UK Migration Newswire Archive
"Hate Mail" hits the streets
04-05-2005 21:15
Launch of the 'Hate Mail': A Free Newspaper Satirising Media and Political Attitudes to Immigration and Asylumdisaster help: Eliminate Hunger, Solar Hospitals, Water Purify
04-05-2005 16:38
Using Advanced sustainable technology during times of emergency in the UK.Also, many links provided to sustainable tech and emergency tech.
UKIP freefone number
01-05-2005 21:31
The rabidly-anti-immigration party UKIP have a freefone number - 0800 587 6587. Ring them free and tell them what you think of their racist scapegoating!sans-papiers: hungerstrike and occupation
27-04-2005 05:14
(translation from indymedia germany)Paris:On march 4th 15 sans-papiers (refugees without staying permission/papers)
occupied offices of Unicef Paris.
Since the 17th, eleven of them are in hungerstrike.
On march 19th, Unicef let evict the building.
The hungerstrike continues.
Campsfield demonstration and meeting!
26-04-2005 23:07
Campsfield demonstration and sponsored bike ride 30th of April, and meeting tuesday 3rd of May. Come along to the demo and show you disgust with the way asylum seekers are being treated, and get involved by coming along to the meeting!Traveller support public meeting
24-04-2005 15:51

Open invitation to post-April 2nd meeting on Tuesday 26th April at Halkevi, Stok
24-04-2005 08:34
Following the European day of action for migrant rights a meeting has been organised by the April 2nd Organising meeting at Halkevi, Stoke Newington to discuss future campaigns and the formation of an open network of activistsSponsored bike ride for Campaign to Close Campsfield - April 30th
19-04-2005 10:19

Start 11-15am April 30th 2005 Martyrs Memorial Oxford
Arrive 12pm Campsfield House
June 25: no one is illegal conference
18-04-2005 21:35
On Saturday June 25, the no one is illegal manifesto group is organising a No One Is Illegal conference in Manchester. All invited.NO QUOTAS : LEGALIZATION !! Migrants take Action In Paris
16-04-2005 07:12
On Wednesday the 13th of April, close to one hundred sans-papiers from Droits Devant !! and support group activists, such as bishop Jacques Gaillot and Professor Albert Jacquard, occupied the headquarters of the Federation Francaise du Batiment (F.F.B -French Federation of Construction).UK ELECTION IMMIGRATION AUDIO SATIRE
14-04-2005 21:21

Here's my version of the utopian immigrant-free Britain that Blair and Howard would love us to inhabit... enjoy : )
It's not racist......
13-04-2005 21:11
Are you thinking what they're thinking? It's not racist to endanger ethnic minorities in order to advance your careerUS Refugees: Casualties of the 'War Against Dissent'?
13-04-2005 18:19
As part of the 'War Against Dissent', extraordinary events can occur within the US, life threatening events. But has so-called 'realpolitik' effectively denied Americans the right to political asylum. There have been legitimate cases, including one based on torture and attempted murder.British elections and immigration MP3
12-04-2005 21:52
nice DJ-mix by DJ Moniker on the majorissue of the upcoming British elections - "clampdown"
on immigration - It's real nice -both major parties'
leaders "sing" in a bloody unison...
The deportation machine: Europe, asylum and human rights
12-04-2005 21:36
The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has published a new study on refugees in Europe. Citing over 200 detailed case studies, IRR researcher, Liz Fekete, shows how opportunist political campaigning puts the lives of asylum seekers at risk.conservative party/ tories/ tory party/ conservatives
12-04-2005 20:46
Check out our latest Conservative website and help us get in by following the 'make your own conserative billboard' advice.We are not a bunch of self-interested in-bred racist fuckwits but he future of Britain.

Young asylum seekers exhibit at MOA
11-04-2005 10:11
EXHIBITION: Young asylum seekers explore how they have adapted to life in Oxford12 April - 29 May Modern Art Oxford Café, Pembroke Street, Oxford
07-04-2005 23:03
Demonstration , Saturday April 9th, BrightonA yatra style walk departing Jubilee Library, North Rd, 12noon to the Peace Statue in Brighton
Campaigners in Oxford condemn GSL Ltd to government inquiry
06-04-2005 22:31
Following the BBC exposé of racism and violence by GSL employees in the programme "Detention Undercover", there will be a government inquiry by the prison ombudsman Stephen Shaw into GSL Ltd's suitability to run immigration detention centres. Campaigners in Oxford have made the following submission to the inquiry: