Who Is Causing the 90 to 150 Degree Days? How To Cool Down the Earth?
Green Growth | 28.07.2011 17:25 | Animal Liberation | Climate Chaos | Ecology | South Coast | World
Many of the world’s cities have established record breaking
heat of over 100 degree temperatures this
How to Cool Down the Earth in Summer and Warm It In Winter?
1. Work against war. The bombs of war increase earth's temperature while destroying air cooling greenery. The daisy cutter bombs, cruise missiles, drone dropped bombs have killed trillions of trees in the many
wars of Cameron, Obama and others in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,Libya, Yemen, Syria, Philippines, Colombia, etc. indymedia.org
2. Oppose those who profiteer from nuclear power Not only radiation fallout but the constant heating of water at nuclear facilities adds to earth temperature.
3. Stop eating animal flesh and become vegan. According to the UN environment panel which received a Nobel Prize as well as a UK government report, animal flesh causes
a. the deforestation of the planet for cattle, sheep and other animal concentration camps. Cows and sheep graze, eating sapling trees which would otherwise grow.
b. global heating through the methane released by animals in concentration camps
(Dairy products and vegetables are not optimum foods for
Mother Earth. Products of fruit and nut trees, vines, berry bushes are the highest yielding food plants. An acre of ground yields 100 to 1000 lbs. of animal flesh, as much as 450,000 pounds of fruit.)

4. Stop mowing lawns, cutting down forests

5. Stop buying or receiving daily newspapers, magazines, corporate or retail catalogs, annual corporate reports... 72% of the younger generations get news from the internet. Daily newspapers account for trillions of trees slaughtered annually and most promote war.
6. Stop building homes, boats, furniture or fences with wood. Build with stone, stucco, brick, block, clay, metal, and numberless other alternatives to wood.
You will a. prevent termite destruction nonviolently, b save the money, time, and environmental damage of paint, c. have natural insulation with its energy savings, d. prevent rotting wood e. have better insulation in summer & winter f. end the disease related to living near the mold from rotting wood g.reduce the arsenic in the water systems, flowing in from pressed wood factories , h. have increasing rather than decreasing equity in your home, i. have more protection from hurricanes, tornadoes. Use natural barriers such as bushes, or chain link,rather than wood fencing. www.greenpeaceusa.org
Use metal in regular and spiral staircases rather than wood.
7. Fight the builders and their bulldozers destroying our last wild places.
8. Recycle cardboard cartons and all paper.
9. Avoid paper packaged products Almonds, coconuts, corn, avocados, sunflower seeds, pistachios
come packaged by Nature
10. Reduce driving a car or truck.. Subsidize mass transit.
11 Get off the grid of major mountain decapitating utilities
12 Wrap presents in old newspapers rather than commercial wrapping paper.
13. Use cotton or recycled paper in printing.
14. Water thirsty trees and plants on ones own or public lands
15. Take the time to remove oneself from the junk mailer postal ADVO is the world's largest junk mailer.
16. Install solar panels
17. Disinvest from ecocidal earth heaters such as oil companies, slaughterhouses, lumber
companies, war profiteers, nuclear power. Invest in solar, wind, and other less violent energy alternatives. Require that mutual funds and pension funds disinvest from earth abusers.
18. Save fruit seeds, nuts, pine cones, maple tree samaras etc. and scatter them in wild places
www.ran.org The average evaporation of mature trees is 42 gallons a day..which becomes mist, then clouds, and then rain, eliminating drought.
19.Unfortunately Queen Victoria's love of dead Christmas trees is having
lethal effect. Either decorate living Christmas trees outside and/or artificial ones inside. In the US
Oregon is the biggest Christmas tree killer with 7 billion a year in slaughter sales 19b.
20. Plant trees. Work for city, state, country and UN tree planting
Why is the area of most heat and light, the equator, only 70 degrees in equatorial rainforest and 130 degrees intemperate zone desert? Trillions of Trees. Trees as nature's weather stabilizers, trees, accounting for a 60 degree difference betweenrainforest on the equator and temperate zone desert, have been felled at an unprecedented rate. Harming trees causes fire, flood, famine,tornado and hurricane.
21. Eat tree, vine, and berry bush products. Help lemon, olive, avocado, apple, almond, peach, grape, pumpkin, sunflower seed farmers make money
22. Build with stone, stucco, brick, block, clay, metal, and numberless other alternatives to wood.
You will a.prevent termite destruction nonviolently, b save the money, time, and environmental damage of paint, c. have natural insulationwith its energy savings, d. prevent rotting wood e. have better insulation in summer & winter f. end thedisease related to living near the mold from rotting wood g.reduce the arsenic in the watersystems, flowing in from pressed wood factories and h. have increasing rather than decreasing equityin your home. Use natural barriers such as bushes, or chain link,rather than wood fencing. www.greenpeaceusa.org/
23. Avoid paper napkins,paper cups, paper towels, paper bags from grocery and retail outlets. Keep canvas and other
cloth bags.
24. Avoid fast food chains with their mountain ranges of paper and plastic trash creating litter and landfill problems www.kfccruelty.com www.vegdining.com www.mad-cow.net
25. Reduce trash going to landfills. a. Trees are bulldozed down for landfills.
b. Landfills release greenhouse gases.
26. Print on cotton, recycled or scrap paper in downloading and demand libraries provide recycled paper printers. Demand corporate use of recycled paper in billing and all paper dissemination.
27. Use a water spray or bucket and rag instead of buying treebased toilet paper
28. Buy books and greeting cards published on cotton, rice, or other nontree paper.
29. Visualize sun and green trees everywhere
30. Pray
31. Buy used furniture and refurbish it or metal furniture with cotton padding.
32. Legislate underground power lines to save trees. This is
done in several countries in Europe.
33. Boycott insurance companies and publicize ecocidal ‘health departments’ which mandate
the killing of trees...
34. Avoid wood chips. In a hot Houston Texas park, wood chips spontaneously combusted, causing fire.
35. . Stop 'controlled fires'... fires which through inability to predict wind flow have caused the destruction of millions of acres and which kill people, mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, plants.
36. Make sure the fax doesn’t give trees the axe.
37. Join countries and cities (Thailand for example) which have banned logging. The UK has banned tree cutting after trees reach a certain width. Takoma Park Maryland is one of many cities which has legislation to protect trees of a certain age.
38. Network with other environmentalists
39. Require phone books to be printed on recycled paper.
Lumber companies have destroyed animal habitat, added to global heating, have poisoned the watershed with toxic chemicals, caused fires from dust accumulation When a lumber industry says it plants saplings, it fails to mention that it takes 3000 years to replace a redwood, 1000
years to replace a millenial oak, hundreds of years to replace a centenarian fir.
Unlike the UK with centenarian oaks, the United States is still a land of skinny trees, because
of present control of the Forest Svc. and National Park Service
by lumber mining oil and cattle interests) In Mumbai elephants
are threatened by logging, as well as by poaching and war.
Record Breaking Heat: Summer of 2011
Green Growth
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