UK Migration Newswire Archive
Friends of Brigitte & Lizzie Kamtcheu
25-01-2008 12:21

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"Over 250 BNP activists" on the streets of London last week
24-01-2008 17:42

After Sangatte Film Premiere, Thurs 31 January, SOAS University
24-01-2008 12:52

Home Office Demonstration this Friday
24-01-2008 12:17
Leeds man suffering sickle cell anaemia faces deportation on Monday- demo this Friday 25 January 11.30am-1.00pm outside Waterside Court, Leeds, on Kirkstall Road (past Netto, next to petrol station)Concepcion Hunger Strike in solidarity with Patricia Troncoso; Mapuche Prisoner
23-01-2008 22:30

"If you die of dignity, we die of shame"*
People of Color Face Historic Wealth Loss
23-01-2008 11:57
Now standing at about ten-to-one, the wealth gap between African American and white median households cannot but grow bigger in the wake of the subprime lending catastrophe. The Boston-based United for a Fair Economy recently released a report, detailing the carnage wreaked on people of color by predatory lenders - and it is mind-boggling.Support The Harmondsworth 4! Demonstrate 28 January and every Monday
22-01-2008 15:32
The second demonstration to highlight the trial of four me n who were in Harmondsworth IRC at the time of the protest there on 28 November 2006 took place on Monday 21 January 2008 at Southwark Crown Court.
FRFI report of TCAR Northern March Against Racism 19th Jan
21-01-2008 18:19

Home Office intimidation of voluntary asylum workers
19-01-2008 20:12
The Border and Immigration Agency is now threatening 'unqualified' people who write letters on behalf of asylum seekers with prosecution, as part of their latest campaign to deprive them of any form of representation.NoBorders organising meeting
19-01-2008 16:15
If you are aware of the NoBorders network and sypathetic to its aims, this is a chance to get involved in organising for the month ahead in Manchester. If you are not sure that you want to commit to organising then you are welcome to come and listen. To find out more about the network see and for recent NoBorders activity in Manchester browse this newswire.Support The Harmondsworth 4! Demonstrate 21 January and every Monday
18-01-2008 11:54
The trial of four men who were in Harmondsworth IRC at the time of the protest there on 28 November 2006 opened on Monday 14th January 2008 at Southwark Crown Court.Terminally ill Ghanaian woman deported and denied medical care
18-01-2008 05:27
Ama Sumani, a 39-year-old Ghanaian woman terminally ill with a malignant myeloma, was deported from Britain to Ghana on January 9. She was taken from the University Hospital, Cardiff, in Wales, where she was receiving dialysis treatment, as her kidneys were damaged by the myeloma. Five immigration officers put her on a flight from Heathrow to Ghana that day.Support US Farm Workers!
17-01-2008 04:56

You might have seen or heard of BK's new "whopper freakout" ad campaign... but now it's time to turn the tables and show that the only thing to "freakout" about at Burger King is the human rights crisis in Florida's tomato fields.
Iraqi Refugees return through lack of money
14-01-2008 15:32
Iraqi Refugees are being forced to return home because of a lack of fundsDisabled man from Kenya suing Home Office supports Harmondsworth detainees on tr
12-01-2008 07:15

Immigrants dead at the frontiers of Europe
11-01-2008 20:35
According to the following press review at leat 11,767 people have died since 1988 along the european frontiers. Among them 4,225 were missing in the sea. 8,125 migrants died in the Mediterranean sea, and through the Atlantic Ocean towards Spain, and 1.579 lost their life trying to cross Sahara desert in order to reach Europe [read more...] [1988-2007 press review]Around the Campaigns Friday 11th January 2008
11-01-2008 17:09
Jamaican woman and three children subjected to horrifying removal attemptMaud Lennard removed on 8th attempt
Anti-deportation campaigner in court after XL Airways protest
09-01-2008 19:10
An anti-deportation campaigner will appear in Court in Horsham tomorrow (Thursday, January 10th) following a peaceful protest at XL Airways offices in Crawley, near Gatwick Airport, last August. D. Thompson, who lives in Bradford, is charged with aggravated trespass, having locked himself onto the banisters in the reception of XL headquarters.court thursday/friday for XL airways action August 2007
09-01-2008 15:17
One person is in court Thursday 10th and Friday 11th January charged with Aggravated Tresspass for locking on to the banisters in reception of XL airways HQ near Gatwick in August 2007.