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UK Health Newswire Archive

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Researchers Speak Out Against Animal Tests

23-07-2005 14:36

The scientific director of Europeans for Medical Progress today spoke strongly against the building of the proposed primate experimentation lab in Oxford. The lab's construction has so far been halted for just over a year by popular protest.

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Oxford Man Objects to Yahoo! "Porn"

22-07-2005 13:59

A local resident has complained to Yahoo! UK about the inclusion of a "Bikini babes gallery", explaining the way in which it contributes to unhealthy attitudes and relations between men and women. The letter is copied below.

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Another Roy Meadows?

21-07-2005 12:29

An excellent and inspiring article by members of the M.E community which identifies the similarities between that of the case of Sir Roy Meadows (and the professions attitude to him) and that of a another controversial 'world expert' who makes massive 'unprovable claims about the condition and which have had major consequences for PWME.

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Iraqi Civillian Fatalities - 37% are caused by US troops!

21-07-2005 11:01
The report that appeared yesterday on this site shows that 37% of Iraqi cvillian fatalities have been caused by US/UK coalition troops with 25,000 dying in the first 2 years of the conflict. Previous research published in the Lancet suggest things are even worse.

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Killer-cola linked to London Bomber [update]

21-07-2005 06:13

In interviews widely reported in the mainstream media last week, links between the men thought to behind the London bomb attacks and the Coca-cola company were exposed....

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Groups opposed to Lydd Airport,Romney Marsh,Kent (expansion of)

20-07-2005 15:04

Lydd Airport on Romney Marsh Kent has announced plans to expand (Recently renamed 'London/Ashord Apt). The owner, an oil Sheikh who made part of his money from arms deals, wants it to be the 'Stanstead of the South' !

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Community Forum on Law Enforcement Violence

18-07-2005 05:27

“Sooner or Later, Somebody’s Gonna Fight Back”
This breakfast forum will include a spiritual dedication, culture presentation, film screening of “Sooner or Later, Somebody’s Gonna Fight Back*,” and panel discussion with family members of victims and survivors of law enforcement violence, law experts, and community organizers. Panel participants include: Jerry Thomas, father of Jenard Thomas; Malcolm Suber, veteran revolutionary fighter against police terror; and Ernest Jones, civil rights & criminal defense attorney.

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Crest Plc - Corporate Social Responsibility – Family Petition HRH Prince Charles

16-07-2005 06:55

Business In The Community
The Shalom Family Campaign for Justice Wales, have recently petitioned HRH Prince Charles, President of Business In The Community (BITC). BITC advocates the inclusive practice of 'Corporate Social Responsibility' and 'Responsible Business Practice' among its members,but.

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Time to get mentally ill out of jails

16-07-2005 02:09

"The process had gone too far" Professor Paul Mullen
In the two decades since the influential Richmond Report recommended deinstitutionalising mental healthcare, the number of patients in psychiatric institutions has more than halved, from about 15,000 to 6000. The prison population more than doubled between 1986 and 2001 to more than 24,000 and now includes a high proportion of mentally ill prisoners.

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Aspatame back in the corporate news

14-07-2005 17:44

Years ago the non-corporate media gave coverage to health risks of aspartame - a product of Monsanto - now it's back in the mainstream headlines.

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The Ancient Wisdom of the Breath

14-07-2005 01:40

This may be the beginning of the most fascinating journey you have ever undertaken because it begins inside yourself.

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Some people want to remain anonymous

12-07-2005 23:58

"Anna's journey"?
"She actually did provide her full name, Vivian Solon, to independent witnesses who tried to pass this information on to DIMIAA [Immigration Department] officers, and they weren't interested," he said.

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Back to kill the innocent

11-07-2005 22:43

War in Afghanistan [File photo] (Rooters)
Labor's well paid losers have backed in principle a deployment to kill what party leader Kim Beazley has called "terrorism central". But who are the terrorists? Who's going where? To do what? And what is war? TERRORISM!

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Manchester 'Kissit' campaign bed push and demo 14th July 2005

11-07-2005 09:02

Last minute details of the above event

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Ten tips

10-07-2005 14:24

Ten tips for de-stressing after G8

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G8Bikeriders return to London, Offer Cycling Lessons to George W. Bush.

10-07-2005 00:34

A reponse to the most recent calamity to afflict the Leader of the Free World from the tired but beautiful folk of the G8 Bikeride

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Healand Kitchen

08-07-2005 17:25

Healand Kitchen
Peaceful fun atmosphere in the communal kitchen of the Healand Barrio

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Medics Targeted at G8 : Interview with Arrested Medics : Transcript

08-07-2005 13:59

On Monday 4th July during the Carnival for Full Enjoyment in Edinburgh it became clear that the police were targeting the street medics for harassment and arrest. Medics were subjected to many stop and searches, five-six medics were arrested and their medic van seized. This pattern was repeated on some of the following days.

Indymedia spoke with two medics who had been arrested and mistreated on Monday 4th July. They received bail conditions that meant they had to leave the area and sign on at their local police stations every day until 10th July, thus removing them from the streets. We spoke to them just before they had to leave.

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Lib/Lab Cult Squad

05-07-2005 23:04

The Lord is my Shepherd -- I shall not want!
Rudd is blunt about their original mandate. "The challenge was made sharply manifest by family first having adopted a 2004 election political posture that was no different from being a wholly owned subsidiary of the liberal party," Rudd says. "They preferenced the liberal party in almost every seat that counted."

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Edinburgh workshop Monay: Social Control & Madness

03-07-2005 13:53

This workshop will take place at the Teviot Building at the University of Edinburgh, which is the Dissent convergence space here, between 4-6pm on Monday the 4th of July.