UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Take Back the Land: site taken, Glentaggart East occupied!
11-07-2012 11:52

Take Back the Land! Just days to go…
08-07-2012 17:49

Read on for programme highlights, how you can get involved and direct action resources. We’re ready – but the question is: is Scottish Coal?
BP Brand Piracy Action
06-07-2012 09:41

Insurrectionary action update (Global)
03-07-2012 13:48
[in no particular order, a few recent reports of anarchist attacks....] "Cell of Revolutionary Action for the Destruction of the State – Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution – Praxedis G. Guerrero" (CAR-PGG) responsibility claim for explosive packages to Greek embassy (Mexico) // railroad sabotage in Montreal by "Invisible Committee for the End of Their History" against capitalist conference (Canada) // direct actions during the No Border camp in Stockholm (Sweden) // "Anarchist Revolutionary Group Antifascist Action" claims responsibility for bombing radio station Diavlos in Rodopi (Greece) // claim for attack on Nea Dimokratia offices in Athens (Greece) // explosive attacks on police station in Santiago (Chile) // bombs on the construction site of a new prison in Marche (Belgium) // Van loaded with explosives driven into Microsoft’s Athens HQ (Greece) // Communique for sabotage of Duke Energy trucks, Bloomington (USA) // insurrectionary news from Munich (Germany) // solidarity with the insurrection in Montreal (Canada) from Atlanta (USA) // Police cars attacked, Denman Island (Canada) // words of solidarity with the Cleveland 5 anarchists stung by the FBI (USA) // COUNTER INFO SOURCES = 325, ActForFreedomNow, WarOnSocietyKeir Starmer QC invites Drax power station protesters to appeal
03-07-2012 12:30
Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer QC said he had concerns about the safety of the convictions following the Drax power station protest in 2008.Pebble Mill Social Centre survives flash flooding
02-07-2012 14:39

New Health Risks and Opencast Mining
02-07-2012 12:48
The June Review of developments affecting Opencast Mining from the Loose Anti Opencast Network provides new evidence that Surface Mine workers in the USA contract 'Black Lung' disease. Secondly it reviews recent developments in Carbon Capture and Storage in the UK and lastly updates what the situation is on prospective and actual opencast sites in England.Two weeks to go: Take Back the Land! 12-18 July
28-06-2012 20:46

Just Do It - direct action doc now available online for free!
28-06-2012 15:16

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Earth First! Summer Gathering Update
28-06-2012 12:25
It’s only six weeks until the Earth First! Summer Gathering begins.Five days of workshops, info sharing and learning new skills.
Dirty Coal Plans Defeated: CONCH have won!
27-06-2012 14:10
Yesterday evening Ayrshire Power withdrew their plans for a new coal-fired power station at Hunterston on Scotland’s west coast – a great victory against new coal. They are also withdrawing from the current CCS demonstration project funding competitions, and the Public Local Inquiry set to take place this Autumn for the plans will also not be going ahead. Ayrshire Power says it took the decision because of uncertainties around securing the necessary financial investment to build the power station in the current economic climate – but we say its down to all the hard and tireless work of campaigners who have fought the plans for three years. Well done Communities Opposed to New Coal at Hunterston!Groups urge world leaders to reject “Green Economy” in Rio+20 summit
27-06-2012 13:11

19-06-2012 18:39
Take Back the Land – less than a month to go!
18-06-2012 10:11

Frack Off: Activists Blockade Fracking Drill
18-06-2012 08:50

Romney's Abusive Record Re Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Horses, Cats, Dogs
13-06-2012 19:09
Please send this to animal rights groups'Fracking' - a protest song
11-06-2012 13:14
‘Fracking’ – a protest song.
‘Fracking’ is a song written in opposition to the industrial extraction of fossil-fuel shale gas by hydraulic fracturing, and aims to increase awareness of the many dangers that fracking presents. The protest song has a long tradition across all types of movements and struggles, and it is hoped that this recording can do its small bit to help build community resistance to fracking across the world.
Technology Will Not Save US
10-06-2012 21:02
Michael Huesemann, co-author of "Techno-Fix: Why Technology Won't Save Us or the Environment" interviewed by The Extraenvironmentalist. Then "Alternative Radio" founder David Barsamian recorded in Vancouver: what should we do? Radio Ecoshock 120613Current Opposition to Opencast Mine Applications in England
08-06-2012 12:16
This, the 1st press release from the Loose Anti Opencast Network list 12 sites in England where there has been expressions of interest about opencast for coal on the site. The press release also indicates why this will be a continuing 'itch' in the English planning system as up to 97% of the surface mineable coal in England is located within 500m of where people live. England unlike Scotland or Wales does not operate a system where policy normally prohibits mining is such circumstances.Communities Reject Ecotourism Plans in the Lacandón
04-06-2012 09:57
** For the Zapatistas, the aim is to rob them of their lands
** Analysis by the investigator Alicia Gómez of UAM-Xochimilco
Sent by: Hermann Bellinghausen,
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, June 1, 2012