UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
climate activists prevented from travelling under terrorists legislation
15-10-2009 14:22
Too tired to write seperate article but one additional quote from the coppers who interviewed us: "95% of people we stop under this legislation aren't terrorists".handy Ratcliffe map for the weekend
15-10-2009 13:45

Crowds Set to Flock to Vegan Extravaganza in Wolves
15-10-2009 13:10

meeting - reclaim the earth centre
15-10-2009 09:17
meeting thursday 15th October at 2pm in doncastercontact

Loggers Stopped from Felling Forest For Coal
14-10-2009 21:50

Ratcliffe 114 - one more charged, now 25
13-10-2009 23:33
Reported in the Guardian:
Agrofuels Don't Roc(K)
13-10-2009 22:24

Police surveillance of climate activist vehicles
13-10-2009 16:07
Climate Camp activists intending to drive to the Swoop on Radcliff on the 17th October should be prepared to take a few precautions if they want to avoid being picked up by vehicle surveillance.London Mobilisation for Mother Earth
13-10-2009 15:16

Change Your Diet, Save the Climate
13-10-2009 01:15

Vestas Wind shares decline 10/10/2009
12-10-2009 17:05
Shares of Vestas Wind Systems A/S, the world's biggest maker of wind turbines with facilities in Colorado, dropped to the lowest since April in Copenhagen after Svenska Handelsbanken AB cut its recommendation to "reduce" from "accumulate."Whither Resilience and Transition? Why 'Peak Oil' Has Yet to Outlive its Usefulness
12-10-2009 14:05
It's been a fascinating few days. Early in the week, Nate Hagens and Sharon Astyk were suggesting the perhaps the term 'peak oil' has outlived its usefulness, given that we have almost certainly peaked, and that the peak oil movement needs to shift its focus. It echoed something I wrote a while ago, likening ASPO and the wider peak oil movement to a Loch Ness Monster Society, dedicated to establishing the existence of this fabled creature. They organise conferences, scientific searches of the loch, write papers and journals, and then one day, an entire, intact Loch Ness Monster washes up on the shore. Then what? They have no reason to exist any longer, their whole raison d'etre vanishes overnight.
Carbon Capture Companies Must Share Results With Poor Countries
12-10-2009 13:55
Importance of Carbon Capture to the whole WorldUK government condemns British mining company Vedanta
12-10-2009 13:48
In an unprecedented attack on a major British company, the government ruled that Vedanta, ‘did not respect the rights of the Dongria Kondh’; ‘did not consider the impact of the construction of the mine on the [tribe’s] rights’; and ‘failed to put in place an adequate and timely consultation mechanism’. Devastatingly, it concluded, ‘A change in the company’s behaviour’ is ‘essential’.Is climate action at a tipping point?
12-10-2009 13:00
We’ve seen victory after victory this week and that’s just the major iconic battles. Not only have Eon and BAA thrown in the towel on Kingsnorth and Heathrows third runway, but also the rejection of the proposed agrofuels power stations Portland, Dorset and in Southall, Ealing last month.Peak oil before 2020 a 'significant risk', say experts
11-10-2009 19:15
There is a “significant risk” that conventional oil production will peak before 2020, and forecasts that delay the event beyond 2030 are based on assumptions that are “at best optimistic and at worst implausible”. So says a major new report that puts the excitement over recent ‘giant’ oil discoveries in perspective and directly contradicts the British government’s position. It also warns that failure to recognize the threat of peak oil could undermine efforts to combat climate change.Climate Activists Cheer 'Two Down, One To Go', As Great Climate Swoop Looms
11-10-2009 18:00
Climate activists have been celebrating a double victory this week, whilecontinuing plans to take control of a second power station this weekend.
The 300-350 Show: Forests in the Copenhagen Deal
11-10-2009 16:35

Greenpeace activists take parliament roof
11-10-2009 16:21

Tomorrow MPs return from their summer break and the government's own Committee on Climate Change will publish a progress report on UK carbon emissions. They make it clear that Britain is not doing enough to meet its commitments, and insist that a "step change" in emissions cuts is needed. With just 60 days go until the critical climate summit in Copenhagen - which faces a very real chance of failure as things stand - Britain has yet to show true commitment to making the process a success. We need politicians who are thinking about the next generation, not just the next election.