UK Migration Newswire Archive
Protest, Premier and Punk coming soon to Cardiff
19-02-2010 23:47

You can follow us on twitter @noborderswales
Frankfurt(GER)/Calais: Protests in Front of french consulate
19-02-2010 20:30
As a reaction towards the Hangar-Raids the ongoing repression against migrants and activists in the french Harbour City of Calais almost 30 people gathered this morning in Frankfurt/Main [Germany] to protest and demonstrate transnational solidarity in front of the french consulate.Dissident Island Radio tonight!!
19-02-2010 16:57

the Daily express on calais - combining fact and fantasy seamlessly!
18-02-2010 19:24

Once again Peter Allen, well known right wing hack journalist, has had another vituperative piece of fantasy on the situation in Calais published, this time in the Express. 'Now Migrants Get A 'VIP Club' blurts the headline of this totally bizarre article.
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Migrant Hangar reopens despite police repression
17-02-2010 11:32
After last weeks violent raid, the Kronstadt Hangar is back in business!!Movement #4 - No Borders newsletter
17-02-2010 01:49

London Protest at SERCO over Yarl's Wood assaults
12-02-2010 23:02

Sanctuary for Mireille Mbimbo (Very urgent support needed)
12-02-2010 15:26

Solidarity hunger strike for detained asylum seekers
11-02-2010 22:54
84 Northwest No Borders activists will take part in a 24-hour fast this Friday 12 February in support of the 84 detainees on hunger strike in the Yarl’s Wood immigration detention centre in Bedfordshire. The female detainees at Yarl’s Wood began their hunger strike to protest at the length of their incarceration in the centre, as well as inhumane treatment.The Call of the Indigenous of the French Republic
11-02-2010 21:53
The call first circulated in late 2004, but was originally published publicly on January 16, 2005. The following text was signed by several thousand people and gave birth to the decolonial organization in France known as the Movement of the Indigenous of the Republic. Due to its continuing relevance, and upcoming formation of a political party of the Indigenous, we are circulating the original call internationally in various languages.Phone blockade of Serco/Yarls Wood tomorrow, 10am-midday
11-02-2010 19:04
London Detainee Solidarity Network is calling for people to ring Serco OffenderManagement and the centre manager of Yarls Wood tomorrow, Friday 12th February, from 10am-midday to express support for the hunger strikers and disgust at their treatment by Serco's guards.
Defend the Yarl's Wood Four
11-02-2010 10:09

Shut Down Yarls Wood Internment Camp
10-02-2010 23:02

Hunger Strike @ Yarlswood - Reprisals and demo
10-02-2010 18:34

Defend Living Wage – Justice for UBS Cleaners - Re-instate Alberto!
10-02-2010 12:03

UBS has just made over £722 million in profit and it is robbing the cleaners wages to enrichen themselves! Cleaner and shop-steward Alberto Durango who was sacked last week due to his effective workplace organising. The cleaners are fighting back with a demonstration.
The demonstration is on Friday 12th February at 1pm outside UBS Capital, 100 Liverpool Street, London EC2M 2RH.
UBS Cleaners Support Group is a group of trade union local branches and community activists that are supporting the UBS cleaners in their campaign for a living wage.
Self-Harm in UK Immigration detention
10-02-2010 09:25
[Source for all data, 'Freedom of Information Act 2000']Self-Harm in Immigration Detention January to December 2009

Self-Harm in Immigration Detention January to December 2008

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The hangar in Calais: A personal account
10-02-2010 01:44
This is a personal perspective on the opening of the Hangar Kronsdadt and does not reflect the views of everyone involvedBackground info:

An Account of What the Hell Happened in Calais
08-02-2010 13:20
This weekend a new space for activists and migrants was opened, occupied and forcibly shut down within 24hours. Here's what happened.84 + Women on Hunger Strike, behind the Wire @ Yarl's Wood IRC
08-02-2010 08:18
"Detention results from political decisions that represent a "hardening attitude towards irregular migrants and asylum seekers" (*PACE)End the Detention of Foreign Nationals Now!
Refugees/gay Rights. Stop the deportation to Burundi of Alvin Gahimbaze
08-02-2010 00:43
“His life will be in serious danger if he is deported back to Burundi due to the ethnic clashes and the serious institutional homophobia”. The human rights activists are appealing to the United Nations and the European Parliament to save this young man's life.