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UK Health Newswire Archive

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(BAYER) Naproxen increases heart attacks: NIH

21-12-2004 23:21

WASHINGTON -- An Alzheimer's disease prevention trial was suspended after researchers said there were more heart attacks and strokes among patients taking naproxen, an over-the-counter pain reliever in use for 28 years and commonly known under the brand name Aleve.
The study, involving some 2,500 patients, was to test whether naproxen or Celebrex, both pain relievers, could reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease among healthy elderly patients who were at an increased risk of the disease.

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UK Medical Textbook Must Delete "Gay Bowel Syndrome"

19-12-2004 01:38

"Gay Bowel Syndrome" Must Be Deleted from UK Medical Textbook

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Isolation, psychiatric treatment and prisoner' control

07-12-2004 01:47

We express concern that 'Corrections Health' now 'Justice Health' psychiatrists 'can' prescribe over the recommended dose, without clinical &/or peer review?

Prisoners can, and have died as a result of injectable anti-psychotics, and that this is a worry regarding Deaths in Custody, as well as being an extremely harrowing experience to undergo if it doesn't kill you.

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Oppose flouridation of our water in Manchester, North West of England

06-12-2004 20:48

We know that Manchester is the target for the first new fluoridation scheme. Any organisation concerned with public health, environment & Human Rights should be getting behind the campaign to stop this now!

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USUK DU fallout global.. UK no longer measuring after Halliburton take over.

04-12-2004 02:10

The pernicious effects of DU are now global with
reported increases in infant mortality in 20 regions
of Europe reported in the January 2004 Lancet medical
journal in the UK .... and
in the UK Guardian last spring throughout Europe. No
one can escape this horrendous amount of radiation now
globally contaminating the entire atmosphere at levels
that are 5 times higher than the legal allowable
exposure limit under US law. ... Today, the UK govt.
air monitoring station in Aldermaston, England, which
measures uranium in the air and must report those
levels each year has failed to provide any reports for
the past three years because they claim they are not
measuring it now. It is no coincidence but certainly
curious that Brown and Root (a Halliburton subsidiary)
has now taken over Aldermaston in England, a British
govt. facility....

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World AIDS Day

03-12-2004 20:23

Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS: World AIDS Day 2004

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No Bad Women, No Bad Children, Just Bad Laws

03-12-2004 01:19

Victory: 12-day occupation against police illegality and racism
The English Collective of Prostitutes and the International Prostitutes Collective invite you to an International Conference on prostitution

Saturday 4 December 2004

9.30am – 6pm

St Mary's Church, Somers Town, Eversholt St. London NW1

(Corner of Aldenham St. & Eversholt St. Undergrounds Mornington Crescent & Euston)

Fully wheelchair accessible. Refreshments.

Entrance: institutions £30; high waged £10; waged £3-£5; unwaged £3.

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Dairy Milk?

01-12-2004 10:27

Consuming large amounts of milk increases the risk of developing ovarian cancer, new research suggests. Once again the Vegan diet is shown to be the way forward for health, animals and the planet.

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Stop the sale of Hebden's Pit Street Pool

30-11-2004 16:30

Take action (today and tomorrow in Hebden and Manchester) to stop Calderdale Council auctioning off Hebden Bridge's Pitt Street Swimming Pool at manchester airport tomorrow.

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Christmas Without Cruelty Fayre This Sunday

30-11-2004 13:21

A celebration of cruelty-free living with entertainment, information, shopping and an auction of items donated by celebrities. This year we are really excited to include live music, a magician, face painting and a contortionist, alongside the 70 fantastic stalls from ethical organisations and companies.

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Another reason to be vegan or how we fucked the food chain.

28-11-2004 16:00

Still eating fish? Want to have children? Read on...

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warning to immigrants, DONT COMPLAIN IN NEW ZEALAND

27-11-2004 01:50

why no justice for us in this 10 year issue?

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Stop Aids Event in Cambridge

24-11-2004 09:19

Worlds Aids Day happens next week, on December 1st. To commemorate this fact some fine bands will be playing a couple of days earlier, November 29th, in Cambridge. Your support would be greatly appreciated! The aim of the evening is to support the new Stop Aids Group in Cambridge, to raise awareness in the run up to World Aids Day and to raise some money for the nationwide Stop Aids campaign..

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Blunkett's Quest, but is he on drugs?

22-11-2004 21:57

The legislation is expected to introduce a new definition of "possession" of an illegal drug, making it an offence to have a certain amount in the bloodstream. This is likely to prove controversial - not least because some drugs, such as cannabis, can remain in the bloodstream for weeks.

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22-11-2004 16:34


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20-11-2004 18:57

George W. Bush
The current president's parents both have Graves' disease. According to Hossein Gharib, MD, fifty percent of either one's children will inherit the disease. Since both have it, that means Dubya's chances are 50% to 100%.

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"The Streets of Baghdad"

18-11-2004 19:53

** Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches **

November 18, 2004

The Streets of Baghdad

We had our daily car bomb today when a suicide bomber drove his car into
a US patrol as it passed near the Yarmouk police station. Several Iraqis
were killed, with no report yet on US casualties. I felt the rumble even
though I was on a street far away from the blast-at least 5 miles distant.

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No To the Children Bill

18-11-2004 09:23

This week by a majority of 12 the House of Lords have approved the latest reading of the Children Bill...we can now look forward to every child being on Big Brother's database, accessible to all and sundry who are allegedly "professionals"...and for what? "Every Child Matters" was the mantra, for what purpose?

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Support Liverpool Care Workers!

12-11-2004 12:36

In a time where the occupation of Iraq is becoming more and more bloody and
George W Bush the Warmonger in Chief has been returned to office it becomes
more important to remember that while all the money that is needed to
continue the so called "War Against Terror" is made available other areas

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The Government's misleading response to the Lancet Iraq Mortality Survey

08-11-2004 16:16

The Government's response to the Iraq Mortality Survey published last week in leading public health journal The Lancet (estimating that around 100,000 excess deaths may have been caused by the invasion of Iraq) is deeply inaccurate and misleading. Amongst other things it constitutes an opportunistic political attack on academic standards.