UK Migration Newswire Archive
Report and Pictures from Close Campsfield Demonstration.
26-03-2005 21:39

Film and Talk: No Lager Nowhere! Thurs 31 March
26-03-2005 12:09
2nd European Day of Action on Migrants RightsEvents due to take place in Oxford
Alam family antideportation campaign - help needed
26-03-2005 08:38
Just before Christmas 2004 Immigration atttempted to deport first Alam and then later his young family and wife. They are now trying to do this again at Easter. Alam has removal directions for Tuesday the 29th of March and his family for the 5th of immigration bill in greece
24-03-2005 21:38
newspaper "Athens News" by Mrs. Tzilivakis
Provisions in Greece's new immigration bill may be out of step with a keyEuropean Union directive concerning the residence status of legal longterm immigrants
It's not racist to want to use spray paint
24-03-2005 16:55

Prol-Position-News #1 out now!
23-03-2005 08:17
newsletter on recent class struggles from perpective of auto-organisationEditorial: Why such a project now?
Wildcat strike at GM/Opel in Bochum, Germany
GM/Saab policies in Sweden
New wage-model at VW, Germany
Last note on VW
Protests against welfare-reform in Germany
Update on Hartz IV/welfare-reform
Struggles of migrant workers in Paris, France
Travel report: More struggles in France
Aviation: Two struggles in Britain and Belgium
Construction: Struggle at Laing O’Rourke/Britain
No Borders Event@Institute For Autonomy
22-03-2005 15:33

Anti-Detention Center Filmscreening and Talk
22-03-2005 12:01

Filmscreening and discussion on Detention Centres in Sheffield, Tuesday 29th of March.
Part of the mobilisation against the European detention center regime and for April 2nd European wide Day of Action for Migrants and Refugees Rights.
For the freedom of movement and the right to stay.
Images of subvertised tory billboard spotted in Longsight, Manchester
20-03-2005 19:04

April 2nd: No Borders Demonstration (London)!
18-03-2005 04:18

SATURDAY 2nd APRIL 2005 // 12noon
Assemble Clerkenwell Green, London EC1
G8 Ministers Counter Summit -DISSENT!
14-03-2005 10:52

tonight, from 6:00 pm, @ Ashbee Hall, part of Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial Street, London E1 6LS.
Dallas Court Reporting Centre, a 'point of disappearance' for asylum seekers.
13-03-2005 14:48
This is a report of the demonstration at Dallas Court Reporting Centre, South Langworthy Rd, Salford on Tuesday 8th March, 2005.New Arrivals and Employment - Challenging Exploitation in the Workplace
12-03-2005 10:10

Venue - United Services Club, Gough St, Birmingham, B1. 9 off Queensway, Mailbox side.)
Organised by ARC, the Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign, supported by the T&GWU
For further details call 07973 945873
G8 Employment Ministers Protest In London (thurs 10th report)
10-03-2005 20:21
Today, Thursday 10 March 2005, a small group of around 25 activists gathered outside the Department of Trade and Industry in London to mark the G8 Employment Ministers meeting.While the last G8 Summit in the UK in Birmingham in 1998 focused on ‘employability’ and economic restructuring, the result people see now in their daily lives is social cuts, privatisation and compulsory work schemes imposed throughout Europe and beyond.
Americans out of Lebanon
06-03-2005 22:03
Since the death of Hariri and the beginning of "Hariri's game" due to 30kg of explosive (still untraced) on Saint Valentine's day, the American university in Beirut, has invited along with other pro-US entities operating in the Lebanon, lots, nay, oodles of people to lend their shiny bright unbraced teeth to the photo-ops and poster writing.Demonstrate Against Deportations - Rally Against Racism! - 2nd April
03-03-2005 13:26
Saturday 2nd April - 12.30 pm at Whitworth Park, ManchesterNational demonstration and rally in support of people seeking asylum and against racism
Press Release for Dallas Court Demo
02-03-2005 19:35
Following the exposure of the abuse of asylum seekers in detention centres on BBC 1 at 9pm tonight, please network this press release come to the demo on 8th March. Make Tuesday a day when they cannot seize anyone for detention. Thanks.Immigrant abuse claims examined (BBC)
02-03-2005 13:38
The Home Office has asked to see BBC undercover evidence of alleged racism and violence by security staff at an asylum seeker detention centre.Precarity Assembly
01-03-2005 23:57

Upstairs at the Cock Tavern, Corner of Phoenix Road and Chalton Street, Somers Town NW1 (nearest tube Euston)