UK Migration Newswire Archive
Two families face deportation on Friday
24-01-2007 16:06

Please take urgent action to help them
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
More details from The Unity Centre, 30 Ibrox Street Glasgow G51 1AQ Tel: 0141 427 7992
Tyneside March Against Dawn Raids-Resistance to Deportations Continues to Build
24-01-2007 01:37

Stop the Deportation of Iraqi/Kurdish Asylum Seekers
23-01-2007 07:15

22-01-2007 12:12
International Federation of Iraqi Refugees and Coalition to Stop Deportation to Iraq is going to organize demonstrations to put pressure on the Home Office and policy makers to stop their plan to deport Kurdish asylum seekers.London, Wednesday, In front of the Home Office in Westminster, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P4 4DF, 24th Jan 2007, 4pm-6pm.
18/01/07: Video , photos and report on Kalyx - “Making everyday a better day.”
20-01-2007 00:36

You Have to Learn English.. But Sorry, You Can't!
19-01-2007 08:43
Earlier this week, a campaign was launched by the University and College Union (UCU), the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (Niace), the National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults (Natecla), the Refugee Council and other concerned bodies to 'lobby the government' to reverse plans to end automatic fee remission on free English classes for asylum seekers. In a briefing paper published on 11 January, 2006, the Refugee Council detailed the real risks associated with limiting the ability of asylum seekers and refugees to learn English. "For refugees, limiting access to English classes will increase the difficulties they already face in building new lives in the UK and finding work," the paper said. Many refugees are unemployed or in jobs which don't use their skills and experience, and refugee communities are among the poorest in the country.
Ironically, in 2001 ESOL became part of the government's Skills for Life programme, sitting alongside literacy and numeracy. Since 1 November 2005, when the Life in the United Kingdom Test was introduced, all refugees applying for citizenship have to pass that test, of which language is a crucial part, before they are 'naturalised'. There has also been a lot of fuss lately about the amount of money spent on translation and interpretation, and such changes will obviously increase the need for translation and interpretation in public services (unless the next move by the government is to ban asylum seekers and refugees from these services!).
Entry Denied:
19-01-2007 04:09

Families in Immigration Detention - November 2006
18-01-2007 06:11
Freedom of Information Act 2000. NCADC asked: In November 2006 how many families were in Immigration Detention in Dungavel, Tinsley House and Yarl's Wood? How many adultsand how many children?
Self-harm in Immigration Detention - November 2006
18-01-2007 06:08
Freedom of Information Act 2000. NCADC asked for figures on self-harm in immigration detention for November 2006 under the following headings: 1) Number of individuals on formal self-harm at risk; 2) Number on incidents of self-harm requiring medical treatment; 3) Number of deaths if any.REMINDER! Demo at 4.30pm today, Kalyx / Harmondsworth
17-01-2007 11:24
Demo against Kalyx/Sodexho who run Harmondsworth immigration detention centreA More Fortress Europe
17-01-2007 06:23
European Union changes in security, police and immigration cooperative efforts16 January 2007
Top law enforcement officials of the European Union announced this week efforts to give police across the entire bloc access to national databases containing fingerprints, DNA samples, other biometric data and license plate information.

Organising the Unorganisable?
16-01-2007 16:49
Migrant and casual labour reside on the front lines of capitalism, and the IWW has a strong history of militant organising amongst these groups. They remain the two of the most exploited and vulnerable groups of workers today.What can be done? How can casual and migrant workers help themselves? What are their connections and differences? How can other workers support them?
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Home Office Still Planning to Deport More People to Unsafe Iraqi Kurdistan
16-01-2007 16:06
Since Monday 8 January the Home Office has again begun arresting rejected Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers in Manchester, Birmingham and Doncaster, presumably with a view to forcibly removing them to Northern Iraq. This is in the week that UNHCR warned that Iraq cannot deal with the number of displaced persons it already has[1], that Tony Blair says Britain has to keep fighting wars, and George Bush announces that he intends to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq.New Wave of Arrests Against Iraqi Kurds
16-01-2007 15:49
A number of Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers have been detained across the UK this month. No removal dates seemed to have been set as yet.Chief Inspector of Prisons publishes reports on immigration short-term prisons
16-01-2007 15:12
Today Anne Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons, publishes reports of unannounced inspections on four immigration short-term holding facilities (STHF) at Colnbrook near Heathrow Airport, Reliance House and John Lennon Airport, Liverpool and Sandford House, Solihull.Below are quotes and extracts NCADC has taken from the reports.
Global Research Feature Article: The Harper Government and Canada's 'War-on-Terr
16-01-2007 00:01

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Please help Zahra
15-01-2007 18:00

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Nazis in Russia tried to murder an antifascist again
15-01-2007 05:13
sequence of nazi attacks on anti-fascists in Russia goes on.14 of january 2007 in St.-Petersburg group of about 10 nazi attacked with knives an activist of Food not bombs.
Protest against Kalyx / Harmondsworth immigration detention centre
13-01-2007 21:50
Demo in central London this Wednesday, outside company that runs Harmondsworth IRC.Asylum Business: Private Sector Fund Recipients
13-01-2007 12:20
Immigration Minister Liam Byrne was recently asked in a Parliamentary Answers about private sector businesses involved with immigration and asylum that receive funds from the government. Here's what he revealed.