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UK Health Newswire Archive

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New UK High School Totally Internet

11-09-2005 05:40

Interhigh School opened its nonexistent doors Mon. 5 Sept. 2005: 09.30 hrs. Students went straight to work without fuss in small classes. Aged 11 - 16, mainly UK resident, with a few internationals, many have escaped bullying, or boredom, or feel they just don't fit the standard schooling system.

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[earth2025] System Failure,,,,,they tried to walk out of the city and were stopp

10-09-2005 14:05

earth 2025- account from new orleans

reposted by request. see bellow

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The Lancet Medical Journal Attacks its Owners for Organising DSEi Arms Fair

09-09-2005 12:54

Here's the full texts from latest issue of highly respected medical journal The Lancet. Their criticism of their owners Reed Elsevier has hit the media with articles in the BBC and others:
etc etc

"The Lancet's editors and the journal's International Advisory Board were unaware of Reed Elsevier's involvement with DSEi until a few weeks ago. We are deeply troubled by this connection to the arms trade. On behalf of our readers and contributors, we respectfully ask Reed Elsevier to divest itself of all business interests that threaten human, and especially civilian, health and well-being."

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Public Meeting about planned expansion of Incinerator

08-09-2005 21:15

We have now booked a venue for our public meeting which will be on 20 September, at the Sneinton Hermitige Community Centre, Sneinton Boulevard NG2 4GN, from 7pm - 9pm. Guest speakers will include NAIL and Friends of the Earth.

We will be discussing the planned expansion of the incinerator, its effects on your health, the environment and increased traffic, importing waste into Nottingham to further pollute our air.

Please come along and show your support to help us stop this expansion. Please also help us advertise the meeting in anyway you can.

Download the poster from the Nail website (see link below) and put it up at home, work, your local shop and anywhere you can.


NAIL Public Meeting Poster:

NAIL Website

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Important information for anyone living near Parkwood landfill

08-09-2005 11:40

Landfil Table

Following is an independent assessment of Viridor’s Planning Application to extend active waste tipping at Parkwood in Sheffield.

See also the Local Residents Fight Parkwood Landfill Expansion Proposals feature article from May 2005.

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simultainious policy and CAP reform discussion/ disclosure

07-09-2005 20:33

more on the discussion on CAP reform (if there is one!)

and web link for SP UK 'simultainious policy UK'
its a good idea.. if we can agree on what we want then it is a way to ensure that its what we get. democracy like.. innit!

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Cross-party support from MEPs for Save Spodden Valley campaign...

07-09-2005 20:20

An Aerial view of the Spodden Valley, Rochdale UK
Save Spodden Valley campaigners have been invited to speak this month at an asbestos conference in the European Parliament buildings. Whilst in Brussels, campaigners are also taking the opportunity to meet with MEPs and European Commissioners to discuss the controversial planning application to build over 600 homes and a children’s nursery on the site of what was the world’s largest asbestos textile factory at Rochdale in the north west of England.

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Monbiot: Geldof Betrayed Poor

07-09-2005 12:20

Even as the G8 promises fall apart, Geldof stays silent

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Spodden Valley asbestos: the national health and safety debate heats up…

07-09-2005 10:53

Protesting for a safe future...
Asbestos cancer: Are children up to 1000 times more at risk with HSE’s "acceptable" exposure levels?

Campaigners say an article just published by a national expert on health and safety has significance for the controversial Spodden Valley planning application.

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Of Disasters, Natural and Otherwise

07-09-2005 05:45

The city I called home for ten years is dying
But one thing you said back then finally makes sense to me, in a way it never did before. In the battle to save the people of New Orleans, you are either with us, or against us. And it is crystal clear what side you're on.

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Action Medics Training Dates

06-09-2005 22:53

The UK Action Medics are organising two weekend trainings in November, and a one day training before the DSEi protests.

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Ketamine cheapest in Notts

06-09-2005 17:35

A few days ago reports started to appear in media that Ketamine, an anaesthetic normally used by vets, is getting more and more used as a club drug. Nottingham now is apperently the cheapest place to get it. Apperently costing an average of £31 a gram in the UK, in Nottingham the prices can be as low as £15. At the moment the drug is legal to carry, but new legislation will see it become a class C drug soon.

For more information on the effects and risks of ketamine go to

Original article:

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New Orleans: New Interview w/ Activist Malik Rahim Blasts Mayor Nagin ~

06-09-2005 03:32

Malik Rahim, veteran of the Black Panther Party in New Orleans, is
interviewed in the Algiers neigherborhood by Democracy Now! producers.
Rahim talks about what should have been differently.

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Health Discrimination in the NHS

05-09-2005 15:46

NHS whistleblower fired. Two years ago 55-year-old Jamaican specialist nurse Milton Hanson was fired by his employers, Kings College NHS Trust after he spoke on Power Jam radio and told listeners that black men at the sexual health clinic where he worked had their penises probed by white nurses until they bled and howled in pain.

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Hurricane Katrina Mutual Aid Relief

05-09-2005 15:19

Hurricane Relief
Want to help out the people affected by Hurricane Katrina? Are you interested in supporting grassroots efforts to help people, instead of religious or corporate charities like the Starvation Army and the Red Cross?

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Report from N.O. 9th Ward: 40,000+ dead, others dying as help is turned away

04-09-2005 23:14

*People trapped in attics in the lower 9th ward call a radio station asking for help. No one comes. An estimated 40,000+ people are already dead in that area. *People fear leaving homes because the National Guard has permission to shoot anyone. *They don't know help is being turned away.

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As Health Crisis Continues, Bush Fails to Act On Cuban Offer of 1,100 Doctors

04-09-2005 22:57

Hurricane victims from New Orleans desperately need
medical attention, and there are not enough doctors
available to meet all of their needs. However, the
federal government has not yet accepted Cuba’s offer to
send 1,100 doctors with more than 20 tons of medicine.

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Just a good night's sleep...

01-09-2005 20:06

First they said they were planning new fly routes. "Only for day-time use". Then they started flying over night. Many flights... Local residents in Leicestershire have been campaiging for the last year and a half, trying to get a proper night sleep, as Nottingham East Midlands Airport keeps expanding and leaving communities surrounding the airport in the dark over future plans. In July, Steve Charlish of the campaign group DEMAND, who lives 26 nautical miles from the airport, said in the Observer scheduled flights could be as high as 65 per night, leaving him with not much sleep. The campaign groups seem to grow in strength, getting support from local MP's Edward Garnier QC, Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke, Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell, Alan Duncan, Keith Vaz and Nicky Morgan. Recently Belvoir Brewery in Old Dalby launched 'Nightcap', a beer to support the campaign efforts.

A large public meeting is to be held on September 23, from 7.30pm, at Kibworth Grammar School, Kibworth, Leicester.

Links: DEMAND website | Download DEMAND poster/flyer | Support DEMAND | Sign the petition | Map showing flight routes | New Civil Aviation Bill | Many articles about the campaigns | Nottingham East Midlands Airport website

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Say no to Indonesia as a tourist destination

28-08-2005 02:27

No holiday and not cheap!
But perhaps people want to take drugs when they go out and just because it is not a 'legal drug' doesn't mean it's not useful or even more useful. So I guess now the Australian authorities will insist that this is what can happen in Australia somewhere down the track and more likely to be being promoted for that very reason by propagandists here?

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Iraq: people falling ill from contaminated water.

27-08-2005 14:38

As politicians inside the fantasy world of the Green Zone haggle over a piece of paper the people in the real world do not have electricity or even clean water – more than two years after the `liberation`.