UK Migration Newswire Archive
Inside a Greek detention container
14-10-2008 22:34

This video was taken with a mobile phone by one of the refugees in a container used as a detention centre to hold refugees arrested by police and border guards in the port of Patra, Greece. It was originally posted on a Greek blog and on Youtube, and the Youtube link posted on Indymedia Greece.
I've stripped it off Youtube and converted it to mpg so that people could watch it and use it as they wish.
Bristol Picket call out in support of Amey Cleaners
14-10-2008 17:49
Five cleaners employed by Amey (who have the contact for rail maintenance in Bristol) were sacked for "damaging the company image" on the 2nd of October.Bristol No Borders - Picket Call Out.CAIC had already called for a demo on the same day outide the NPL conference.
Solidarity with the cleaners in the undergroud. Take action!
14-10-2008 11:28
Just a reminder about the action tomorrow.
Bring banners, placards, noisemakers!
Jane Mary Mutetsi Detained again / second attempt to remove
14-10-2008 05:16

Shut down BMI Airlines day! Monday 20th October 2008
13-10-2008 14:05
In 2007 the UK government deported 63,140 migrants. Airline companies are a key link in the deportation industry. Without them it would be very difficult, if not impossible, for the state to implement this aspect of the migration regime and there can be no migration controls without deportations.
Around the Campaigns Monday 13th October 2008
13-10-2008 05:08
Mustafa Abdulrahim MustafaOnline campaign to prevent the removal of Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa, Sudanese cameraman, from the UK

Background: Mustafa Belongs to Nottingham

Trade Unions for Asylum/Migrant Rights Meeting
12-10-2008 18:00
Trade unions can play an important role in supporting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers. The South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) has called an organising meeting on Monday 13th October to plan action.Call out for day of action: Shut Down BMI Airlines- 20th Oct
12-10-2008 09:42

No Borders Network wide Gathering 8 & 9 Nov
12-10-2008 02:01
Less than a month till the next network-wide No Borders Gathering, to be held in Newcastle on 8 & 9 November! The Gathering will be a chance to discuss, network and plan, and to build on discussions from the last network-wide Gathering, held in Manchester earlier this year.Demonstration for Amdani Juma's right to stay, Market Sq, Nottingham : Pictures
12-10-2008 00:43

Support NPL cleaners unfairly sacked!
11-10-2008 10:00
Last week, five Latin American cleaners were unfairly dismissed by the company responsible for the cleaning at the National Physical Laboratory.Austria's Nazi Haider Dead!
11-10-2008 07:22
Austrian far-right Nazi politician Joerg Haider has been killed in a road accident
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Sat 18 October, protest against the British government’s asylum policies
10-10-2008 21:21
To protest against these inhuman policies, International Organisation of Iranian Refugees in Manchester is protesting. Therefore we call upon all humanitarian organisation and civilised people to support our cause and participate on this demonstration on 18th of October 2008.Place: Platts Field Park, Wilmslow Road, Rusholme
Time: 12pm
No Borders Documentary Night This Monday!
10-10-2008 11:04
Leaving or Dying: a film about the human cost of border controls(+ short films on the detention centre industry and discussion)
Monday 13th October, 7.30pm, University of Manchester Students Union, Main Debating Hall
Shut Down the Detention Camp, Denmark
10-10-2008 10:03

West Mids Palestine Solidarity Campaign NAKBA COMMEMORATION
10-10-2008 09:07

This year, 2008, is the 60th anniversary of what the Palestinians refer to as the Nakba (i.e. the catastrophe) also known as the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. We are commemorating this event on Saturday with an event to highlight the situation of Palestinian refugees and to win support for their right to return.
We will have a tent with displays of photographs, maps and cultural items. We will be leafleting and collecting signatures for a petition. Do come to see us during the day to talk about Palestine and discuss how we can pursue an effective campaign to support the rights of the Palestinian people.
Around the Campaigns Friday 10th October 2008
10-10-2008 07:01
Let Amdani Juma Stay / Rally in the Market SquareNottingham, tomorrow Saturday 11th October @ 12.30
Please come down and support us. We need to keep the pressure up and tell the world that Nottingham has not forgotten Amdani. We are expecting the media to be there so bring as many people and banners as possible. Thanks, Friends of Amdani /

Picnic at Parliament to end the destitution of Asylum Seekers
09-10-2008 16:00
Parliament Protest Picnic Campaigning, Eating, ProtestTube cleaners solidarity actions
09-10-2008 10:31
It is very important to support the cleaners at this crucial moment: UK racist immigration laws are being used to crush the cleaners' successful struggle. Three cleaners have been deported, and the employers are carrying out checks on many others: hundreds have received letters sayin their National Insurance number may not be correct.