UK Migration Newswire Archive
Migrant Support Volunteer Arrested in NW France
27-02-2009 17:19
In recent months a number of volunteers for French migrant support groups have been arrested. This appears to be a deliberate policy on the part of the French judiciary and police as the Sarkozy governement increases repressive measures against the hundreds of migrants in the area.Flying people to torture and death
27-02-2009 14:19
A Brighton family was forcibly deported to Algeria last week on an Air Algérie flight from Heathrow. The first attempt to deport them on a British Airways flight three days before had failed, allegedly because there was 'a problem with their tickets.' Both times campaigners from Brighton and London gathered at the airport and leafleted crew members and passengers to try and get them to protest on board, which may explain why the deportation was cancelled the first time. Earlier that week, about 50 Iraqi refugees refused asylum were not so lucky to have 'tickets with problems' or protesters leafleting at the airport. Instead, they were surreptitiously taken through the VIP entrance at Stansted airport and put on a special 'ethnic charter flight' operated by a Czech airline, which carried them to Erbil in northern Iraq. A few deportees were taken off the plane, just before it took off, after last-minute interventions by solicitors and MPs. One deportee was flown back to London after winning a High Court injunction.Lampedusa's burning - Should have been the Italian embassy?
26-02-2009 23:17

Protest at Manchester Uni for the rights of asylum seekers and refugees
26-02-2009 14:54
Manchester University campaign group STAR (Student Action for Asylum Seekers and Refugees) is protesting outside the Student's Union at 12pm Friday 26th February. The protest is to highlight the injustice and unfairness of the aslyum system in the UK which prevents aslylum seekers from working. Protesters will shackle their hands to symbolise the restrictions placed on the persecuted and marginalised asylum seekers in this country. STAR will be joined by asylum seekers and members of Manchester Refugee Support Network and Refugee Action. All welcome.Close Communications House - dem o Tuesday 3 March
25-02-2009 12:05
DEMONSTRATE AGAINST BRITAIN ’S RACIST IMMIGRATION LAWSShow solidarity with asylum seekers and immigrants
TUESDAY 3 March 1-2pm
Outside the UK Immigration Service Communications House
210 Old Street, London , EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
Defend Yahya al-Faifi
25-02-2009 00:18

Lampedusa's prison for migrants burns: Picket of Italian Embassy
24-02-2009 12:38

Souhalia family deported
20-02-2009 18:56
see see
Release Delshad Zorab and grant him asylum in the UK
20-02-2009 15:12

Lampedusa burns
20-02-2009 14:43
Detention centre's central building destroyed by fire during riots. The police prevents the immigrants from leaving the burning centre. Many suffer from smoke inhalation. 60 migrants may be injuried.Souhalia Family to be deported 2pm Friday - Call for Solidarity
20-02-2009 01:15
Assia Souhalia her husband Athmane nationals of Algeria and their UK born daughter Nouha, residents of Brighton were 'Snatched' from their home last week and are currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRCsee

A day of action for Yahya and target BMI Airlines
19-02-2009 21:33
Today was an international day of action for Cardiff based trade unionist Yahya Al-Faifi, who is under threat of deportation to Saudi Arabia.Release Delshad Zorab and Grant Him Asylum Rights
19-02-2009 19:53
Doncaster resident and Kurdish communist, Delshad Zorab, has been detained at Campsfield Detention Centre. He fears deportation to Kurdistan where his life will be threatened. He's fought all his life against dictatorship, big business and bigotry. Now he needs you support.Protest this Thursday: Don't Deport Trade Unionists to Saudi!
17-02-2009 17:33

Assia Souhalia - Deportation Cancelled after Campaigners Intrervene
17-02-2009 13:08
This morning a group of campaigners from Brighton and London travelled to Heathrow to do what they could to prevent the deportation of the Souhalia family see -
Campaigners Resist Deportation of Brighton Family
17-02-2009 08:13
Press Release17th February 2009 - For Immediate Release
Campaigners Resist Deportation of Brighton Family
For more details call Sam Hayward on 07957431276
Photos of the family and interviews are available on request
Around the Campaigns Monday 16th February 2009
16-02-2009 09:05
Yahya al Faifi Must Stay in the UKLobby of the Home Secretary
Thursday 19th February 2:00pm
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
(Tubes: St James Park, Millbank and Westminster)
Yahya al Faifi, a very brave and self-sacrificing trade unionist - and a deeply committed socialist - is facing deportation back to a tyranny in Saudi Arabia that regularly tortures and "disappears" dissidents. On 12 February, he received a rejection letter for his appeal against the refusal of his asylum claim appeal. Now, he and his family are in imminent danger of deportation from Britain.
This will be a labour and trade union movement event with banners, large numbers and as wide representation as possible.
Inquiries/further information:
Mariam Kamish

London Mitie cleaners demo report
15-02-2009 12:21
On Thursday 12th February twenty workers demonstrated outside the Willis insurance broker’s building in the City of London in support of five union cleaners dismissed there by Mitie cleaning company.SAUDI TRADE UNIONIST THREATENED WITH DEPORTATION!
14-02-2009 19:36
13-02-2009 19:01
Assia and Athmane Souhalia, together with their two year old daughter Nouha, are scheduled to removed to Algeria on Tuesday 17th February on British Airways Flight BA895 from Terminal 5 Heathrow Airport @ 08.40 to Algiers see