US Presidential Candidate Texas Governor Rick Perry: A Bilderberger Criminal
Vegan Peace | 22.08.2011 17:56 | Animal Liberation | Climate Chaos | Ecology
As Cameron has his idly rich foxhunting supporters, Perry has his coterie
of petroplutocrats, pharmaceutical vivisectors like Merck, malathion
manufacturers, cattle ranchers, feedlot owners and butchers.
of petroplutocrats, pharmaceutical vivisectors like Merck, malathion
manufacturers, cattle ranchers, feedlot owners and butchers.
32 Reasons To Inform Citizens Of
The Frightening Record of Rick Perry, a Bilderberg Candidate for
the US Presidency
1. Is Perry the most executing governor in US history with 234 deaths? Perry has appointed
a. 6 more premeditated judicial murder practitioners to
the Texas Supreme Court.
b. He himself has executed innocent men and
c. has executed more people (234) than any other entity but China.
d. He has violated international law regarding citizens of other countries, denying them access to their embassies.
e. In June 2002, Rick Perry vetoed a ban on the execution of mentally retarded inmates.
f. Perry has refused to commute the executions of 234 prisoners. Does that
make him a gubernatorial serial killer?

judicial and state leader murder.
Lies, Lawbreaking and Murder
Perry has obstructed the investigation of his murder of innocent Willingham in the Texas death chambers

as well
as falsely maintaining that he has not raised taxes.

2. He has promoted the animal agony, human disease, and global heating drought of the
Amarillo feedlots and cattle ranchers

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3. Petroplutocracy pawn Rick Perry
Perry has added to global heating, watershed poisoning, pricegouging Texan consumers as well as the nation in making Houston air a rival of China's in filth and toxins.
He has taken mass amounts of money from big oil and has lobbied for offshore
drilling. He is one of those who brought about BP's disastrous oil spill, and
is climate of deregulation helped kill BP workers in Texas.
4. Education

Vetoing no less than 2 bills and one appropriations rider to help the beleaguered Community College System, including $150 million health insurance for the community college employees

5. Killing Girls.. and Profiteering From It
Perry because of his financial ties to Merck (whose George Merck in the 1950's made bioterror weapons for the Pentagon) by executive
order decreed that preteen girls have mandatory vaccinations for the lethal Merck alleged ovarian cancer vaccine... which ahs
killed untold numbers. The Texas legislature overrode him.

6. Profiteering From Illegal Wars
Texas is one of the top 3 states in profiteering from the illegal wars in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria etc. being waged
by the Obama regime. Perhaps that is one reason he has refused to comment on the war in Afghanistan, though many Texans along with other Americans
have been blown apart there.
7. Nuclear Waste Toxins
Governor Perry has arranged to welcome the toxic nuclear waste of THIRTY SIX STATES to the Texas Mexico
border, not only showing his contempt for the health of Texans but for the health of Mexicans as well. Because he's not
in the White House he's not in a position to
welcome the world's nuclear waste to the US.
Silence About The Violent, Criminally Illegal Wars Of the Current Regime
Rick Perry has gone to Afghanistan at least 3 times, but has not spoken out against the wars in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan,
Syria etc.

9. Union
Which 2 Republican candidates want their states to secede from the Union? Should someone run for the presidency
of the Union only to attempt to subdivide it? Rick Perry and Sarah Palin are the 2
10. Privatizing Public Assets... And Paving Over Mother Earth
Perry tried to pave over Texas and make a toll road
for his foreign profiteering privateers.

11. Animal Sacrifice

Rick Perry invited John Hagee who works to bring animal murder back inside churches... who wants to nuke Iran, who called Catholicism a Godless religion of hate... to his prayer gathering as a major speaker. This was a gathering which did not fill half of the Hosuton Astros stadium.

He's also aligned to the AFA (see quote below).
12a. Unemployment Soaring
Even with the oil boom in Texas, 23 states have a lower unemployment rate than Texas does.

12b. (from Digilinus) Rick Perry's Texas has highest % of minimum wage jobs in US

13. Wage Increases Less than Elsewhere
Between December 2007 and April 2011, weekly wages in the U.S. increased by about 5 percent. In the state of Texas they increased by just 0.6% over that same time period
14. Censorship
Websites such as

15. The opportunist Rick Perry switched political parties to have more power.
16. Voter Suppression
Perry has vetoed a bipartisan bill. HB 770 notifying ex-offenders when they become eligible to vote and sending them a voter registration card (see Grits' discussion here, and testimony from TCJC).

