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UK Health Newswire Archive

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Swindon Anarchists Protest in Solidarity With Striking Hospital Workers

26-02-2012 13:52

For the past fortnight, cleaners and other staff at GWH hospital in Swindon have been on strike against bullying and racism on the part of their bosses at Carillion Plc. On Feb 24th, Swindon Anarchists held a demo in solidarity.

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Andrew Lansley Humiliated by Pensioner

20-02-2012 17:00

Andrew Lansley Humiliated by Pensioner

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The Guardian newspaper funds Huxley’s ‘Children:Our Ultimate Investment'

17-02-2012 17:52

The Guardian newspaper funds Huxley’s ‘Children: Our Ultimate Investment’. 'Children: Our Ultimate Investment' includes 'Project Caressing' which instructs toddlers to be tactile with elderly men. Liability issues ended this in the US, but Laura Huxley's 'Children: Our Ultimate Investment' is doing well in the UK.

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Benefit Claimants Fighting Back

14-02-2012 15:36

The Welfare Reform Bill is back in the Lords today which may yet result in some more tinkering with this desperate piece of legislation. However the main thrust of the bill, enshrining as it does Universal Credit, benefits caps, mass health and disability testing programmes, workfare and the slashing of benefit for 20% of disabled people, is all firmly established and will become law.

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Dr Phil Hammond: 'Killing The Nation', Lansley & McKinsey Inject Poison Into NHS

12-02-2012 18:07

McKinsey is already benefiting from contracts worth undisclosed millions with GPs arising from the Bill. It has earned at least £13.8 million from Government health policy since the Coalition took office – and the Bill opens up most of the current £106 billion NHS budget to the private sector, with much of it likely to go to McKinsey clients.

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NHS Gloucestershire escapes backdoor privatisation after high court drama

09-02-2012 19:09

Michael Lloyd, the Claimant in the case (with John Marjoram)
High Court drama resulted in an agreement today, see the statement from the two teams of lawyers below, and a response from Stroud Against the cuts below that.

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Fracking - The Rest of the Story

08-02-2012 19:58

As fracking envelops the UK - watch the American experience. "Gasland" director Josh Fox arrested at U.S. Congress Fracking Hearing. Speakers Rep Harris (R-MD), Rep Miller (D-NC), Kathleen Sgamma (Industry), John Fenton (well poisoned, Pavillion Wyoming), Theo Colborne (air pollution health impacts of fracking). Interview with EPA whistle-blower Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, inspiration for the No Fear Act.

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Future Of NHS Hangs on High Court Scales, Wed 8th

07-02-2012 14:07

Campaigners protest in September 2011
A Gloucestershire resident takes to the High Court in London tomorrow, Wednesday February 8th in a bid to stop the transfer of all nine of the county’s community hospitals and local health services out of the NHS and into a standalone ‘Community Interest Company’ (CIC). Gloucestershire health bosses’ plans to transfer the county’s community health services, including over 3000 NHS nurses, physiotherapists, health visitors and podiatrists (1), out of the NHS in October 2011 have been halted due to the legal action and a campaign in Gloucestershire that has involved thousands of people in protests, public meetings, petitions and fundraising (2).

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Call Out - High Court, 10am Wed 8th Feb Keep Gloucestershire's NHS Public!

06-02-2012 14:57

Campaigners in Gloucestershire on a Protest March last September
CALL OUT - free on the morning of Wed 8th? Please come and show support at the High Court, Aldwych, London, Wed 10am, where Gloucestershire resident Michael Lloyd is seeking judicial review against transfer of Gloucestershire's
community hospitals out of NHS and into social enterprise. for more
info see http://www. or email

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Greek Hospital Occupied By Workers

05-02-2012 22:23

As Greek political leaders - including banker turned unelected Prime Minister Lucas Papademos - hold talks over another punishing round of attacks on the working class, the workforce of one hospital have taken matters into their own hands, and declared that "we occupy the public hospital and put it under our direct and absolute control".

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Protest Outside Atos in Solidarity with the Nottingham 2

02-02-2012 13:08

Friday 3rd February 1-2pm Triton Square.

Benefit claimants, disabled people and supporters will be gathering outside Atos’ head office in Triton Square this Friday in solidarity with the Nottingham 2 who were charged with ‘aggravated trespass’ at a previous protest in Nottingham.

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DPAC and ukuncut block Regent Street

28-01-2012 14:29


At about midday, a group of activists strung a chain across the Regent Street North junction with Oxford Circus, and a number of wheelchair users attached themselves to the train. Police were fairly slow to arrive, by which time numbers were also swelled with the arrival of those who had responded to the call out.

The protest was a response to the draconian measures being taken to slash welfare provision, with disabled people being some of the hardest hit. A propoganda campaign mounted by the state and corporate media has produced a nasty backlash against disabled people. One woman told me that she has been asked if she really needs her wheelchair.

DPAC called for more protests to be held across the UK, and it is to be hoped that this will happen.

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Grassroots community action round-up

28-01-2012 09:42

A round up of campaigns organised by people in their communities including saving the local school, health service, and prevent nuclear waste dumping.

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On Trauma and Homelessness

25-01-2012 23:32

up to a third of all homeless people are former soldiers, sailors and airmen, many of whom are living with medical conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,

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Leamington Spa Protest against cuts to Disabled people's benefits - Round up

21-01-2012 13:00

Yesterday saw the first protest of Leamington and Warwickshire DPAC outside the offices of Tory MP Chris White. In spite of continuous rain there were between 30-35 people there. We couldn’t get to see Chris White and shortly before the protest began staff came out of the office and went away. We did however leave a letter for him and he has agreed to see me and some of his constituents at another time now. Full report here


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Atos classify a man in coma as capable of work

20-01-2012 18:06

A man in a coma has had his benefits stopped because he failed to return an ESA50 fitness-for-work questionnaire.

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Protest against cuts to Disabled people's benefits & services

30-12-2011 15:04

Protest against cuts to disabled people's benefits and services and the destruction of the NHS.
Time: 1pm Friday 20th January
Place: Lemington Spa, Warwickshire. At CHRIS WHITE, MP’s office, 43a CLEMENS STREET, OLD TOWN, CV31 2DP, not far from railway station. Meet outside constituency office at 1pm

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Workplace death survey results published

30-12-2011 13:50


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Students ask Johnson and Johnson what their christmas present be?...

19-12-2011 11:59

What will your christmas present to the world be?..
Student Stop AIDS campaigners staged a snowy protest today outside Johnson & Johnson, maker of the famous ‘no more tears’ baby products, demanding to know whether their Christmas present to the world would include entering negotiations to join the Patent Pool, an initiative which will provide life-saving HIV medicines to the nine million people still waiting for treatment around the world.

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Basic daily rights under threat for 20,000+ UK citizens!

18-12-2011 14:28

How would you feel if it was the case that you, or your loved ones, had the most fundamental aspects of your lives constrained and controlled? Do you take for granted the minutiae of freedom in your life? Over 21, 000 people are confronting the terrifying reality of losing such freedoms. Including myself. We have to call on our allies to support the campaign to make the coalition government rethink their attack on us. If this funding is stopped we risk living in worse conditions and with less freedoms than convicted criminals.

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