UK Migration Newswire Archive
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Shut Harmondsworth & Colnbrook Detention Centres! Feb 10 2007
10-01-2007 23:02

Iraq: Aid agencies cannot cope with displacement
10-01-2007 15:48
The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) has warned that the scale of internal displacement in Iraq was beyond the capacity of humanitarian agencies, including UNHCR. The UNHCR added that the longer the displacement continued, the more difficult it would become as the internally displaced and their host communities in Iraq run out of resources.ANTI-RACIST/ANTI-DEPORTATION DEMO 10 JANUARY, 11AM
09-01-2007 23:30
TCAR has called an EMERGENCY DEMONSTRATION in solidarity with the Demirci family and all others facing deportation: TOMORROW Wednesday 10th January 2007, 11am Outside Government Offices North East, Gallowgate, Newcastle (opposite St. James' Park Metro, next to China Town)Safinah Nalumu
08-01-2007 17:54
Safinah Nalumu is a thirty year old woman from Uganda who arrived in the UK in early November. When she attended the Home Office in Brand Street for her screening interview she was detained and put on the ‘Fast Track’ system. She is due to be deported tomorrowCOMMITTEE FOR THE PROTECTION AND RETURN OF THE RABA FAMILY
06-01-2007 22:03
On 6th December, Jusuf and Shpresa Raba and their three children, Qerim, 7, Dashnor, 4 and Dashroje, 3 were deported to Kosovo. This family had been in France since 2001. France had refused them refugee status despite the violence and threats they had been subjected to in Kosovo. The deportation of this family led to the use of extraordinary means and to unacceptably brutal acts.X-ray Asylum Seekers
05-01-2007 08:14
The Guardian today published a report on a new government plan to introduce x-ray and dental checks for young asylum seekers entering the UK to assess their age. The article says the plan is seen by "an array of medical specialists and children's campaigners" as "unethical and ineffective", but does not say how racist this new neo-Labour invention is.Demo at racist prison in central London, this Saturday, 11am
04-01-2007 23:20
Call for demo at Communications House (corner of Old Street/Mallow Street, central London) this Saturday, from 11am til 1pm."Work camps" for Poles in England?
04-01-2007 18:30
A Pole apparently held in a work camp in the UK smuggled out a letter which was forwarded to Polish police. Polish police are now investigating claims of Poles being held in work camps in both UK and Italy.Thousands of African migrants drown trying to reach Europe
04-01-2007 12:54
The year 2006 closed with yet another in a long list of tragedies suffered by African migrants seeking refuge in Europe. More than 100 people from Senegal drowned on December 15, in the open seas, when the flimsy boat (cayuco) in which they were travelling in an attempt to emigrate via the Canary Islands was shipwrecked. Another 25 were rescued by fishermen near Saint-Louis.Pregnant Woman Raped and Lost Baby after Being Deported into the Desert
03-01-2007 17:59
Reports of terrible tragedies suffered by the 240 refugees who were arrested and deported by the Moroccan authorities on December 23, 2006, began to reach us.
According to reports from Attac, a 5-month-pregnant Congolese woman was viciously raped on January 2nd. She was hospitalized but lost her baby in hospital. Since her rape, she is said to have been in a state of shock and refuses to speak.
According to, quoting Paulin Kuamzambi, the vice-president of Morocco Refugees Collective, four women were raped on the way back to Oujda (Morocco). There hasn't been any more information about the circumstances surrounding these rapes except that, in 3 cases, the rapers were Moroccans, while it was Algerians in the fourth.
Iraqi asylum seekers in the UK, claims in progress or have been refused asylum
03-01-2007 14:25

They are more cautious on returns to the three Northern Governorates (Sulaymaniyah, Erbil and Dohuk), though they do say "the security situation, even if calm, remains tense and unpredictable" and that careful consideration must be given before any returns are carried out.
Kalyx & Colnbrook IRCs - Close them down Now!
03-01-2007 06:36

Asylum Seekers at Christmas
02-01-2007 11:05

More raids of migrants and deportations from Morocco
31-12-2006 00:05
Hundreds were rounded up during the Chrismas festivities, and abandoned in the desert at the border with Algeria.Hundreds of migrants deported from Morocco
28-12-2006 23:15
Hundreds of migrants were rounded up, put on buses and abandoned in the desert at the border with Algeria on 23rd / 24th December. Amogst them women and chilren. Some managed to reach the nearest town in Algeria, or to make their way back, but many are still missing and their fate is still unknown. International solidarity needed.A protest in front of the Moroccan Embassy in Paris was organised today, Thursday 28th December at 6.00pm
SOLIDARITY WITH ASYLUM SEEKERS! Demonstrate at Communications House 2 Jan
27-12-2006 19:32
CLOSE ALL DETENTION AND REPORTING CENTRES!Protest at UK Immigration Service, Communications House, 210 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BR (nearest tube – Old Street) Tuesday 2 January and 6 February.
Busted, for grassing on terrorists
20-12-2006 12:57
A psychology professor at Florida International University, five years in prison for conspiracy to become an unregistered foreign agent. His wife who also worked at the university, faces up to three years in prison for concealing her husband's participation in that conspiracy. The two are scheduled to be sentenced February 27.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Mobile phones, the stealth ID card, bug and tracking device in your pocket.
16-12-2006 19:07
Earlier this month it emerged that the FBI had been remotely activating a mobile phone's microphone and using it to eavesdrop on nearby conversations. The surveillance technique, which "functioned whether the phone was powered on or off." came to light as a result of a ruling by U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan on the legality of the "roving bug". It had been approved by U.S. Department of Justice officials for use against members of a New York organized crime family who were wary of conventional surveillance techniques such as tailing a suspect or wiretapping. Cell phones owned by two alleged mobsters, John Ardito and his attorney Peter Peluso, were used by the FBI to listen in on nearby conversations.The news that the FBI had been remotely activating mobile phones as eaves dropping devices confirms what many activists have been saying for years.
Raping and lynching in exotic Greece
16-12-2006 15:57
Raping and lynching in exotic Greece