Jesus, Martin Luther King, Thoreau and others were felons in the eyes of
their political leaders.
17 Endangering Bicyclists
Perry, a cyclist who recently broke his collarbone in a mountain-biking accident, also vetoed a “safe passing” bill that was a top priority for vulnerable road users.
The veto of the cycling measure, which would have required motorists to give cyclists and others at least 3 feet of clearance when passing on most highways, drew a strong reaction from some cyclists.
Read more:

18 Perry Vetoed Bill to Curb Schoolbus Emissions

19 Perry Vetoed Bill Which Banned Text Messaging While Driving
20 Perry Supports Criminalizing Gay Sex

21 Rick Perry On Animals
a. has a close relationship with vivisector (research on animals) Merck
b. vetoed a bill which would have banned the sale of animals on Montgomery
County roadsides

c. has been elected for 10 years with the help of Amarillo feedlot operators
and Texas ranchers
d. invited John Hagee as a featured speaker at his prayer gathering.
Hagee promotes the return of animal sacrifice in Christian churches.
e. Perry's gathering was billed as a prayer and fasting gathering... but
many were queued up to purchase animal flesh items at the stadium.
f. has destroyed animal habitat by promoting the oil industry of Texas [/font]
g. once gunned down a coyote

22 Denial of Human Factors in Global Heating: Lying for the Oil billionaires of Texas

At a Wednesday campaign stop in New Hampshire, the nation's first primary state, Perry said that climate change is not being caused by humans.
23 Perry Opposes The Theory of Evolution

On 13 August 1987, fossil bones discovered in Texas in 1884 were proclaimed to be the remains of perhaps the world’s oldest bird, which may have lived more than 150 million years ago – except, ironically, in Texas, where evangelical Christian governor Rick Perry and his newly-appointed chairman of the State Board of Education, Gail Lowe, an avowed Creationist and enemy of science, reason, and reality, both presumably agree that the fossils cannot be more than six thousand years old, since that is the Biblically-determined age of the earth. When the ambitious Perry recently proclaimed “I am one of you” to a large gathering of evangelicals, and when the details of his dubious Super PAC’s were revealed, it became immediately apparent just which religious and corporate sponsors were pulling his string. Finally, it is not surprising that the governor can so glibly oppose evolution, since his college transcript reveals him to be a scientific dunderhead.
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Rick Perry's featured guest at his prayer gathering as a prelude to his
campaign entry... was John Hagee who wants to bring animal sacrifice into
Christian churches.
The above picture is part of a book cover by Matthew Scully who wrote about safari hunting,
whaling, factory farming as a Republican member of the Bush administration.
Unfortunately Scully lost credibility when he did speechwriting for Sarah Palin's
nomination speech during the 2008 elections.
24 Criminal Perry Promotion by Google
Is Brin's Google doing with Perry what it did with another Texas governor, Bush?
In 2004 Google designed algorithms which displayed 19 John Kerry
attack sites for every 1 pro Kerry site.
25 Under nominally anti big govt. Perry, government jobs grew at twice
the rate of private jobs

26 Perry pushed insecticides
and torpedoed environmental regulations

27 Perry wants to dismantle Social Security

28 A controversial topic: Perry
would outlaw
abortion He hopes
that Catholic
bishops and Catholics
who supported
Bush 1 and 2
because of
their opposition
to abortion
will support
29 Also
Perry would
ban gay marriage
30 Perry's
change would
reduce democracy
by eliminating
the people's
selection of
US senators
31 Perry has violated the Constitution in causing
more public Texas schools to teach creationism and not
32 Perry's plan to end lifetime tenure for federal judges
does not include Supreme Court justices.


