging. This has not been mentioned in the current documentation. In addition, independent research has shown that you can't build your way out of congestion, road widening and new roads simply encourage more traffic. The government's own studies confirm this. With traffic already predicted to increase by 50% by 2011, there is an urgent need for more long-term sustainable solutions rather than a road building programme that will further accelerate this increase.

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Birmingham International Convention Centre Crest Nicholson Plc Protest

20-09-2005 22:53

Birmingham International Convention Centre Crest Nicholson Protest
Identified only as an appropriate forum for discussion, all at the recent National Housing Federation’s (NHF) Annual Conference and Social Housing Exhibition 14-16th September 2005, were invited, by just one lone protestor, to discuss Crest Nicholson Plc and ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’.

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DEMAND Campaign to voice anger over aircraft noise on radio

20-09-2005 12:52

The DEMAND Campaign Group on behalf of the residents of the East Midlands
Region has taken part in the Juliain Worricker programme on Aircraft Noise to
be broadcast this Sunday at 10am until 1pm 25th September 2005 on BBC 5 Live.
This programme explores aircraft noise particularly from night flying and
the Government's involvement. The DEMAND Campaign Chairman Steve Charlish was
interviewed last week, next to Nottingham East Midlands Airport at 2am in the
early hours against a backdrop of totally excessive aircraft noise and
activity," further " it has to be one of the noisiest places in Europe in the
middle of the night" and "potentially disturbing thousands of innocent
residents with every flight across the region".

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Spodden Valley asbestos - more EU support pledged...

19-09-2005 09:57

Chris Davies MEP (right) and Paul Rowen MP (left) view destroyed woodland
The leader of the British Liberal Democrats in Europe, Chris Davies MEP has just visited the Spodden Valley of Rochdale where there is currently a controversial planning application for over 600 homes and a children’s nursery on the site of what was once the world’s largest asbestos textile factory.

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Hundreds attempt self-harm in detention

19-09-2005 03:30

Figures are appalling
"After people have been in detention for extended periods of time, almost all people that I've come across have harmed themselves in some way."

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Reminder: Stop Expansion of Incinerator Meeting Tomorrow

18-09-2005 23:00

Just a reminder for people about the Public Meeting of NAIL; 'Nottingham Against Incineration & Landfill'. The meeting will be held at the Sneinton Hermitige Community Centre, Sneinton Boulevard NG2 4GN, from 7pm - 9pm. Guest speakers will include NAIL and Friends of the Earth.

We will be discussing the planned expansion of the incinerator, its effects on your health, the environment and increased traffic, importing waste into Nottingham to further pollute our air.

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Military requests medics from Anarchist relief project

16-09-2005 16:52

The situation in Algiers got a bit more surreal this week when the U.S. military asked the anarchists for help in providing basic services to local residents. A medical military clinic commander asked the folks running the Common Ground Clinic if they could lend a few medics and doctors to the military until the military sets up a “permanent” health clinic on Newton Avenue on Monday.

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Sustainable Food Guide - free on-line resource

15-09-2005 13:07

Sustainable food is healthier for people and the planet. The free on-line Sustainable Food Guide offers info on all issues from food miles to food contaminants, laws, standards and schemes for planning improvements.

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Spodden Valley: questions to Councillors...

15-09-2005 00:54

Exposed asbestos photographed in January 2005...
Save Spodden Valley campaigners went to the Rochdale Council Township Public Forum last night. 3 questions were asked relating to public health and safety issues relevant for our town.

Here they are, together with some background information...

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Solidarity appeal from Poland

13-09-2005 17:24

Appeal for solidarity with polish activist facing persecution

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Thoughts on New Orleans

11-09-2005 22:34

The terrible tragedy of the poor in New Orleans is very moving. Here are some thoughts and observations with links to related articles. 4 photos are attached.
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