UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Free Food Student Style - 6th Oct
08-09-2008 23:40
Following a succession of 'free food giveaways' Nottingham Animal Rights and Vegan Campaigners will be hosting their next giveaway outside Nottingham Trent Uni's Student Union. Just as all the new students have arrived into Nottingham.CUBA: Besieged by hurricanes
08-09-2008 11:03

Drax coal protestors face persoanl liability claims
08-09-2008 08:16
Whistleblower leaks documents.Eastcroft Incinerator - Public Inquiry starts & more pollution breaches
07-09-2008 21:45

Come along to the start of the inquiry and show your support.
CUBA: Hurricane Watch issued for Eastern Cuba as Ike gets closer
07-09-2008 18:12

CUBA: Hurricane Gustav and the Cuban Five
05-09-2008 22:57

Kingsnorth: Activists use climate change as defence for £30,000 tower
05-09-2008 15:14

Climate and Coal Debate
05-09-2008 14:49
Forthcoming vital debate and conference and Climate Change, Class and
Clean Coal.
No New Coal! Invitation to national networking meeting
05-09-2008 12:25
Leave it in the groundNational Meeting of groups planning to take action against new UK coal developments
Yard Theatre, 41 Old Birley Street, Hulme, Manchester M15 5RF
11th / 12th October
Manchester Climate Action Get-together, Thurs 18th Sept, 7.30pm
04-09-2008 18:31
Yard Theatre, Old Birley Street, Hulme, Manchester, M15 5RFmap:

Turning parking into parks... reappropriating urban space for people
04-09-2008 10:41
On the 19th of September, an ordinary parking space will be transformed into a park - one less space for parking a car, one more space for people to relax and enjoy themselves...Thanks a million?
03-09-2008 22:42

Lead stories: Manchester City Council soon to announce what they will do with the million pounds they promised to cut carbon with..
Plus an insight into a community hydro-electric plant launching this September.
YANC Launch - 10th September in Leeds
03-09-2008 20:49

YANC is a new group opposing the planning application for an open cast coal mine near Ferrybridge power station in West Yorkshire. This open cast coal mine would be adjacent to the Fairburn Ings RSPB wildlife reserve.
STORMY. . . .despite the profiteers, big oil flat earthers, stooges etc: DEC 6th
03-09-2008 15:19
DEC 6th . . . . DEC 6th. . . . DEC 6th. . . . DEC 6th( SEPT 23 london/national demo meeting, 5 cally road Kings Cross
- downstairs from the HQ,
. . . . in the bookshop ( booze etc after!!!! ) )
REMEMBER, GLOBAL CLIMATE TURBULENCE ACTION DAY IS SATURDAY DECEMBER 6th. . . . in LONDON, mass march past USA embassy to Trafalgar square, with super-critical mass . . . . timed to have crucial effect in the middle of the polish preparatory meeting for the UN POST-KYOTO SHAPE OF THE WORLDS REACTION TO THE ACCELERATING DISASTERS WE HAVE CAUSED TO THE WORLDS ENVIRONMENT . . . . or rather, allowed a few people with a few big corporations to think they could get away with the most stupid short termist looting exercise in the history of the world . . . . what with their lack of luxury "escape pods" etc.
Direct Action Camp in the squatted forest near Frankfurt/Germany
02-09-2008 15:25
The forest of kelsterbach near the airport of frankfurt/main is occupied now since three month. Fraport (the corporation running frankfurt airport) is planning to build a new runway on this place, cutting down every tree on 300ha of land. In total something about 100.000 trees would have to fall for the profit of an enormous international acting corporation. For the people of this region it will mean twice the flight movements per year, at least to a level of one movement every 45 sec. In the first week of september there will be an action camp on the site of occupation, from where we´re going to start countless direct activities in the forests, the streets and the terminals.The Road to 90% and the Role of the State
01-09-2008 17:03

Rushmoor defends crass half-size wheelie bin policy
01-09-2008 15:11 climate change and class
01-09-2008 00:43
climate change and class. strategy...there is also discussion on august aut-op-sy list

Spinning the Wind : New Orleans : no apologies
31-08-2008 21:19
The Republicans want Michael Moore to apologise for saying this "I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven. To just have it planned at the same time, that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for day one of the Republican convention."This article is essentially a "compare & contrast".
IBush launched his "Marshall plan" 15 September 2005 to rebuild New Orleans & then 16/9/05 gave one of his most moving speeches on the "first Katrina national prayer day". The houricane had proved "the indifferent power of nature". He then he made 3 commitments speaking from the pulpit of Washington's national cathedral.
Riseup! Radio #8 - September Show
30-08-2008 22:37

Cor blimey – this month’s rioting edition of riseup! radio will have you jamming in the streets and digging carrots out of roundabouts. It’s our most packed and smartest show ever- no summer holidays for us, we’re too busy sorting our shit out- so join us for the lowdown on the summer’s hottest DIY events, camps and schemes, to find out why cops do bad things, and hear about some serious debates coming up this autumn. Get inspired to get involved.
Listen: #8 The September Show