Perry is also associated with the American Family Association (AFA), which has been labeled
a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, to host a prayer
event focused on "the Lord Jesus Christ," and then invited his 49 fellow
governors to attend. The specific "statement of faith" for this theocratic
event includes belief in the literal truth of the virgin birth and
resurrection. That edict would make Thomas Jefferson, a one-time
governor of Virginia, unwelcome.
As the Texas Tribune and others have noted, the American Family
Association is an extremist organization with a long history of intolerant,
fundamentalist and hate-filled religious rhetoric.
Here are just a few examples:
AFA's Bryan Fischer "has blamed gays for the Holocaust, […] called on
Muslims to convert to Christianity or face the wrath of U.S. military power"
and asserted that church-state separation "came directly from the mind of
Adolf Hitler."
AFA objected to a Hindu clergyman giving the opening prayer for the U.S.
Senate, and several of its supporters tried to disrupt the ceremony.
AFA has demanded that every member of Congress be sworn in on the
Bible, thus specifically excluding secular Americans and people of other
religions such as Hindus or Muslims.
This is the organization Perry, a U.S. governor, chose to partner with for his
"apolitical Christian prayer meeting," the website of which clearly states that
millions of non-Christian Americans are doomed to "damnation."
Texas is known as a state
dominated by oil, military spending, pollution, desertification,
nuclear waste storage for 36 other states, NASA-Lockheed
and the murder of cows.
Impeach Perry movement

Ten Good Reasons To Impeach Mr. Veto (279 vetoes.. more than any other governor in Texas history)
Perry Vetoed 49 bills passed in the 2007 legislative session, after the legislature went home, so he could not be overridden. Mr. Veto would probably argue that he restrained himself from the record he set in 2001, when he vetoed 82 bills, more than any governor in any single legislative session in Texas history since reconstruction. According to Paul Burka of the Texas Monthly, 17 of this year’s Perry vetoes were simply to get back at legislators who crossed him on his precious mega-special interest driven Trans-Texas Corridor and HPV vaccine mandate.
1. In 2003, Perry and Mike Krusee (R-Round Rock) snookered their legislative colleagues by pushing through legislation for the Trans-Texas Corridor and freeway-to-tollway conversions, that few understood. The Governor, Krusee, Texas Transportation Commissioner, Ric Williamson, and a few others continue to force what the public simply will not accept. And a revolving door in Austin goes round and round. Our favorite example is Dan Shelley, a high powered lobbyist for CINTRA (the Spanish toll road consortium), who wound up working in the Governor’s office writing transportation legislation.
2. Vetoing the first Corridor/Toll moratorium bill (HB 1892), then deforming the second moratorium bill (SB 792) taking from ordinary Texans a clear, unadulterated shot at a 30 month moratorium on the Governor’s universally hated plan to build the massive Trans-Texas Corridor and his freeway-to-tollway privatization boondoggles. (Don't worry, folks -- this fight is far from over, as Texans are gearing up to give the Governor the political hell-on-earth he so deserves to put a stop to this.)
3. Vetoing eminent domain reform designed to protect private property rights and to stop the taking of over 1 million acres of prime farm and ranchland -- for the Trans-Texas Corridor -- the largest land seizure in United States history.
4. Calling three special sessions on mid-census redistricting, disenfranchising not only Democratic voters, but the state’s growing numbers of independent voters whose voting power is diminished when “swing” districts are eliminated. The redistricting violated the Voting Rights Act, campaign finance laws and necessitated huge expenditures of taxpayer dollars in endless lawsuits and legal maneuvers. (In the end, what did we get -- the downfall of DeLay, the revolt against Speaker Craddick -- still underway, and the people’s movement for Perry’s impeachment! But scoundrels never learn.)
5. Perry’s small business franchise tax, which has increased taxes for many small businesses by a ten-fold average! (This is no joke, folks -- straight from the National Federation of Independent Businesses.)
6. Vetoing no less than 2 bills and one appropriations rider to help the beleaguered Community College System, including $150 million health insurance for the community college employees, while admonishing the colleges to “follow state law”. Why doesn’t the Governor do the same thing by curbing his veto fetish?
7. Unbelievably vetoing a bill banning diesel-fueled school buses idling to curb bus emissions exposing children to fine particles that can trigger asthma attacks. This bill had widespread support, no voiced opposition (including the Governor’s office) and was drawn upon an initiative by the President!
8. Selling out consumer protection for homeowners by stacking the Texas Residential Construction Commission with appointees from the construction industry. For example, Perry took $690,000 from homebuilder Bob Perry (Perry Homes -- no relation) and appointed Perry Homes attorney, John Krush to the Commission. Former Comptroller Carole Strayhorn thought it was such a joke that she called for the abolition of the commission and welcomed a legal challenge by the Attorney General.
9. Mandating Texas girls be vaccinated against the HPV virus, before entering the 6th grade (to which the legislature gave the full Nelson, pinning Perry to the mat, undoing this Merck Pharmaceuticals special interest driven deed!) It turned out that Perry had received campaign money from Merck, as did much of the legislature, and his former chief of staff, Mike Toomey, is a lobbyist for Merck.
10. A series of vetoes put the Perry poison pen to bipartisan criminal justice reform that would slow the pace of incarceration and provide for alternative funding mechanisms. Meanwhile prison guards remain some of the worst paid workers in the state and, as a result, the state prisons are dangerously under guarded. (In fact, we hear the Governor thinks prison guards should be paid minimum wage for the privilege of putting their lives on the line every day.)
Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President
Most of the following are from

