UK Health Newswire Archive
Acadian Asset Sell Their HLS Shares
30-07-2008 19:38

Ciba Vision (Novartis) Protest, Southampton
30-07-2008 19:31

Support Peaceful Campaigner Dan Amos
30-07-2008 19:10

World Population Day, a day to celebrate humanity and not its curbing
30-07-2008 18:45
World Population Day tends to largely celebrate the success of demographic control and not human lives. Demographic studies should not limit itself to relating underdevelopment to an increase in population size. One must go beyond mere statistics an look at socio-political factors when analyzing povertyPre Work Demo At AstraZeneca
30-07-2008 01:32

Wickham Labs National Demo
29-07-2008 17:45

Meet at Mill Lane car park, Wickham, Hampshire
For details contact: Helen 023 92 588516
H Partners Dumps HLS Shares
29-07-2008 12:27

The sale was confirmed this week by Win Animal Rights in the USA.
Protests Continue Outside HLS Labs, Alconbury
29-07-2008 11:46

SHAC Demos Continue Apace In London
29-07-2008 11:43

Protests Continue At Novartis HQ In Horsham, Sussex
28-07-2008 10:04

River City ADL Visits Dow Chemical
27-07-2008 00:32
On Monday, July 14th, River City (formally known as Evansville, Indiana) Animal Defense League folks traveled to an office of Dow Chemical in Indianapolis, Indiana to disrupt and demonstrate against them for their involvement with Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS).HLS Customer & Supplier Demos in the South
25-07-2008 21:37

MashCan Org: Canadian Doctors Exposed!!!
25-07-2008 18:14
The consuming public is very vulnerable to any value judgment made by a medical professional.Intersex Shadow Report: "End forced genital surgery now!"
25-07-2008 05:14

AIDS: Genocide of neglect
24-07-2008 11:01
DAN JAKOPOVICH delves into the rich states' record on HIV/Aids.NYC Focus on Major HLS Investors
24-07-2008 09:33

OPERATION IX3: Institutional Investor Insanity Continues, Saturday, July 19. 2008
Demo #1: Usman Nabi - HLS Investor - H Partners

Demo #2: Peter Laventhol - HLS Investor - Spark LP

Fresh and Wild : The "ethical" organic store is selling Nestle products.
23-07-2008 17:58
Fresh and Wild in Camden and Soho are selling Nestle products. Nestle are unethical and not the type of manufacturer whose products expect to find in Fresh and Wild etc.Bobby Roberts Circus Demos Tonight
23-07-2008 14:58

Bobby Robrts tour with Anne, a 55 year old elephant who suffers from arthritis.
Read her story here:

HLS Supplier Staples Targeted in the Midwest
23-07-2008 14:43
On Monday, July 14th, activists left over ninety "Staples kills" fliers throughout the Staples store in Terre Haute, Indiana at 125 Davis Avenue. Soon after, on Tuesday, July 23rd, activists left over 120 "Staples kills" fliers throughout a Staples store in Chicago, Illinois at 711 West Jackson Boulevard.SHAC Morning Demo At AstraZeneca
23-07-2008 14:40