Protest, Premier and Punk coming soon to Cardiff
No Borders South Wales | 19.02.2010 23:47 | Culture | Migration | Social Struggles | World
Over the next few weeks, No Borders South Wales have three events planned including a protest outside the UK Border Agency, a film premier at Cardiff University and a benefit gig at a city centre nightclub.
You can follow us on twitter @noborderswales
You can follow us on twitter @noborderswales
Protest: Against racism at the UK Border Agency
At: UK Border Agency, 31-33 Newport Road, Cardiff
On: Friday 26th February 1pm - 3pm.
Called by Refugee Voice Wales for an end to racial abuse and harassment of asylum seekers by the UKBA staff. Demanding a review of cases, suspension of deportations, suspension of staff, an overhaul of the system and an independent inquiry into UKBA.
Film showing: Premier of 'Passengers' plus more
At: Birt Acres Lecture Theatre, Bute Building, Cardiff University, Cardiff
On: Thursday 4th March 7.30pm. Entry: free
We'll be showing three films about the situation in Calais for migrants. One of which "Passengers" is the premier of a film made by one of No Borders South Wales. Other films will feature of the eviction of the jungle last year and the more recent eviction of the Kronstandt centre. There will be reports from people who have just returned from Calais too.
Live Music: Spanner, Jesus Bruiser, Filthy Habits and The Shortcuts
at: The Promised Land, 4 Windsor Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BX
On: Friday 5th March from 7.30pm. Entry: £3
Ska-punk, crust-punk, anarcho-punk and hardcore-punk. Expect hard sounds and hard politics from these outspoken bands. All money raised will be used on Calais Migrant Solidarity and the Movement Newsletter.
At: UK Border Agency, 31-33 Newport Road, Cardiff
On: Friday 26th February 1pm - 3pm.
Called by Refugee Voice Wales for an end to racial abuse and harassment of asylum seekers by the UKBA staff. Demanding a review of cases, suspension of deportations, suspension of staff, an overhaul of the system and an independent inquiry into UKBA.


Film showing: Premier of 'Passengers' plus more
At: Birt Acres Lecture Theatre, Bute Building, Cardiff University, Cardiff
On: Thursday 4th March 7.30pm. Entry: free
We'll be showing three films about the situation in Calais for migrants. One of which "Passengers" is the premier of a film made by one of No Borders South Wales. Other films will feature of the eviction of the jungle last year and the more recent eviction of the Kronstandt centre. There will be reports from people who have just returned from Calais too.


Live Music: Spanner, Jesus Bruiser, Filthy Habits and The Shortcuts
at: The Promised Land, 4 Windsor Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BX
On: Friday 5th March from 7.30pm. Entry: £3
Ska-punk, crust-punk, anarcho-punk and hardcore-punk. Expect hard sounds and hard politics from these outspoken bands. All money raised will be used on Calais Migrant Solidarity and the Movement Newsletter.


No Borders South Wales