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UK Health Newswire Archive

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Health Promotion

14-07-2006 01:43

"social marketing"
Never let the facts get in the way of a good health promotion campaign

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Hospital Staff Protest In Southport and Ormskirk

13-07-2006 19:35

Health workers will demonstrate outside Southport and Ormskirk hospitals in response to its latest round of job cuts. Amicus and other unions will mount two protests next week after the NHS trust revealed it will sack more than eighty staff in coming months.

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Ambulance Staff Strike Back

13-07-2006 17:08

Ambulance workers across Merseyside and Cheshire have gone on strike in a dispute over pay. Technicians, who assist paramedics in ambulances, began a 24-hour walkout on Thursday after the collapse of pay talks on Wednesday night.

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"What issue would YOU like to raise with Tony Blair when he comes to Nottingham?

13-07-2006 15:34

Need inspiration? Basra 22/3/03
The Nottingham Evening Post [unreliable source] reports (13/JL/06) Tony Blair is to visit Nottingham this month to give a speech.
Details as to where, when and to whom not stated.

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An action for clean and reliable drinking water at the Ministry for Internal Affairs in Tirana, Albania

13-07-2006 13:11

Today over 40 people gathered at the Ministry for Internal Affairs in the centre of Tirana, the capital of Albania. The issue is Tirana's drinking water, which is not clean, unreliable as it comes out of the tap only a few hours a day and that sewage systems continue to pollute the water sources.

Rebellious clowns handed out some of Tirana's finest tabwater, which was refused by most passers by... The Water Daughters were dressed in costumes showcasting the problems and got passers by involved by asking them what they would do to contribute to cleaner water. The messages were pinned onto a washing line hung across the Ministry building. A large banner in front of the building stated: 'Are you killing time or is time killing you?' aimed at most Albanians very laid back attitude towards these problems. Supposedly the Minister was on holiday when asked for by the demonstrators...

National TV channels, newspapers as well as various media activists covered the action. The action was the final outcome of the week of workshops as part of the Art and Activism Caravan, which is currently touring the Balkans. For more information and full coverage see:

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Cardiac glycosides in prevention of ischemic stroke

13-07-2006 12:54

Brazilian study confirm the findings of Duke University Medical Center researchers that cardiac glycosides provide neuroprotection in stroke occurrence. It was a study of 28 years that showed a low mortality for stroke in 1150 cardiac patients taking these drugs.

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Indian Bollywood Actors goes for Surgical Body Piercing Jewelry

12-07-2006 12:59

Ayesha Takia Akshay Kumar Emraan Hashmi
With trends of next generation body piercing
Plastic Cosmetic Surgeons-Doctors, skin - dermatologists in India had started procedures of Surgical Body Piercing like western countries to cater the upcoming needs of modern trends as per universal demands.

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11-07-2006 22:26

the London Indymedia film festival '8 Days Against The G8' returns to Rampart this Wednesday 12th...

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Diabetes and Depleted Uranium

11-07-2006 18:09

Italian Embassy Cover up Continues

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cyclist killed on country ride

11-07-2006 14:22

Tragedy struck the fourteenth annual Dunwich Dynamo ride as the cyclists--thought to be more than 600 strong--headed over Essex' North Weald.

An off duty nurse and doctor at the scene did what they could, but when the ambulance arrived it was too late.

Two of his friends, and many other riders, rode on; some turned back at the news.

Still we rode.

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Queens Market campaign is far from over

11-07-2006 13:46

The situation of the campaign following the victory against ASDA

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Mersey Ambulance Strike More Likely

11-07-2006 12:30

An ambulance strike on Merseyside looks more likely this afternoon, after there no deal was agreed in pay talks yesterday. Ambulance Service Union leaders last night agreed to meet their employers one last time within the next 48 hours, after they submitted a list of demands through negotiators Acas.

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Lawyers question juvenile detention centre laws

11-07-2006 03:27

It's a violation of their bodily integrity
"Really if a young person has the capacity to make a decision about medical treatment, then they shouldn't be treated without their consent simply because they're in a juvenile detention centre."

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Diabetes and Depleted Uranium - Italian Embassy Cover up Continues

10-07-2006 23:48

US - A Nation In Distress
The Consul asked Dr. Mishra 1) Who is your sponsor in Italy, 2) What is your hotel in Italy and 3) what is your interest in Leuren Moret, in diabetes and depleted uranium? Dr. Mishra had said nothing about diabetes, depleted uranium or Leuren Moret.

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tidepressant Used by Yates Questioned

10-07-2006 23:22

Effexor XR
Dr. Moira Dolan, executive director of the watchdog group Medical Accountability Network, criticized Wyeth for not doing more to publicize it, saying "homicidal ideation'' is listed on page 36 of Effexor XR's label.

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The Fate of Incapacity Benefit

10-07-2006 19:14

The Welfare Reform Bill was presented in Parliament last week, with far-reaching implications for the country’s two and a half million Incapacity Benefit recipients.

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Alcohol harder on teen brains than thought

09-07-2006 22:46

Studies note neurological degradation
He said in an interview that he had no way of knowing exactly how drinking affected his overall brain function. But on one point, he is clear.

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07-07-2006 23:59

The Daily Mail reports that the victims of the 'Elephant Man' drug trials have
been left in even more misery after the company that made the drug went bust.
However, the article omits to mention that this drug - TGN1412 - with its
disastrous and "unexpected biological effect" was genetically engineered.

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Patients Dying To Balance Books in Southport and Ormskirk

07-07-2006 12:39

83 people will be sacked and many unnamed patients will die, because Southport and Ormskirk NHS Trust have been ordered to claw back fourteen million pounds over two years.

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National Autistic Society Programme to ‘help!’ Families in Cambridge

06-07-2006 14:52

The National Autistic Society (NAS), the UK’s leading charity for people with autism and their families is holding a one day programme in Cambridge next Tuesday 12th July to help those living with autism in the local area.
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