UK Migration Newswire Archive
Intervention prevents police attack - Come help turn the tide in Calais
10-08-2009 13:04
This felt like a real practical prevention of police attempts to hassle, arrest and quite clearly attack migrants in broad daylight in the centre of Calais in front of tourists and Calaisiens. This was made possible by our numbers increasing only slightly today, so come to Calais and continue the work to support migrants here. Lots of recent info elsewhere on www.calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.comAround the Campaigns Monday 10th August 2009
10-08-2009 06:20

"I'm afraid we lost the Berzi family. Thanks to the many people who sent faxes and messages of encouragement the family felt people cared about them. There was both local and national support for Samia and her family, their MP Gwyn Prosser intervened but was unsuccessful in persuading the Immigration Minister to stay the removal."
Kate Adams
Berzi Family Belong to Dover
Kent News: Campaign for family facing deportation
Human rights in Bangladesh: What is UK envoy Stephen Evans doing?
08-08-2009 21:44
Mr Stephen Evans has been defending the role and record in Bangladesh of his predecessor as UK High Commissioner. Mr Evans has denied that his processor did anything wrong or that he interfered in the internal political and the democratic processes of Bangladesh. In his defence of his predecessor, Mr Stephen Evans said that his Govt is interested in helping the establishment of human rights in Bangladesh.Who are we?ما کی هستیم ؟ مونږ څوک یو ؟
08-08-2009 11:46
ما کی هستیم ؟ مونږ څوک یو ؟ Who are we?Calais solidarity work continues... UPDATE
08-08-2009 10:52
Work here continuing in Calais between migrants and activists from France and UKPrison Profits
07-08-2009 20:14
Few may be aware, but in the UK today, thousands of people innocent of any crime are being thrown into prison for indefinite periods of time, some never making it out alive. Frances Webber from the Institute of Race Relations gives the lowdown.Come to Lesvos No Borders camp
07-08-2009 14:30
in case, you have not yet decided or you are able to do it short term:come to the nobordercamp in lesvos, starting at 25th of august near
No Justice for North West 10
05-08-2009 11:20

Sex Worker Open University
05-08-2009 10:44

Rusholme Wage Shame
03-08-2009 14:18
Exploitation of vulnerable migrants has hit epidemic levels in Manchester. Many workers are being paid as little as £2 per hour, way below the minimum wage and expected to work barbaric hours.Around the Campaigns Monday 3rd August 2009
03-08-2009 09:01
Myroslava (Mira) Muronyuk, Still here, Still fighting"Solicitors working for the Manuel Bravo Project managed to stay the removal; Mira remains in Yarl's Wood but solicitors are working to get her released."
Background: We want Mira to Stay in Leeds, where she belongs

Church fights to stop deportation
Mira has been befriended by members of Christ Church in Upper Armley, which is linked to the Manuel Bravo Project, named after an Angolan asylum seeker who killed himself in Yarl's Wood in 2005.

Demonstrate this Tuesday at Communications House
02-08-2009 11:32
Show solidarity with asylum seekers and migrant workers!Protest against reporting and detention centres!
TUESDAY 4 August 1–2PM
Demonstrate outside the UK Immigration Service, Communications House
210 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BR (nearest tube – Old Street )
Berzi Family Belong to Dover
02-08-2009 05:36

Greece: Prapopoulou squat attacked, one immigrant beaten
02-08-2009 01:48
Fascist attack against a squat in Greece.What's happening and ways to help
31-07-2009 14:45
If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 from France 06 34 81 07 10Anti-Gypsyism rampant, Chachipe said on genocide memorial day
31-07-2009 10:49
31 July 2009 - On the occasion of the 65th anniversary, on August 2nd, of the liquidation of the so-called Gypsy camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where about 2,900 Sinti and Roma were murdered in one night, the Roma rights organisation Chachipe called on political leaders and civil society representatives to combat anti-Gypsyism.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Migrants Beaten & Arrested in Central Calais
30-07-2009 16:51

Speak Out Against Racism in Sunderland 8th August
29-07-2009 23:39

Demonstration and meeting to defend the cleaners arrested
29-07-2009 20:36
For the payment of unpaid salaries and holidays of the detained cleanersNO MORE DEPORTATIONS * NO MORE RAIDS * UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS: HEROES OF THE RESISTANCE