UK Migration Newswire Archive
Amdani's Judicial Review
03-10-2008 12:01
Amdani Juma, the Nottingham resident who was detained for deportation in May, will be at the High Court in London for the Judicial Review of his case on 14th Oct. His friends intend to travel down to support him.Demonstrate at Communications House - Tuesday 7 October
03-10-2008 11:17
Show solidarity with asylum seekers and immigrantsTUESDAY 7 OCTOBER 1 – 2PM
Outside the UK Immigration Service Communications House
210 Old Street, London , EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
New process against Italian anarchists - Desert the Fear
03-10-2008 09:31
Anarchists in Lecce, Southern Italy, face a new trial by a vengeful state after their efforts helped lead to nearby San Foca immigration detention centre being closed down.Revolutionary Solidarity against the Italian State - Burn all Prisons
Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, September 2008
02-10-2008 07:35
CrisisWatch N°62, 1 October 2008Ten actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated in September 2008 and two improved, according to the new issue of the International Crisis Group's monthly bulletin CrisisWatch.
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Birmingham: City of Migrants
01-10-2008 16:43

Volunteer Induction Day at Unity Centre 04.10.08
01-10-2008 10:33

Volunteer Induction Day
UNITY Centre
Upcoming Free Hich Events
01-10-2008 08:25
As you may know, Hicham Yezza was originally arrested at the University of Nottingham in May along with Rizwaan Sabir in a bogus 'terror operation'. The pair were then released without charge (or apology); Hich was swiftly re-arrested on 'immigration grouds' and held in detention for a further three weeks. Students, academics and politicians have made it clear that the maltreatment of Hicham was and continues to be an attempt to cover up "a dreadful cock-up".Sanctuary for Brian, Chelsea & Selina
01-10-2008 07:27

Anti-ID Cards demo this Saturday
30-09-2008 15:52

Around the Campaigns Tuesday 30th September 2008
30-09-2008 14:23
Elsa and Bethlehem on their way back to Leeds where they belong“It is wrong to criminalize migration”
30-09-2008 05:38
"Criminalization is a disproportionate measure which exceeds a state’s legitimate interest in controlling its borders.Such a method of controlling international movement corrodes established international law principles. It also causes many human tragedies without achieving its purpose of genuine control"
No Border Fest this Weekend!
29-09-2008 23:09

Friends of Elsa and Bethlehem / We want them to Stay in Leeds, where they belo
29-09-2008 09:51

Genevieve Adetoro or Liam Byrne, who is telling the truth?
29-09-2008 08:15
"I know our contract staff in removal centres provide care with the utmost sensitivity and compassion in really difficult circumstances, because I have studied the situation at first hand.It's why medical care at a removal centre is as good as it is on the NHS. At Yarl's Wood - - there is 24-hour nursing care with 14 nurses, two doctors on call day and night, as well as social workers and dentists." Liam Byrne, Minister for Immigration, New Statesman, 11th September 2008
Refugees. Annociate is free
27-09-2008 22:26

The European Social Forum at Malmo
27-09-2008 19:30
European Social Forum at MalmoTHE FORLORN FORUM
By Uli Schmetzer
MALMO, Sweden, September 21 - If little else the European Social Forum (ESF) in Malmo this month ventilated the diverse aspirations of the alternative movement and the difficulty of a reunifying theme to make the dream work.
Babi Badalov, gone but not forgotten
27-09-2008 09:19
Exhibition of Cardiff gay artist to go ahead despite deportationAround the Campaigns Friday 26th September 2008
26-09-2008 11:45
Annociate Back in Sheffield Where She Belongs"Annociate is back home in Sheffield! She was released from Colnbrook IRC yesterday. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the people that have made this campaign a success. The immediate threat of deportation is now over - however, there are more battles to fight, as now we need to ensure that Annociate gets her id card so she can get married and she gets Leave to Remain." Yours Jubilantly! Graham Wroe

Irene & Nadeem Belong In Blackburn
26-09-2008 06:30

No place for children petition
25-09-2008 14:12