UK Migration Newswire Archive
British Immigration Scaremongering
03-02-2012 00:46
Immigrants are spun more as pests not an economic force.Post Calais info and film night
19-01-2012 22:05
Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge - Thursday 2nd Feb 7.30 pmA Tank of an Idea (part 1)
14-01-2012 18:57

Justice), in which a disused Court House was taken over with the intention of
holding a mock trial of the Banking system. The owners of the Old Street based
courthouse, Mastcraft (Old Street) Ltd were, unlike the Church, quick to start
proceedings against the occupiers determined that nothing should interfere in there
pursuit of profit redeveloping the site into a 162 bedroom luxury hotel.
At court the Occupiers for reasons as yet unclear, negotiated with Mastcraft and in
full agreement with the Court were granted leave to stay in the building until the
23rd of January, when full possession would be granted for Mastcraft (Old Sreet)
Merry Christmas for all? (Athens)
05-01-2012 08:43
A brosure from Athens regarding X-MAS and the cities problems. Things have turned bad over there.New Year's eve party outside Gatwick detention centres
01-01-2012 18:04

Calais: death of Ismael
26-12-2011 10:25
Calais has killed a person, a young Ethiopian man, who has spent some time Calais and is known to a lot of people there. He was found at the bottom of a bridge in the center of Calais in the early hours of Thursday 22 December.UKBA No Borders North East Charter Plane protest.
21-12-2011 16:37

Direct action against migration prisons in Brussels
19-12-2011 12:25

Germany: Oury Jalloh demonstration
17-12-2011 16:54
In Berlin a demonstration was held in order to remember the victims of nazi violence. The solidarity group of Oury Jalloh therefor published a call. Oury Jalloh was a refugee in the city of Dessau, who was burnt alive in a death cell of the local police headquater. The trial against one of the murderers is supposed to come to an end in early 2012. Adequate reactions to the court decision will be announced.Here the translation of the call for the demonstration.
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Activists blockade mass Tamil deportation, allege torture risk
15-12-2011 12:07

Calais: Squat Demolitions
14-12-2011 22:53

Embassy Boss Ambushed Over Mass Deportation Of Nigerians
08-12-2011 23:14

What’s next in Calais?: UK infotour
30-11-2011 15:02
There will be two info tours in the UK over the coming month: one series of talks in the North and two talks in London. We will provide an update on the current situation with No Borders in Calais and discussion about the future of the project.Calais No Borders events at two London occupations this week
27-11-2011 20:29
Two dates for your diary -- please spread the word ...Mazi King Eze Onuigbo Must Stay—Home Office Ref: O1142828
19-11-2011 12:04

And the demonstration at the Nigerian High Commission at Northumberland Street can be seen here:

News from Calais: week of evictions, dozens out in the street again
13-11-2011 20:01

King Eze Onuigbo's deportation Cancelled for now--Please help stop his detention
03-11-2011 03:00

Please help stop the deportation of Mr King Eze Onuigbo H.O Ref: O1142828
01-11-2011 02:03

Visa issues: EU risks credibility as human rights actor
27-10-2011 09:58
27 October 2011 – A European coalition of human rights NGOs expressed concerns over the EU’s pressures on the countries of the so-called Western Balkans to cut down the influx of asylum seekers. Reacting to a letter by EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström to the ministers of interior of the five Balkan countries, which have been recently granted a liberalization of their visa regime with the EU, the NGOs said, that the EU was gambling its credibility on human rights.