UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Workshop for Actions and Alternatives - all-year-climatcamp
06-09-2011 11:32
In germany, in the rhenish brown coal-mining region, there is an permanent climat camp getting set up in the moment.Just Do It Comes to Vivid Birmingham
01-09-2011 16:12

UK Activists at German Coal Blockade
30-08-2011 16:27
Since 10.30 this morning a group of over 50 activists have been blockading a coal transport railway in the Cologne area. The action takes place at the same time as the nearby international Climate Camp, protesting the open-cast mining of brown coal ( Trader In Gateshead Metrocenter
23-08-2011 17:31
Northern activists have located a fur trader in the metrocenterthe company called Demure Leather , Upper green mall , Metrocentre , Gateshead , NE11 9YG. Telephone: 0191 460 9046
US Presidential Candidate Texas Governor Rick Perry: A Bilderberger Criminal
22-08-2011 17:56
As Cameron has his idly rich foxhunting supporters, Perry has his coterieof petroplutocrats, pharmaceutical vivisectors like Merck, malathion
manufacturers, cattle ranchers, feedlot owners and butchers.
Polish nuclear program and the protests against it
19-08-2011 21:02
Shortly after the end of 1990 moratorium the Polish pro – nuclear lobby, based around National Atomic Energy Agency (state institution of nuclear safety) and academic institutions involved in development of nuclear technologies, supported by international nuclear lobby has started to work on the new plans of building the nuclear power plants in Poland.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Huntington Lane Coal Site under eviction!
19-08-2011 12:41

'Mystery Demo' against a fat cat corporate funder of climate disinformation
15-08-2011 10:43
LondonWednesday 7th September
Early morning action around 8.00 am
There will also be a follow up action in the evening around 4.45 to 7.00 pm
Frack Off! 500 ft high Banner Drop Off Blackpool Tower
06-08-2011 10:43

Direct action discussion at Just Do It
04-08-2011 21:40
Activists, in the non-activist setting of the cinema, discussed direct action/civil disobedience before an audience who had just watched the film, Just Do It - it didn't change the world, but...Critical Mass returned to Nottingham
03-08-2011 12:43

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To resist to eviction, list of stuff or skipping places
02-08-2011 06:18
Some ideas of what we need to organise our defence, (lawsuit for ilegal occupations are the 11 and the 17 of august). If you have materials, ideas of place to do skipping of listed stuffs, or if you have something that can interess us, you can transport it to “the planchettes”, or contact us by mail,

Peace News Camp: visit to Huntington Lane Protest Site
01-08-2011 16:51

Huntington Lane Protest Site Facing Eviction - An Invitation
31-07-2011 15:56

Politically motivated (presumably) supsension of Alaskan scientist
29-07-2011 14:08
A scientist working for the US government who identified the link between polar bear deaths by drowning and climate change, has been suspended after a complaint from an unidentified source. This is thought to be a politically motivated suspension as oil companies are currently lobbying to drill in the Arctic next year.Who Is Causing the 90 to 150 Degree Days? How To Cool Down the Earth?
28-07-2011 17:25
39 ways to cool down the earth in summer and warm it in winter... please multipostOutdoor Skillshare 2011 location released!
28-07-2011 14:38

Earth First! Summer Gathering Update.
25-07-2011 17:09
Location announced, workshop schedule published, and how the kids space is going to work. All for the Earth First Summer Gathering which begins on the 10th of August and runs until the 15th.Get in touch if you need more information.
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Shell blockaded on the first day
25-07-2011 07:45

At 6.59 this morning a tripod was erected on the road between Shell's Ballinaboy refinery and their compound at Aughosse, Co Mayo.
Mayo County Council steal caravan from Rossport Solidarity Camp at 3am
23-07-2011 13:19