Texas Govt Spending Has Increased by 31 Billion
#1 Rick Perry is a "big government" politician. When Rick Perry became the governor of Texas in 2000, the total spending by the Texas state government was approximately $49 billion. Ten years later it was approximately $90 billion. That is not exactly reducing the size of government.
Debt has Increased
#2 The debt of the state of Texas is out of control. According to, the debt to GDP ratio in Texas is 22.9% and the debt per citizen is $10,645. In California (a total financial basket case), the debt to GDP ratio is just 18.7% and the debt per citizen is only $9932. If Rick Perry runs for president these are numbers he will want to keep well hidden.
#3 Switched Parties from Democrat to Republican
after 1988
Wants to lease Texas roads to foreign companies
#4 Rick Perry has spearheaded the effort to lease roads in Texas to foreign companies, to turn roads that are already free into toll roads, and to develop the Trans-Texas Corridor which would be part of the planned NAFTA superhighway system.
Lies about Taxes
#5 Rick Perry claims that he has a "track record" of not raising taxes. That is a false claim. Rick Perry has repeatedly raised taxes and fees while he has been governor. Today, Texans are faced with significantly higher taxes and fees than they were before Rick Perry was elected.
Unemployment Soaring
#6 Even with the oil boom in Texas, 23 states have a lower unemployment rate than Texas does.
Wage Increases Less than Elsewhere
#8 Between December 2007 and April 2011, weekly wages in the U.S. increased by about 5 percent. In the state of Texas they increased by just 0.6% over that same time period.
Poor Education
#9 Texas now has one of the worst education systems in the nation.
Rick Perry, Texas governor, sponsored an August Saturday in 2011 to be a day of prayer and fasting
for Christians.
Unfortunately there were long queues behind many of the refreshment stands.

In promoting ranchers he has promoted disease.
He has with the help of the USDA, CDC and FDA censored news of Mad Cow in Texas herds.

(ongoing thread)

Rick Perry: A Disaster For Animals, Birds, Fishes
Texas cows crammed into Amarillo feedlots, dying of thirst in Texas desert, while
hunters run amuck
Rick Perry and Animals
To ignite any unworking links go to

1. He has promoted the feedlots of Amarillo
2. He has helped create the drought which has caused untold hundreds of thousands of cows to die of thirst and heat.
3. He has, because of his prohunting policies, been invited to speak at the Safari Club, a club of
aerially hunting, idle rich trophy seeking hunters who seek masculinity in shooting mammals.
4. At that gathering, he bragged that his 10 year old daughter had murdered an adult male deer (buck).
5. He has made a featured speaker at his prayer meeting John Hagee who wants to bring animal sacrifice
back into Christian churches, who wants to nuke the people and animals of Iran.
6. He has helped kill the marine mammals and fishes of the Gulf of Mexico as he lobbied for offshore drilling.
7. Through his silence on the several illegal Obama wars he has furthered the bombing of animals and people in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc.
8. Jim Hightower, previous Texas Agriculture Commissioner, has written that
when Perry, funded by insecticide, fertilizer and other poisonous chemical
manufacturers, was voted in to that post, Perry promoted the neurotoxin
malathion and other insecticides as he worked to deregulate, thereby poisoning
animals, birds, reptiles, insects, fishes as well as people.
9. Rick Perry's Texas has countless of vivisection industries.
Alternatives to the Duopoly which rubberstamps Obama's bombing

Vegan Peace
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