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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Sheffield Climate Ark

18-02-2008 20:43

Sheffield Climate Ark
Campaigning against climate change in Sheffield city centre with an ark.

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Want to know how to take your campaign to the next level?

18-02-2008 13:10

Applications for the Sheila McKechnie Awards Programme close on March 14!

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Pictures from Student Climate Project's launch event in Cambridge

18-02-2008 13:07

Vegan cakes, climate chatter, and an ironing board
As requested here are the pictures from our launch action (see )

Also, just to let you all know that we are stepping up our activities for our London Event, taking place from the 18th to 20th of April all around London. The event is set to include more creative outreach, the launch of our exciting new arts project, workshops, and a collective direct action. More details to follow...

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Stop the Swedish "Triangle of Death" Seven polar bears held for attempted air tr

16-02-2008 11:43

Climate activist group Klimax in Sweden are tired of unnecessary short haul and national flights. Especially between the major cities of Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmo/Copenhagen, all directly coupled by the nearest thing Sweden has to a high speed train. That's why that on Friday the 15th of February strange things started happening at airports around Sweden.

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Student Climate Launch Event Takes Cambridge By Storm

15-02-2008 23:14

The Student Climate Project launched the first event of their Tour of Climate Action in Cambridge today. The flurry of climate activities saw a banner drop, street theatre, a flash mob are more...

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Position Paper - 15th February 2008: Digging Machinery operating at Lismullen

15-02-2008 21:03

Digging machinery has appeared on the 6th February 2008 at the Lismullin National Monument near the Hill of Tara in Ireland as attempts are begun to fill in the Henge in advance of Irish and European Court decisions. (

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The capitalist phase of devastation

15-02-2008 15:58

Climate change as the economic, social and political organization that rules the world: brutal capitalism that is not content with plundering man, it also predates the planet

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Position Paper - 15th February 2008: Digging Machinery operating at Lismullen

15-02-2008 12:41

According to reports on the 6th February 2008, there is digging machinery at the Lismullin
Henge as attempts are being made to bury this National Monument.

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NSPM: Climate Change Solutions Conference a Sucess

14-02-2008 18:08

Despite the last minute cancellation of the centre for alternative technology as a key note speaker, Nottingham Student Peace Movement sucessfully hosted the first Annual Climate Change Solutions Conference at Nottingham University.

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Peaceful Climate Action Greeted With Heavy Handed Approach From Police

14-02-2008 01:40

Activists involved with The Student Climate Project are deeply concerned that the police's Special Branch has being monitoring their operations, and now plans to send over fifty police to a peaceful outreach event in Cambridge this week.

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Climate Change Direct Action Meeting

13-02-2008 09:58

You want to stop climate change?

An open meeting on taking
direct action on the causes of Climate Change

19th February 2008, The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX

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Hitting Total in the Pocket

12-02-2008 17:36

Over the last 2 months, activists tired of the lies and corporate whitewash have taken direct action to hit Total where it hurts them most - in the pocket.

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Please Support the Heathrow No Third Runway Campaign

12-02-2008 17:09

The Kids' Bloc Children's Revolution March at the Camp for Climate Action
Transforming the threatened villages near Heathrow Airport into a giant eco-village could help save them from being demolished for the planned third runway according to environmental campaigners.

Proposals for a variety of different groups to move into the area and help the local residents develop eco-friendly projects have been circulated by the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign.

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Are your meals costing the Earth?

12-02-2008 10:56

The Vegan Society Logo
Vegan Society CEO, Nigel Winter will be giving his hard-hitting "Are your meals costing the earth?" presentation as part of the Green Party Spring Conference 'fringe'. The talk is at Reading Town Hall, on Fri 15th Feb 2008 at 19:00. Day membership of the conference is required to attend.

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Climate Change teach in

11-02-2008 17:55

A teach in organised by LSE students for young people and students to come and discuss the issues around climate change and global warming.

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Bali & Beyond: the international climate change negotiations, and local action

10-02-2008 21:12

Bali and beyond- what to DO in 2008
Manchester Climate Forum
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
7:15pm - 9:15pm
Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester

First half will be info about the climate negotiations in Bali. Deepak Rughani of Biofuelwatch, who attended the Bali talks, will tell us about what went right, what went wrong...
Second half will be dynamic and participatory: what's coming in Manchester. What's needed? How do we get it?

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Climate Change TU Conference Report

10-02-2008 12:10

Report on the Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Conference in London on 9th February.

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Bio-fuel - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

10-02-2008 10:55

Around 20 activists, some dressed as wolves in sheep’s clothing, visited the D1 Oil refinery in Bromborough on the Wirral, on 2nd February 2008. They were there to highlight the dangerous consequences of large-scale bio-fuel production for the climate and for people worldwide.

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Student Climate Project launching their Tour of Climate Action! Come along!

09-02-2008 00:36

The Student Climate Project's Tour of Climate Action will see events at campuses around the country in 2008. The first event is being held in Cambridge from the 15th to 17th of February, and will see an exciting three days of arts, action, education, and also a chance to for everyone to get involved in the planning for the tour's future. The aim of the Student Climate Project, run through consensus decision making, is to encourage the wider body of students to take radical action against climate change. The Project came out of talks held at the Heathrow Climate Camp in August.

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Eco-Village of the Future Instead of Third Runway at Heathrow?

08-02-2008 15:43

Environmentalists and concerned local people resisting the plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport have begun ongoing discussions with a view to establishing a permanent climate centre in the Sipson, Harmondsworth, and Harlington villages.
Environmental campaigners are attempting to offer grassroots solutions to global warming and climate change which would effectively enable the local residents to transform their local area into a futuristic high tech eco-village.
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