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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Cheap as Minibus and Veggie-oil coaches going to Edinburgh Climate Camp/Fring

12-08-2010 19:11

Southcoast Climate Camp has committed to hiring the Big Lemon Bus to travel to Climate Camp 2010 in Edinburgh. Unfortunately many people can't make this trip and we have 18 seats that need to filled.

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Climate Camp Cymru meetup point announced

11-08-2010 21:51

Climate Camp Cymru, 13 - 17 August
Opencast is trashing the south Wales landscape - it's time to take action...

From midday on Friday 13th August you are invited to a convergence space in central Cardiff. The location of this space is Cardiff Quaker Meeting House, 43 Charles Street, Cardiff.

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Shell disrupted - Beat the Boreholes continues

09-08-2010 16:33

Yesterday at about 2.30pm Shell began to lower "Jack - 1" - one of two survey barges currently in Sruth Fhada Chonn estuary SAC (Special Area of Protection) - in order to tug it to another part of the estuary.

The Rossport Solidarity Camp was ready and willing to claim free passage of the public estuary and in the process upset the operation. Over a dozen Shell security boats and two Garda RIBS couldn't keep the 6 kaykers out, with two of them reaching the moving barge after an hour and a half of chase.

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Shell drilling stopped for an hour and a half

06-08-2010 15:30

Rossport Solidarity Campers go out before 7am and successfully prevent workers from accessing the drilling platforms.

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Protesters say 1m Truck Jounney's across SAC Site puts Site at rsk

04-08-2010 16:05

A new Breifing nNte from the Minorca Opencast Protest Group explains why they argue that planning permission for a new opencast mine on the Minorca Site should be refused because of the risk to The River Mease Special Area of Conservation

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BBC 1 Countryfile Investigates Opencast Mining

03-08-2010 14:37

This press release contains news that John Craven and a Counrtyfile team visited the area on 3/8/10 to investigate issues around opencast mining after choosing the Minorca application as a case example.

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Oil Exec Promises over Notts Oil Find

03-08-2010 10:26

A notts based, canadian oil company, Newton Energy, has said it wants to rip up some ground and start drilling and testing and various other crap in the nottingham countryside...He has actually published his number and title, so maybe a few phone calls from concerned residents telling him to shove it where it dont shine?

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Protest raft sails down River Severn

02-08-2010 13:49

Activists sailed a raft down the River Seven and Past E.ONs Buildwas B power station and then under Telfords famous Iron Bridge to raise awareness of the camp at Huntington Lane

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The Need for a 500m Buffer Zone around future Opencast Sites

31-07-2010 11:41

This article provides a link to the 1st article Andrew Bridgen MP has published in support of his arguments for a 500m Buffer Zone around future opencast sites in England

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Ffos y Fran coal train blockade solidarity demo

30-07-2010 13:27

Heading to Climate Camp Cymru on August 13th? 13 people who blockaded the railway at Ffos y Fran opencast mine in April are being sentenced at Merthyr Crown Court that day at 2pm. Why not drop by for a solidarity demo.

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Fri 30th July: 100 days of Gulf of Mexico oil spill

26-07-2010 14:22

Along with BP, Transocean, the world’s largest offshore drilling contractor, is also responsible for the Gulf of Mexico disaster.
Transocean also built the wellheads for the Shell Corrib gas project in Mayo, Ireland where the community campaign is now in it's 10th year of struggle

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Earth First! Summer Gathering set-up

22-07-2010 15:36

This year's Earth First! Summer Gathering will be taking place from 4th-9th August in Derbyshire with over eighty workshops covering many different topics from workshops on direct action to theory to campaigns against the destruction of the planet. We are in the process of finalizing set up. If you are interested in helping with set-up, or even just coming then please read the following.

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Vestas - Magic Roundabout Re-occupied on 1st Anniversary

20-07-2010 21:54

Vestas - Magic Roundabout Re-occupied on 1st Anniversary of the Workers Occuaption.

At around 4pm this afternoon, one year on from the beginning of the Vestas occupation,
15 ex-Vestas workers and campaign supporters re-occupied the 'Magic Roundabout' next to the Vestas factory. The roundabout was the home of the support campaign for over 4 months last year in solidarity with the 600 workers who lost their jobs when the wind turbine factory closed it's doors last August.

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Calling All Future-Eaters

19-07-2010 18:46

The human species during its brief time on Earth has exhibited a remarkable capacity to kill itself off. The Cro-Magnons dispatched the gentler Neanderthals. The conquistadors, with the help of smallpox, decimated the native populations in the Americas. Modern industrial warfare in the 20th century took at least 100 million lives, most of them civilians. And now we sit passive and dumb as corporations and the leaders of industrialized nations ensure that climate change will accelerate to levels that could mean the extinction of our species. Homo sapiens, as the biologist Tim Flannery points out, are the "future-eaters."

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Wildlife Nuked?- No Thanks!

16-07-2010 19:47

What time is it Mr Wolf? Time to stop uranium mining!
Uranium mining is the beginning of the nuclear fool cycle.
Cumbrians have been invited to make charcoal drawings of the threatened wildlife and habitats in Finnish Lapland.
"What time is it Mr Wolf? Time to stop uranium mining!

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Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event

15-07-2010 13:06

"The warning signs of an impending planetary catastrophe—of such great magnitude that the human mind has difficulty grasping it-would be the appearance of large fissures or rifts splitting open the ocean floor, a rise in the elevation of the seabed, and the massive venting of methane and other gases into the surrounding water.

Such occurrences can lead to the rupture of the methane bubble containment—it can then permit the methane to breach the subterranean depths and undergo an explosive decompression as it catapults into the Gulf waters. [6]

All three warning signs are documented to be occurring in the Gulf."

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Saving Iceland Mobilisation Call-Out 2010!

14-07-2010 23:01

Ghosts of Electricity
Join our resistance against the industrialization of Europe’s last remaining great wilderness and take direct action against heavy industry!

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Oil Spill at the British Museum

13-07-2010 15:55

This morning three members of the art activist group Culture Beyond Oil poured non-toxic black oil around the British Museum’s world famous Easter Island sculpture, in protest at BP’s sponsorship of the museum. Emily James, Director of Just Do It, happened to be there and captured the action.

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National Demonstration against Agrofuels

12-07-2010 16:33

National Demonstration against Agrofuels

Saturday 25th September

At the site of the proposed new palm-oil burning, agrofuel power station at Portland in Dorset.

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Alton Food Festival 2010

12-07-2010 15:46

Alton Food Festival 2010
Alton Food Festival is an annual event held in July, part of the Hampshire Food Festival, a month long county-wide event held each summer to celebrate Hampshire Fare.
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