UK Migration Newswire Archive
Harmondsworth prison: who profits?
15-04-2008 17:36
Some background.Sodexo founder Pierre Bellon, a very good friend of Sarkozi, wants to increase the use of detention Europe wide.
Reminder: tomorrow demo at Kalyx in support to the Harmondsworth detainees
15-04-2008 17:17
The detainees are complaining that they are being deported without having their cases properly heard. The so-called fast-track system means that asylum seekers are not getting enough time to prepare their cases. Legal representation is often of very poor quality. They further say that they are being abused by detention staff.Ruling gives 'failed' asylum-seekers free healthcare
14-04-2008 17:11
Thousands of failed asylum-seekers won the right to free healthcare yesterday, when the High Court ruled that restrictions on NHS treatment were unlawful.Refugees fight forced return to Iraq war zones
14-04-2008 17:00
UN dismay as tribunal allows British expulsionsThe United Nations last night accused the government of holding a 'sword of Damocles' over the heads of Iraqi refugees in Britain after it emerged that the Home Office had won a landmark test case giving it the power to return refugees to war-torn parts of their home country, including Basra and Baghdad.
Picket of the Border & Immigration Agency in Cardiff tomorrow
14-04-2008 16:53

Remember Ama Sumani - End Deportations
14-04-2008 11:43
AMA SUMANI CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCES DEMONSTRATION IN HER MEMORYAssemble 1 pm, Nye Bevan Statue, Queen Street, Saturday 19 April
Homeless earthlings’ camp at the border DİKİLİ - Turkey 25.8. – 2.9.2008
14-04-2008 11:06
call for a no-border camp in Turkey nearby İzmir and some infos about the situation of the Greek/Turkish sea border.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Action report-Angel Group targetted
14-04-2008 10:52
As part of the days of action in support of squats and autonomous spaces-Action at Angel Group- building graffitied, locks glued, 12 company vehicles damaged.
Free Meals for Stranded Indian Workers in Singapore
13-04-2008 16:06
THERE may be no such thing as a free lunch, but two non-profit groups here are adamant on handing out free breakfasts. Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2), a research and advocacy group for migrant workers, has teamed up with One Singapore - a local campaign to end global poverty - to provide free morning nourishment to about 80 homeless and penniless Indian workers every weekday. The meals are typically made up of an uttapam - an Indian pancake - and a cup of coffee or tea.Wed 16th: Demo in solidarity to the Harmondsworth detainees
11-04-2008 11:31
Althogh many detainees have resumed eating following the repression, some are still on hunger strike. The repression continues, we just had news that another of the hunger strikers has been taken and put in isolation. The detainees want us to demonstrate and make their voice heard.Around the Campaigns Friday 11th April
11-04-2008 11:20
Vera Manda Kunde and Kenni Musada Back home in LeicesterAmidst all the trouble in Yarl's Wood yesterday, some good news. Vera had a bail hearing by video link with Birmingham immigration court and was granted bail.

Justice For Ama Sumani / Demonstration in her Memory
11-04-2008 10:56
Saturday 19th April 2008Assemble 1:00pm
Nye Bevan Statue
Queen Street
JUSTICE FOR AMA SUMANI - End Deportations Protest in Cardiff
11-04-2008 07:50
The demonstration will take place on Saturday April 19, exactly one month after Ama passed away. It will assemble at 1pm at the Aneurin Bevan statue on Queen Street. Speakers and supporters will be announced soon.Rose Abukha Update: Further action needed to halt her deportation
10-04-2008 14:30
Rose Abukha has been told she will be deported to Uganda tonight at 10pm on British Airways flight BA0063. However, as far we know she has still not been given official removal papers, which may mean the deportation is illegal.UAAF-TV want your direct action vids!
10-04-2008 04:09

Sickle cell suffer taken from hospital to be removed to Cameroon
10-04-2008 03:15

Reminder: Demo at the Home Office Fiday 11th noon
09-04-2008 20:21
Stop handcuffing and manhandling asylum seekers in the detention centres and forcibly deporting them!End detention and deportation!
Full article | 5 additions | 3 comments
Harmondsworth: solidarity needed
09-04-2008 13:48
Please write urgently to the Home Secretary and ask others to do the same.Smash The National Front
09-04-2008 10:39
Protest and make your voice heard and make it known that the NF aren't welcome in Newcastle on Sunday 13th April.