UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
The bank loan that could break SA's back
15-04-2010 11:25
The World Bank's poisoned 'gift' of $3.75bn to Eskom spells disaster forthe climate, the poor and our fragile democracy
'Activists Target BP’s Investment in Tar Sands with Roof Occupation'
15-04-2010 10:43
Climate Campaigners have occupied the Roof of a BP garage today in protestabout the company’s involvement in tar sands, the increasingly
controversial oil extraction industry.
BlueNG Superglued in Protest Against Agrofuels
14-04-2010 14:07
Last night, Agrofuel company Blue NG had their head offices visited by activists and all of the doors superglued shut. This action was in protest at Blue NG's involvement in plans to build an agrofuel power plant.Party at the Pumps – Pix-&-Vidz – Sat 10 Apr 10
14-04-2010 12:00

BP don't pollute our environment, coz your ruining our wildlife
13-04-2010 15:18
Everyday 100 animal and plant species become extinct,1,000 acres of peat bogs are excavated,150,000 acres of tropical rainforest are destroyed,22 million tons of oil are consumed...A Year Ago Today
13-04-2010 12:13
The first year anniversary of what has become infamously known as... The 114.Earth First! Summer Gathering
12-04-2010 23:59

Ecological Direct Action without Compromise
Wed 4th Aug - Mon 9th August 2010, Derbyshire
5 days of workshops, skill sharing and planning action, plus low-impact living without leaders.
Tar Sands Protest Closes BP Garage in London
12-04-2010 14:36

Mainshill Coal Site sabotaged!
12-04-2010 13:58

No Inaccuracies - But Report Condemmed by UK Coal
12-04-2010 13:45
UK Coal plc's reaction to MOPG's "UK Coal :An Independent Report" is outlined along with UK Coal plc's response to a letter MOPG sent to UK Coal about the length of time the Minorca Opencast Site Application was taking.Pump Your Ride!
12-04-2010 13:11

Bristol Ecovillage call to action for Sat 17th April 2010 (video)
12-04-2010 11:56
Next Saturday (17/4/2010), an Urban Eco Village will be setup in Bristol. Have you got the courage to move off-grid and help make it a monumental success? It doesn't matter if you have no skills or experience - this time last year I didn't.BP hit by nationwide protests over plans
10-04-2010 23:15
Activists hailed the day as a major success, stating that the protests would send a strong message to BP and its investors. Sheila Laughlin of the UK Tar Sands Network said:Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
BP hit by tar sands protests in London, Brighton, Oxford and Cambridge
10-04-2010 20:52

The impacts of coal from Colombia to Scotland - 2 events coming up
10-04-2010 17:00
Scotland imports 75% of the coal burned in its coal-fired power stations, mostly from Colombia, Russia and South Africa. At Hunterston, the UK’s largest coal port on Scotland’s West Coast, huge ships transport coal from Colombia’s open cast mines to the Clydeport facility. If Ayrshire Power and Peel get their way, soon a new coal-fired power station at Hunterston will be fed on this coal too. Making the links between communities affected by coal in Scotland and Colombia, these two events will feature a speaker involved in solidarity work with communities in Colombia driven off their land to make way for the mines.BP faces day of anti-tar sands action tomorrow!
09-04-2010 18:42
Saturday 10th April is an international day of action against BP and tar sands extraction. See below for details of the actions publicly announced so far - come and join in!Radioactive Waste - In a Landfill Near You ?
09-04-2010 18:04

....the nuclear industry is busy trashing the environment and filling landfill up with radioactive waste.
Communities in Resistance – Opposing New Coal Together
09-04-2010 15:12

Despite the Scottish government’s ambitious Climate Change Bill, the coal industry in Scotland grows day by day as companies profit while the communities who are directly affected by this are ignored.
We believe in the power of community and that people can combine forces and work together to resist the many negative aspects of coal; from the destruction of local wildlife habitats and community health to the global effects of climate change.
Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
BP shut down in Plymouth over Tar Sands oil
09-04-2010 14:44
On Thursday 8 April, Plymouth Rising Tide and Kernow Anarchist Network blockaded the BP garage in Ridgeway, Plymouth, to highlight the environmental destruction caused by the Tar Sands project. The garage was closed for an hour and two activists who were locked onto petrol pumps were arrested.BP Fortnight update
09-04-2010 11:11