UK Migration Newswire Archive
Arrests and Injuries at Calais "Justice for Noureddin" Demonstration
07-08-2012 15:42
Arrests and Injuries at Calais "Justice for Noureddin" DemonstrationGood Energy ditches G4S over ethical concerns
07-08-2012 01:11
Good Energy has decided to drop G4S as its meter reading contractor following complaints from customers that its contract with the notorious security giant flies in the face of its ethical policy.Calais Migrant Solidarity Info-talk in Cardiff @ CMS Wales - 12th August
06-08-2012 16:59

All are welcome to the presentation, film and discussion at the office behind the Hungry Planet, 142 Clifton Street, Cardiff CF24 1LY.
Calais Migrant Solidarity: Birmingham info-talk Sunday 5th Aug
02-08-2012 11:29

Occupation of French consulate in Brussels: Justice for Noureddin
01-08-2012 21:05

Calais Olympics: the other side of the medals
30-07-2012 12:23

See: Olympic Cleansing in Calais

Counter-olympic demo: games without borders

More Olympic Evictions in Calais

Counter-olympic demo: games without borders
30-07-2012 11:29

More Olympic Evictions in Calais
26-07-2012 17:05
More evictions are threatened in order to 'clean up' the streets to pave way for tourists and athletes during the Olympics...In memory of Osman Rasul Mohammed
26-07-2012 10:57
This letter was written by a friend of Osman Rasul Mohammed, an Iraqi Kurdish asylum seeker who plunged to his death from a seven storey towerblock in Nottingham two years ago. He had spent nearly ten years fighting for asylum after repeated refusals of his claim. Denied the right to work or access state benefits, he was living on the street off £20 a month and food parcels supplied by a charity.Justice for Noureddin campaign continues in Düsseldorf, Germany
21-07-2012 13:26
The campaign and calls for justice, and an independent enquiry, after the death of popular refugee Noureddin Mohammed, originally from Darfur, which began outside the 'Hotel de Police' in Calais by local sans-papiers and other No Borders activists, continued yesterday after two actions in the German city of Düsseldorf during the No Borders camp in the nearby city of Köln. (This camp is also being supported by actions and a solidarity camp for a hunger-strike by refugees in the regional capital, Düsseldorf.)Take action to stop deportation
18-07-2012 10:59
UKBA breaching own guidelines on detention of torture victims ~Sudanese man’s hunger strike reaches 56 days ~ PLEASE CONTACT AIRLINE TODAY TO STOP DEPORTATION TOMORROWFrench Embassy action for Noureddin Mohamed
17-07-2012 21:55

Jimmy Mubenga - no charges
17-07-2012 13:59
G4S employees in charge of Jimmy Mubenga on the flight when he collapsed and died will not face any charges despite counsel finding that his treatment constitued a "breach of duty". Instead the case will go to a dead-end inquest, like the inquest into the Iraq War that is still being dragged out.Campaign says no to G4S in Nottingham
16-07-2012 18:55

G4S, the world’s largest security company, have won a £135m public contract to provide accommodation for asylum seekers in the Midlands and East of England and the North East, Yorkshire and Humber regions. The contract will effectively mean the privatisation of housing for asylum seekers, who have previously been housed by housing associations. Campaigners from No to G4S are seeking to challenge the company’s role.
Newswire: Citizens for Sanctuary- unholy alliance with G4S
UK: International campaign against G4S gathers momentum | Activists occupy roof of G4S HQ | G4S housing consultation disrupted
Calais Latest: stand off outside the police station
10-07-2012 10:14

Another friend killed in Calais
09-07-2012 18:29
One more death. In the early hours of Saturday Morning (7 July), our friend N., 28 years old, from Sudan, died in Calais town centre. His body was dragged out of the canal near the Sub-Prefecture. As often in the past, the police have been point blank refusing to allow friends and family access to his body, or to hold an inquest into his death. They have already prepared their story about his death, which is starting to unravel as more evidence comes to light.Serco targeted in South Oxfordshire
09-07-2012 01:42

Activists occupy roof of G4S HQ
02-07-2012 07:30